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​​​ITU Workshop on Global approaches on combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices   
Geneva, Switzerland, 23 July 2018


Day 1, 23 July 2018

​08:30 - 09:30Registration
​09:30 - 10:00​Opening Remarks
​10:00 - 11:30Session 1: Reliability, security and trustworthiness of identifiers used in ICT devices
The aim of this session is to discuss concerns raised by ITU Member States at ITU Council-18 on tampering and duplication of IMEI identifiers used in mobile devices. This session will focus on key challenges faced by telecom operators and ICT vendors, producing genuine end-devices, in using existing identifiers of ICT devices including issues related to cloning, tampering and duplication of identifiers.

Moderator: Biren Karmakar, Group Leader, CDOT, India [ Biography ]
​11:30 - 12:00Coffee Break
​12:00 - 13:00​​Continuation of Session 1
​13:00 - 14:00 ​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:30 Session 2: Combating stolen ICT devices
This session will focus on the current issues on combating stolen ICT devices highlighting national, regional and international experience. It will focus on identification systems, which are currently used for combating stolen ICT devices, and discuss the importance of reliable unique ICT device identifiers for such task. Finally, the session will try to define new standardization activities on this matter.

Moderator: Rustam Pirmagomedov, R&D, Rostelecom, Russia [ Biography ]
​15:30 - 16:00 ​Coffee Break
​16:00 - 17:30Session 3: Combating counterfeiting
This session will focus on the current issues on combating counterfeiting highlighting national, regional and international experience.
It will also focus on identification systems, which are currently used for combating counterfeiting, and discuss the importance of reliable unique ICT device identifiers for such task. Finally, the session will try to define new standardization activities on this matter.

Moderator: Kaoru Kenyoshi, NICT [ Biography ]
​17:30 - 17:45​​​Coffee Break
​17:45 - 18:15​​Wrap-up session
This session will discuss the action plan on developing possible technical solutions to address the problem of duplication/tampering/cloning of unique ICT device identifiers to be used for combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices. It will define appropriate actions, which need to be implemented by ICT industry for improving security and reliability of existing identifiers – from standardization to implementation.

Moderator: Joao Zanon, Vice-Chairman of SG11 [ Biography ]

Outcomes Document

 *To be confirmed