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AlexandrisKonstantinos Alexandris
Telecom R&D engineer, Communication Systems Department, EURECOM

Konstantinos Alexandris received his Ph.D. in Communications and Electronics from Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France, in 2018 and his Diploma and M.Sc. degrees in Electronic and Computer Engineering with distinction from Technical University of Crete, Greece, in 2012 and 2014, respectively. In parallel with his M.Sc. studies, he joined the Telecommunications Circuit Laboratory (TCL) of EPFL, Switzerland, as a Research Assistant. He is currently working as a Telecom R&D engineer at the Communication Systems Department, EURECOM in the field of 5G mobile communication networks and beyond with an emphasis on emerging 5G mobile services. Since 2014, he has been involved in several collaborative research projects in the context of H2020/FP7 framework programmes including project management activities. In addition, he participates in the Mosaic-5G initiative that aims to provide a software-based 4G/5G service delivery platform and he contributes to the development of OpenAirInterface 5G platform features. His research interests lie in the areas of mobile networks (4G/5G), network slicing, SDN, NFV and software-defined radio testbeds. He has received fellowship awards for his undergraduate studies and he was the recipient of the 2012-2013 best Diploma Thesis Award on Advanced Wireless Systems, presented by the IEEE VTS and AESS joint Greece Chapter.
RimRim Belhassine-Cherif, Ph.D.
General Engineer, Chief Services and Innovation Officer, Tunisie Télécom          

Dr. Rim Belhassine-Cherif is a general engineer. She has worked for the incumbent telecom operator in Tunisia “Tunisie Télécom” since 1994 and she is currently the Chief Services and Innovation Officer of Tunisie Télécom. She is mainly responsible of new products and services study (mobile, fix, Internet, Enterprises and Data), offers and promotions development and technical launch, solutions engineering (enterprises, voice, multimedia, messaging and content) as well as Research, Development and Innovation. Dr. Belhassine-Cherif has participated to several ITU conferences, seminars and Workshops and she is currently a vice-chair of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) and Co-Rapporteur on Standardization Strategy. She is also vice-chair of ITU-T Study Group 13 and its Regional Group for Africa (SG13RG-AFR) and Vocabulary Rapporteur for the ITU Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV). Moreover, she was a vice-chair of the ITU-T Focus Group on Bridging the Gap: from Innovation to Standards between 2013 and 2015. Besides, Dr. Belhassine-Cherif has several contributions as Tunisie Télécom’s delegate in national and international events, related to both professional and academic fields, in which she participated as a speaker, panelist and moderator. Dr. Belhassine-Cherif graduated from the Higher School of Posts and Telecommunications of Tunis in 1994. She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the National Engineering School of Tunis in 2002 and obtained in 2010 an Executive MBA from Paris-Dauphine University and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. In the academic field, she performed several research activities in the domain of telecommunications and electrical engineering and she is the author of many papers published in international and national conferences and scientific journals.
BlustStephen M. Blust, P.E.             
Director of Radio Access Network Standards, AT&T Technology & Network Operations

Stephen is responsible for radio standards and wireless corporate strategies related to the business impacts of evolving and future technology.  His background includes over 50 years in radio and wireless and wireline telecommunications.  Stephen is the long-standing Chairman of Working Party 5D within ITU-R, which has addressed 3G (IMT-2000) and 4G wireless (IMT-Advanced) and is now defining 5G ("IMT-2020")  including responsibilities towards World Radio Conference 2019 seeking additional mobile broadband spectrum allocations.  Besides ITU-R, he is a frequent contributor to the work in many of the industry radio standards development organizations and fora and has direct engagement in 5G to build momentum towards a wide-spread year 2020 and beyond marketplace deployment target.  He holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Tulane University and is a Registered Professional Engineer.  Stephen has authored numerous articles and contributed to several books on IMT and software defined radio and is a patent holder.
SimonSimon Bugaba
Chairman ITU-T SG 13 RG AFR and Co-Rapporteur Q.5/13 

Bugaba Simon is currently working with the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) as the Manager in charge of Compliance Monitoring, in the Department of Engineering and Communication Infrastructure. He holds a BSc Physics and Math, MBA and MIT. Mr. Bugaba is an expert in licensing and ICT regulation. He has participated in the ITU activities since 1995. He has been active in the Radio, Standardization and Development Bureaus.  He is the Councillor for Uganda in the Council of 2014-2018 and he is the GAC for Uganda in ICANN He served as a Vice Chairman of ITU-T SG 13 for two terms from 2008. Study Group 13 elected Mr. Bugaba to serve as the Question 5/13 Co Rapporteur.
CarugiMarco Carugi            
SG13 Mentor, Consultant

Marco Carugi works as consultant on advanced ICTs and associated standardization, engaged with customers, including in promotion of customers' interests in international standardization. Technical areas of current involvement include Internet of Things/M2M, Future Networks incl. IMT-2020/5G, Big Data and AI. He has professional experience in R&D and technology strategy, and he has worked in different market roles (Telecommunication Engineer in the Solvay group, Research Engineer in Orange Labs, Senior Advisor in Nortel Networks CTO division and Senior Expert in ZTE R&D Technology Strategy department). Marco is active in standardization since long time, leading standards specifications in different domains (NGN, IoT/M2M, Big Data, IMT2020) and holding numerous leadership positions (incl. ITU-T SG13 Vice-Chair, ITU-T Rapporteur in four study periods, ITU-T FG M2M Service Layer Vice-Chair, ITU-T FG Cloud Computing WG Chair, OIF Board member, IETF Provider Provisioned VPN WG co-Chair).In the current 2017-2020 ITU-T study period, he serves as ITU-T SG20 Mentor and Rapporteur for Question 2 ["Requirements, capabilities and use cases across verticals"], as well as ITU-T SG13 Mentor and Associate Rapporteur for Question 20 ["IMT-2020: Network requirements and functional architecture"]. He also plays ITU-T Liaison Officer roles, incl. SG20 Liaison Officer to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41, to JCA-IMT-2020, to CITS (Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards) and to/from the Alliance for IoT Innovation (AIOTI) (WG03 on IoT standardization). Since Q3 2017, he is leading the Use Cases and General Requirements analysis activity within the ITU-T Focus Group on “Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities” as well as acting as a co-leader of the High Level Architecture group within AIOTI WG03. He is also active participant in the ITU-T Focus Group on “Machine Learning for Future Networks including 5G”. In May 2018 he has been named Rapporteur for the European Commission in the joint MSP/DEI Working Group on Standardisation in support of Digitising European Industry. Marco is author of standards specifications, papers and articles (IEEE magazines and others), co-author of the IoT European Research Cluster (IERC) yearly books, and regular speaker in international and regional conferences and workshops.
He holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from National Institute of Telecommunications (Evry, France) and a Master in International Business Development from ESSEC Business School (Paris, France). He has also completed an Executive Program on Big Data Science at Ecole Centrale (Paris, France).
Clemente Antonio Clemente
Research Engineer, CEA LETI             

Dr. Antonio Clemente is a Research Engineer with CEA LETI. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France, in 2012. He realized his master thesis project at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark and his Ph.D. at CEA LETI, Grenoble, France. In 2012, he joined the R&D Laboratory, Satimo Industries, Villebon-sur-Yvette, France. As a project leader, he was charged of the development of new systems for antenna measurements at millimetre wave frequencies and for microwave imagery. Since 2013, Dr. Clemente leads several bilateral programs with industrial partners and he is charged of the industrial transfer of transmitarray technology. He was the scientific coordinator of the ANR TRANSMIL (Mar. 2015 – Feb. 2018) and the European technical coordinator of the H2020 joint Europe and South Korea 5GCHAMPION project (Jun. 2016 – Mai 2018). His current research interests include fixed-beam and electronically reconfigurable antenna arrays and transmitarrays, millimeter-wave and sub-THz antennas, near-field focusing systems, miniature and integrated antennas, antenna fundamental limitations, near-field and far-field antenna measurements. He has authored or co-authored more than 75 papers in international journals and conferences, and 7 patents. Dr. Clemente is an IEEE Senior Member and serves as reviewer for the numerous IEEE and IET journals in the field of Microwave, Antennas and Propagation. He received the Young Scientist Awards (First Prize) during the 15th Intern. Symp. Antenna Tech. and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM 2012) and he is co-recipient of the Best Paper Awards at JNM 2015 (19èmes Journées Nationales Microondes).
ChenWei Chen
Network Technology Dept of China Mobile

Mr. Wei Chen, Ph.D, works in Network Technology Dept of China Mobile Research Institute. His work area includes 5G, NFV, P2P and CDN related mobile network evolution technology. And he is responsible for the research, standardization and industry promotion of 5G network slicing.
He has extended experience in international standardization activities and collaborations such as 3GPP, ITU-T and NGMN. He is the co-rapporteur of ITU-T SG13 Q21 on network softwarization, and the vice-chair of GSMA Network Slice Type Project, and the delegate of 3GPP SA2.
asitAsit Chakraborti 
Senior Staff Research Engineer, Huawei Technologies            

Asit Chakraborti ( is a senior staff research engineer at Huawei Technologies. He has contributed to research work in the areas of information-centric networking, 5G, the Internet of Things, mobility, and routing. He has more than 10 technical publications in conferences and journals. Prior to this
role, he worked in the areas of IP routing and high availability computing at Ericsson and Sun Microsystems. He received his Master’s degree in computer science and engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
KimHyungsoo (Hans) Kim
Korea Telecom (KT)

Hans (Hyungsoo) Kim has worked at KT (Korea Telecom) R&D part from 1993. He had successfully led outstanding projects in relation to B-ISDN (Broadband-Integrated Digital Network), NGN (Next Generation Network), IP QoS (Quality of Service), Green ICT, Smart Grid and 5G. Now he is responsible for leading the technical strategies, as a Director of Technology Strategy Division in KT.Dr. Kim has a Ph.D. in electronics engineering from Kon-Kuk University. In addition to his role in KT, Dr. Kim has participated in ITU-T based international standards activities, since 1997. ​Now he is working as a Vice-Chairman for ITU-T Study Group 13 and Chairman of Working Party 1/SG13.​​​
Shin​​Shin-Gak Kang
Director, Open Source Center, ETRI

Dr. Shin-Gak KANG works for ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) since 1984. Currently, he is a Director of Open Source Center of ETRI. Also, he is a professor of the Department of Information and Communication Network Technology of UST (University of Science and Technology), Korea since 2008. He is actively participating in various international standardization activities including a Vice-chairman of ITU-T SG11, Convenor of JTC1/SC6/WG7. He is now serving as a chairman of ITU-T WP2/11, working on the standardization for control and management protocols for IMT-2020. He is also actively participating in the IMT-2020 related activities of ITU-T SG13 as an Editor for Draft Recommendations on Terms and Requirements for IMT-2020 network. His research interests include Future Network, IMT-2020 network, contents networking, multimedia communications and applications, and various ICT converged services.
KumarVinod Kumar
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)

Dr Vinod Kumar has 35+ years of R&D experience in mobile communications. During his 27year tenure in Alcatel-Lucent he initiated and contributed to research projects in 2G-5G technologies - GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA, LTE, LTE A, IoT. He was also involved in standardisation, marketing support and in Patent Management related to above technologies. He contributed to multiple international projects (EC FP6, FP7), acted as Evaluator in EC H2020, ANR and Technical Auditor for CELTIC. He holds Secretary and Treasurer positions in Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF). Dr Kumar has been Visiting Professor for 25 years for graduate courses in mobile communications in ENST (IMT Paris-Tech), CENTRALESUPELEC, ISEP, EURECOM in France and in MNIT in India. He was Associate Professor at the Université de Marne la Vallée in France for six years. He acted as member of Industrial Advisory Board of CTIF Denmark, of Conseil Technique of SUPELEC-France and of the joint INRIA-Bell Labs research lab. He has widely lectured on 5G and IoT at IEEE and WWRF events, has been guest editor, referee for IEEE publications and PhD guide and examiner with CentraleSupelec and INRIA. He has 80 technical publications and 33 patents.
LehmannLeo Lehmann
ITU-T SG13 Chairman

Since April 2015, Dr. Leo Lehmann is the elected Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 (Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next-generation networks). Before his election, he already served the ITU-T as vice-chairman and working party co-chairman of Study Group 13 since October 2008. From 2012 until 2014, he also acts as Vice-chairman of the ITU-T Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery (FG DR&NRR). Afore he was the Rapporteur on “multimedia service mobility management” in the ITU-T Study Group 16 (Multimedia Services) for many years. An internationally recognized expert, Leo has worked in telecommunications for 24 years and has experience in private industry as well as the public sector. Prior to joining OFCOM, Switzerland in 2002, Leo held senior management positions in network engineering, system design and services at major telecommunications players on both the vendor and operator side of business.
As designated expert on Next Generation Networks and Future Networks including 5G and Multimedia, he has contributed many conferences and workshops. He is one of the winners of the best paper award of the ITU-T Kaleidoscope event 2011“The fully networked human? − Innovations for future networks and services”.
LiRichard Li
Chief Scientist of Future Networks, Huawei United States

Dr. Renwei Li (Richard) is Chief Scientist of Future Networks at Huawei United States, where he leads a senior research team to design and develop next-generation network architecture, technologies, protocols, and solutions. Before establishing Future Networks lab, Richard was Vice-President and Head of the Internet Technology Lab, Huawei USA, where he spearheaded network technology innovation and development encompassing several areas of networking such as Routing and MPLS, Cloud and Virtualization, SDN, and Orchestration. Prior to joining Huawei, he worked with Cisco and Ericsson in his various capacities, being a major contributor to their networking technologies, standards, solutions and operating systems. Richard also serves as Vice Chair of ETSI ISG NGP, an industrial specification group on Next-Generation Protocols within European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Richard is extremely passionate about advances in communications and challenges himself by solving problems in their entirety thus creating a bigger and long-term impact on future networks.
GemmaPaolo Gemma

Paolo Gemma is a senior Specialist and representative of Huawei on issues related to energy saving and environmental sustainability. 
Prior to joining Huawei, Dr. Gemma was working with Nokia Siemens Networks, where he was responsible for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and electrical safety areas. He also worked in the Siemens Communications Division. Dr. Paolo Gemma also plays an active role in international standardization activities. Since 1993, he has been engaged in ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard Institute) activities and he also participates in the development of EMC standards. 
In 1997, Dr. Gemma joined ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment, Climate Change and Circular Economy as a Rapporteur and he is now the Chairman of Working Party 2 “Environment, Energy Efficiency and the Circular Economy”. He also acts as Vice-chairmen of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. 
In 2002, Paolo Gemma was appointed as the Secretary of the Committee ETSI TC EE and as of 2009 he holds the position of Chairman of the EEPS EE (eco Environmental product standard) working group. Paolo Gemma is a graduate in electrical engineering from the University of Genoa.
ErikErik Guttman
Samsung Electronics

Erik Guttman, employed by Samsung Electronics, has been actively involved in networking and telecommunications standardization for over 20 years. He currently serves as the 3GPP Service and System Aspects Technical Specification Group Chairman. Preceding this, he held the position of 3GPP System Architecture working group chairman for two terms. He has also chaired and actively contributed to numerous IETF working groups including SVRLOC (Service Location Protocol) and ZEROCONF (Zero Configuration Networking). Erik's background includes leading research and product development projects that introduced emerging network application and system functions to operating environments. Erik developed frameworks and tools for distributed installation, testing and deployment. Erik served Chief Technical Officers as system architect and requirements researcher. Erik obtained a BA in Philosophy and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley and a MS in Computer Science from Stanford University.
NtokoAlexander Ntoko
Chief, Operations and Planning Department, ITU

Alexander Ntoko is the Chief of the Operations and Planning Department in ITU where he plays a critical role in crafting and executing the strategic movements of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T). He directs the strategy and implementation of IT solutions based on IoT technologies, big data, AI techniques and other emerging technologies. He coordinates all ITU activities on the Digital Object Architecture (DOA) and represents ITU in ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC). Prior to taking up his current position, he was Head of ITU Corporate Strategy where his responsibilities included ensuring organization-wide consensus and support for the development, implementation and evaluation of the ITU Strategic Plan. He assisted and advised the ITU Secretary-General in policies and strategies and was responsible for the coordination of ITU activities in many areas including Internet and cybersecurity. He has organized and spoken at many international events on a wide range of global ICT-related technologies, policy and strategies and has written papers on technology strategies for Internet, ICTs and cybersecurity. As an ITU official, he has travelled to about 100 countries and has developed a broad perspective of ICT policies and strategies. He played key role in the introduction of Internet and Cybersecurity to ITU. He has managed the implementation of projects on Internet, ICT applications (e.g., e-health, e-government, e-agriculture, e-education, e-payment and e-business) and cyber security including the use of advanced security technologies (biometric authentication and Public Key Infrastructure) in developing countries from all regions of the world. He obtained Bachelors (BSc) and Master of Science (MSc) degrees in Computer Science from the State University of New York.
OtaHiroshi Ota
SG15 Counsellor

Hiroshi Ota is Advisor for ITU-T Study Group 15, which develops standards on networks, technologies and infrastructures for transport, access and home.  He provides ITU-T SG15 with secretariat services as a staff member of ITU.  He also coordinates the work on disaster relief and emergency communication within ITU and with related organizations. Before joining ITU in January 2009, he participated in standardization activities in ITU-T SG13, SG15, IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee and IETF taking several leadership positions representing Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan.
PaulManuel Paul
Senior Standardization Expert, Deutsche Telekom AG, Board Member and 5G Project Stream Lead, Broadband Forum

Deeply engaged in strategy, innovation and engineering projects (incl. leading roles in cross-functional programs) within the DT group, Manuel coordinates Software-Defined Networking standards & collaborative community activities. He is involved in the SDN movement since the early days, has driven and contributed to various related standardization activities, and serves in leadership positions at the Broadband Forum and the Open Networking Foundation. He is co-initiator and leader of the 5G Convergence project stream within the BBF Wireless-Wireline-Convergence Work Area. In the past, he was also active in other standards developing organizations incl. the Internet Engineering Task Force.
Pesando Luca Pesando
Telecom Italia

Luca has a master degree in Physics a PhD in Particle Physics from the University of Torino and twenty-five years of experience in Information and Communication Technologies with Telecom Italia. He is coordinator of the activities in standardisation for wireline technologies since 2006, managing the participation in the relevant standards bodies in collaboration with the coordinators of the other standardisation areas in the company. He is co-Chairman of Working Party 1 (IMT2020 or 5G) of SG13 in ITU-T for the study period 2017-2020 and has been previouosly one of the vice-chairmen of the FG IMT2020 for the pre-standard activities. In ETSI he has been previously Chairman of the ETSI Project E2NA and of the M493 joint WG M493 in TC NTECH till the end of 2017. He is following the Experiential Network Intelligence ISG activities with particular focus on PoC selection and support. In the past years he has been Vice-President of the Open IPTV Forum. Previously he worked in the optical communications and networking R&D fields, with management roles in internal and external collaboration and consultancy projects. He is co-inventor for several patents in TIM portfolio.
YoumHeung Youl Youm
ITU-T SG17 Chairman

Dr. Youm is a Chairman of ITU-T SG17. He is a Professor in Department of Information Security Engineering, Soonchunhyang University, Korea (Rep. of) since 1990. He had worked for ETRI from December 1982 to Aug. 1990. He has been very active in ITU-T SG17 (security) activities.
He was a president of Korea Institute of information security and cryptology in 2011. He received a Bachelor degree in 1981, a Master degree in 1983, and a Ph.D. degree in 1990, all in Electronics Engineering from Hanyang University, Korea (Rep. of).
Wang ​​Yachen Wang
Deputy General Manager, Network Technology and AI R&D Center, China Mobile

Mr. Yachen Wang is the Deputy General Manager of Network Technology and AI R&D Center in China Mobile, Vice Chair of Linux Networking Fund including ONAP, ODL, OPNFV etc. and Vice-Chairman of ITU-T SG13 IMT-2020/5G Working Party.
Currently he is mainly leading in the research and development of Network evolution, NFV/SDN, 5G network architecture design, Novonet2020 in China Mobile. Mr. Yachen Wang has much experience in international standardization activities and collaborations, and has 13 years working experience in telecommunication network technology areas. He was also leading in several important projects in China Mobile, such as China Mobile Network evolution strategy and roadmap, VoLTE, CDN, Web and IMS convergence, IMS Virtualization, FMC and also enterprise converged communication etc. Mr.Yachen Wang achieved his master degree in computer science at the University of York in UK. He also got his bachelor degree in electronic & information engineering at Nanjing University in China.