Committed to connecting the world


​​​ITU Workshop on Standardizing Digital Fiat Currency (DFC) and its Applications
New York City, USA, 18-19 July 2018


Day 1, 18 July 2018

​08:30 - 09:00Registration
​09:00 - 09:45 Opening FG DFC Meeting & Workshop: Plenary Session
​09:45 - 10:30Keynote addresses
​10:30 - 10:45Coffee Break
​10:45 - 11:30​​DFC Roundtable: Current Trends & the US Perspective
Remarks and discussion of the promise and potential implications of a Central Bank issued Digital Currency. We feature local experts from the United States to shed light on several US perspectives.

Remarks & Moderation: Larry Rufrano, Executive Director, Advanced Financial Technology Lab, Stanford University [ Presentation ]

Response & Discussion:
​11:30 - 12:15 Case: The State of DFC Implementation in China
People's Bank of China (PBOC) has been a leader in thinking strategically about DFC deployments at a large scale with a mixture of heavy cash use and robust and growing use of mobile payments. This will highlight PBOC's efforts in meting these challenges.
​12:15 - 13:15 Lunch Break
13:15 - 13:55Case: Sweden’s eKrona Project
Riksbank is leading the world in piloting DFC with the eKrona project. In this talk, they describe the fundamental requirements of a Central Bank Digital Currency, which they articulated prior to piloting. 
13:55 - 14:35Case: CBDB in Norway: A Case for Financial Stability
Based in their Whitepaper Central Bank Digital Currencies, Norwegian Central Bank authorities discuss DFC in the context of financial stability.
14:35 - 15:05Case: Philippines: A Public Private Collaboration
Philippines is leading an innovative, commercial bank driven ePiso Project using DFC technology within the context of the BSP Sandbox Model. Representatives from both RCBC and BSP join to present their active deployment with real customers and commercial payment providers.
​15:05 - 15:20 ​Coffee Break
15:20 - 16:00Case: Exploring the DFC Opportunity in Egypt
Egypt is quickly advancing in digitizing its economy. In this session, Central Bank of Egypt describes a case of how they plan to leverage and advance this wave of digitization using DFC within its regulatory and legal frameworks.
​​16:00 - 16:40Case: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) TBD
India is leading the world in Digital Identity. Prime Minister Modi’s Digital India Blueprint DFC is featured prominently as a key enabler. This whitepaper, currently in development, describes India’s plans for DFC implementation.
16:40 - 17:20Case: Central Bank of Brazil's DFC Vision
Central Bank of Brazil has been studying global studies and is publishing a DFC taxonomy. In this session they present their taxonomy and vision for Brazil.
​​17:20 - 18:00Closing Discussion: Digital Fiat Currencies: Cross Border Implications
A discussion of how a Digital Fiat Currency instrument might function in cross border cases.
​​18:00 - 19:30Networking Cocktail

Day 2, 19 July 2018

​​08:30 - 09:00 Registration
​09:00 - 09:45​Thematic Panel: Banks, Central Banks, and Fintech
The fintech revolution is prompting many observers to revisit the nature of money and banking. Some predict the end of banking as we know it. Others more breathlessly predict the end of central banking and even sovereign currencies themselves. This panel takes a sober look at these and more modest predictions with a view to what changes fintech is likely, and what changes it isn't likely, to bring. Special attention will be paid to the promise that fintech offers of more effective central banking, that is less reliant on the private banking sector for the conduct of monetary policy than it has been for most of the past century.

Remarks & Moderation: Sarah Bloom Raskin, formerly Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System & United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

​​09:45 - 10:30 Thematic Panel: DFC Regulatory & Economic Impacts
Building on the work of Working Group One: Regulatory Requirements and Economic Impacts, this panel examines possible economic impacts an economy might face in a DFC era. While popular press is warning of the perils of crypto currencies and speculation, this panel focuses on the specific, real regulatory and legal implications of a Central Bank Issued Digital Fiat Currency.

The conversation will inform ongoing activities and deliverables of the Working Group.

Moderator: Bejoy Das Gupta, Chief Economist, eCurrency [ Biography ]

​10:30 - 10:45Coffee Break
​10:45 - 11:30​​Thematic Panel: Reference Architecture & Ecosystem
Building on the Work of Working Group Two: Reference Architecture and Ecosystem, this panel looks at specific reference architectures for a DFC solution. The conversation will inform ongoing activities and deliverables of the Working Group.

Moderator: Bilel Jamoussi, Chief Study Groups Department, ITU/TSB [ Biography ]

​11:30 - 12:15 ​Thematic Panel: Security & Standards for DFC
Building on the Work of Working Group Three: Security, this panel looks at Fiat Currency & Security Assurance. The conversation will inform ongoing activities and deliverables of the Working Group.

Moderator: Jacques Francoeur, Faculty Cyber Executive-in Residence, San Jose State University [ Biography ]

12:15 - 13:30 Lunch Break​​​​