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RajeevRajeev Agrawal
Leads Algorithm Innovation, Mobile Networks ATF, Nokia

Rajeev Agrawal leads Algorithm Innovation as part of Mobile Networks ATF in Nokia.He is responsible for developing the algorithms, architecture & technology for differentiating Nokia Mobile Networks RAN product and solution offerings. Rajeev leads a global team spread acrossUS, Europe and India.Rajeev has 18+ years of industry experience and 11 years as a university faculty. Rajeev worked at Motorola Networks which was acquired by Nokia Siemens Networks which in turn was acquired by Nokia. Prior to joining industry, Rajeev was Professor of ECE at UW-Madison. He also spent a sabbatical year atIBM TJ Watson Research, British Telecom Labs, and INRIA-Sophia Antipolis.Rajeev has published extensively in academic and industry journals and conferences and holds over 20 patentsin the area of wireless networking. Rajeev was awarded the Dan Noble Fellow award at Motorola and is a NokiaBell Labs Fellow.

​​RenatoRenato Luis Garrido Cavalcante 
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute & Technical University Berlin

Dr. Renato Luis Garrido Cavalcante received the electronics engineering degree from the Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (ITA), Brazil, in 2002, and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Communications and Integrated Systems from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. From April 2003 to April 2008, he was a recipient of the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship. He is currently a Research Fellow with the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany, and a lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin. Previously, he held appointments as a Research Fellow with the University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K., and as a Research Associate with the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K. Dr. Cavalcante received the Excellent Paper Award from the IEICE in 2006 and the IEEE Signal Processing Society (Japan Chapter) Student Paper Award in 2008. He also co-authored a study that received a best student paper award at the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) in 2012. His current interests are in signal processing for distributed systems, multiagent systems, convex analysis, machine learning, and wireless communications.
CavigioliChris Cavigioli
Strategy Planner, Intel

Chris was recruited by Intel in 2008 as a Strategy Planner to define future video, graphics, audio and IMS/web telecom requirements for Atom-based smartphone platforms. In 2016, Chris moved to Intel’s Data Center Group to tackle edge computing and long-term network strategy planning. Chris is now focused on Intel’s adjacent technologies such as 3D XPoint™ memory and silicon photonics in 5G, AI, networking, telecom and visual cloud markets. For several decades, Chris has always enjoyed the cutting edge of wireless telecom and multimedia innovation, connecting product definitions with the technopolitics of standards in 3GPP, ETSI, MPEG, ITU, GSMA. These decades span over 12 years at Analog Devices doing DSP Applications in Boston, then GSM chipsets in Munich. At Synopsys, Chris helped launch SystemC, system level design tools and ran business development for Asia-Pacific for those products. Chris ran Marketing for NemeriX, a fabless startup based in Switzerland, building the world’s lowest power GPS chipset. At MIPS Technologies, Chris did IP licensing for processor cores and third party multimedia IP engines. Chris has an engineering degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts and did his junior year abroad at the ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. Chris speaks 5 languages and is passionate about turning futuristic dreams into commercial products.
ChenKwang-Cheng Chen
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida

Kwang-Cheng Chen is a Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, since 2016. From 1987 to 2016, Dr. Chen worked with SSE, COMSAT, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, National Tsing Hua University, and HP Labs in mobile communications and networks. He founded a wireless IC design company in 2001, which was acquired by MediaTek Inc. in 2004. He has been actively involving in the organization of various IEEE conferences and serving editorships with a few IEEE journals, together with various IEEE volunteer services including founding the Technical Committee on Social Networks in the IEEE Communications Society. Dr. Chen also has contributed essential technology to various international standards like IEEE 802 wireless LANs, Bluetooth, LTE and LTE-A, and 5G-NR. He has authored and co-authored over 300 IEEE publications, 3 books published by Wiley and River, and more than 23 granted US patents. Dr. Chen is an IEEE Fellow and has received a number of awards including 2011 IEEE COMSOC WTC Recognition Award, 2014 IEEE Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, 2014 IEEE COMSOC AP Outstanding Paper Award. Dr. Chen’s current research interests include wireless networks, artificial intelligence and machine learning, IoT/CPS, social networks and data analytics, and cybersecurity.
UriUri Elzur 
Engineer, ETSI ENI, Intel

Uri Elzur is working on a new project starting from 3/2018. Since 12/2017 he is also representing Intel at ETSI ENI WG. Prior to that Uri used to be the CTO for the Data Center Network Solution Group (DNSG) of Intel’s Data Center Group. In this role, he was responsible for creating networking related technical strategy, for various market segments (e.g. Cloud, Telco, Enterprise etc.) including open source top-to-bottom stack architectures. During the last few years, Uri has focused on SDN/NFV and has also represented Intel as VC Architecture for the Open-O MANO community, IETF NSH co-editor, OpenStack, ODL (TSC and board), and worked on vSwitch and influence the server platforms. Uri is a networking specialist with more than 25 years of industry experience and a proven track record of creating innovative product architectures, strategies and in Networking, Virtualization, Security etc. Previously, Uri has held a position of a Sr. Director at Broadcom, managing a networking/NIC architecture team. In that role Uri led multiple innovations in the areas of Virtualization, TCP offload, RDMA, iSER, iSCSI/FCoE. Uri holds many patents and BSc and MSc EE/CS from the Technion, Haifa, Israel.
ErgutSalih Ergut
Turkcell 5G R&D, Istanbul

Dr Salih Ergut has more than 15 years of experience in the telecommunication domain in academia and industry. He has worked for vendor and operator companies in the sector including Ericsson Wireless (San Diego, CA), Ericsson Silicon Valley, Aware (Boston, MA), Nextwave (San Diego, CA), Turk Telekom Group (Istanbul, Turkey) and is currently working at Turkcell 5G R&D team in Istanbul, Turkey. He received his BS in Electrical Engineering from Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey), MS in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Northeastern University (Boston, MA), and PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering from University of California San Diego (La Jolla, CA). His research interests include wireless communications, machine learning, big data technologies, 5G technologies, SDN, NFV, and IoT.
Essa​​Mostafa Essa

Mostafa RAN AI and Data Analytics Vodafone Distinguished Engineer is a globally recognised authority in RAN strategy, design and optimisation, applying AI/ML to new tools via using new innovative AI concept. He is also co-Chairman in ITU FGML5G WG1 and ETSI POC rapporteur chair. Distinguished Engineers community consists of 15 members (Professors and Highest standard Engineering experts worldwide), shaping the future of the technology worldwide by researches and technical consultancies.
Mostafa holds a BSc in Electronics & Telecommunication and is undertaking MSc in Nano technologies & Artificial Intelligence. He holds 2 patents, the 3rd in progress and has authored/contributed to numerous publications regarding AI, Intelligent Networks beside his Psychology self-study in ITU-ETSI-GSMA»
​​​GhoshArun Ghosh
Director Advanced Wireless Technology Group, AT&T Labs

Dr. Arun Ghosh is the Director of Advanced Wireless Technology Group with AT&T Labs where he leads the development and implementation of advanced wireless technology for 5G and beyond 5G Radio Access Network. Currently he is involved in the development and standardization of new technology for 5G mobile radio access networks where his main area of focus are mmWave communication systems, massive MIMO systems and multi-hop self-backhauling network architecture. He is also responsible for various 5G trial and testbed prototype develop carried out in the 5G technology innovation lab in Austin. His main area of research relates signal processing and communication theory but he has also worked extensively and other topics such as cloud RAN, advanced system architecture, etc. He has published extensively in these area and is a key contributor to AT&T patent portfolio on this subject. Dr. Ghosh has also authored several bestselling books on LTE and WiMAX. He received his PhD from University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and his masters and bachelors from Indian Institute of Technology.
​​LiGeoffrey Li
Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Geoffrey Li is a Professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He was with AT&T Labs – Research for five years before joining Georgia Tech in 2000. His general research interests include wireless communications and statistical signal processing. In these areas, he has published over 400 referred journal and conference papers in addition to over 40 granted patents. His publications have been cited by over 32,000 times and he has been listed as the World's Most Influential Scientific Mind, also known as a Highly-Cited Researcher, by Thomson Reuters almost every year. He has been an IEEE Fellow since 2006. He received 2010 IEEE ComSoc Stephen O. Rice Prize Paper Award, 2013 IEEE VTSJames Evans Avant Garde Award, 2014 IEEE VTS Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, 2017 IEEE ComSoc Award for Advances in Communication, and 2017 IEEE SPS Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award. He also won the 2015Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Tech.
MolischAndreas F. Molisch
Solomon Golomb – Andrew and Erna Viterbi Chair Professor at the University of Southern California

Andreas F. Molisch is the Solomon Golomb – Andrew and Erna Viterbi Chair Professor at the University of Southern California. He previously was at TU Vienna, AT&T (Bell) Labs, Lund University, and Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs. His research interest is wireless communications, with emphasis on the measurement and modeling of wireless propagation channels, as well as wireless system design, includeing multi-antenna systems, ultrawideband signaling and localization, novel modulation methods, and caching for wireless content distribution. He is the author of four books, 19 book chapters, more than 220 journal papers, 300 conference papers, as well as 80 patents and 70 standardization contributions. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, IEEE, AAAS, and IET, as well as Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and recipient of numerous awards.
PhilPhil Raymond
Director, Wireless Center of Excellence, CTO office, Philips Healthtech MA&TC Business Group

Phil Raymond is the Director of the Wireless Center of Excellence in the CTO office of Philips Healthtech MA&TC business group and currently serves as the chair of the Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) Healthcare Marketing Task Group and co-chair of the AAMI Wireless Strategy Task Force. Phil is a global speaker regarding wireless connectivity best practices focused in the healthcare space and has several published articles and white papers in various journals.
RuddSue Rudd
Director Service Provider Analysis, Networks and Service Platforms at Strategy Analytics

Sue Rudd, Director Service Provider Analysis, Networks and Service Platforms at Strategy Analytics has a unique range of marketing strategy and business experience across wireless, fixed telephony and internet services. At Strategy Analytics she focuses on new service opportunities for SDN/NFV, 5G and pre-5G Network Slicing, Edge Services, Video Delivery Optimization and Telco Cloud as well as new advanced technologies for Network Performance and Service Assurance including Distributed Data and Processing across the Cloud, RAN and Core Management with SON to optimize HetNets, Small Cells and Wi-Fi Interoperability etc. Her reports cover market timing and projections, competitive analyses of service platforms, OSS/BSS transformation, Cloud database requirements, SDN enabled service opportunities and business cases to maximize CSP Revenue per GB. Prior to joining Strategy Analytics, Sue worked for Comverse Technologies (now Mavenir) developing business cases for converged fixed and mobile IP services and VoIP over 3G. Previously at Motorola Cellular Infrastructure (now Nokia Networks) she coordinated wireless data services and directed projects for mobile network management and Intelligent Networking. Sue has over 30 years' experience consulting and selling to Internet, Telecommunications and Mobile service providers for multiple RF and '' startups, Codex (Motorola's modem and Enterprise T1 subsidiary), BBN (now Raytheon) co-developer of the ARPANET pre-cursor to Internet and Burroughs Corp. (now Unisys). She has a BA and MA from University of Cambridge and an MBA in Operations Management from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Bahar Sadeghi
Senior Standards Engineer in Next Generations and Standards group at Intel

Bahar Sadeghi received her Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rice University, Houston, TX, in 2004. She then joined Intel Corporation as a Research Scientist, where she conducted research on various wireless technologies, including wireless mesh networking, the interworking of 3GPP and WiMAX networks, support of USB over WiGig and Wi-Fi networks, and low power Wi-Fi operation. She has been an active participant in multiple standardization bodies, including IEEE 802.11, 3GPP, WiMAX Forum, Wi-Fi Alliance, WiGig Alliance, and the USB-IF. She is currently a Senior Standards Engineer in Next Generations and Standards group at Intel with a focus on Internet of Things, vehicular communications, and machine learning for wireless networks.
StanczakSlawomir Stanczak
Full Professor, TU Berlin and Head, Wireless Communications and Networks Department

Studied electrical engineering with specialization in control theory at the Wroclaw University of Technology and at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin). He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in 1998 and the Dr.-Ing. degree (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering in 2003, both from TU Berlin; the Habilitation degree (venialegendi) followed in 2006. Since 2015, he has been a Full Professor for network information theory with TU Berlin and the head of the Wireless Communications and Networks department. Prof. Stanczak has been involved in research and development activities in wireless communications since 1997. In 2004 and 2007, he was a Visiting Professor with RWTH Aachen University and in 2008, he was a Visiting Scientist with Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. He is a co-author of two books and more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers in the area of information theory, wireless communications, signal processing and machine learning. Prof. Stanczak received research fellowships from the German Research Foundation and the Best Paper Award from the German Communication Engineering Society in 2014. He was a Co-chair of the 14th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2013). Between 2009 and 2011, he was an Associate Editor of the European Transactions for Telecommunications (information theory) and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing between 2012 and 2015.
Robert Topol.jpgRob Topol
General Manager, 5G Advanced Technologies in TSCG (Technology, Systems Architecture & Client Group), Intel Corporation

Rob Topol is the General Manager of 5G Advanced Technologies in TSCG (Technology, Systems Architecture & Client Group) of Intel Corporation. He is responsible for business and ecosystem development for pre-standard, pre-product wireless pathfinding activities at Intel, including 5G and future unlicensed technologies. He leads use case research, user/UX experience, technology management, as well as field test engineering, carrier network deployment, and demonstrations. Rob also sits in the Corporate Strategy Office, supporting the Olympics program office to deliver innovative wireless technologies for the Olympic Games, partners and organizing committees.
Joining Intel in 2000, Rob started as a commodity specialist in the Technology Manufacturing Group (TMG). He held several rotations in the Technology Manufacturing (TMG) finance organization, including Assembly/Test strategic capacity planning, Fab/Sort manufacturing, Supply Chain logistics, and Corporate Capital. Rob has spent the last 8 years in Wireless and System-on-chip design, including Atom CPU and SoC development in Austin, Texas, as well as the Mobile Communications while based in Beijing, China. Rob earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Utah, and Masters in Business Administration from Brigham Young University.
Person Icon Hujun Yin
Senior Director, Emerging Network Forms, Intel Corporation

Hujun Yin is a senior director of Emerging Network Forms at Intel Next Generation Standards and Systems. Hujun received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Washington in 2001. He led Intel 4G and Wi-Fi standard efforts with several hundred standard contributions. He has over 150 issued and pending US patents in wireless communication and networking. His current interest is emerging network form of converged immersive media, AI and communication.             

WuXiaobo Wu
3GPP SA2, Huawei
Xiaobo Wu has over 12 years of experience in telecommunications. As a leading technical member of Huawei’s Wireless Service and Network Evolution Research team, he is responsible for voice and data analytics in 5G solution research and the related 3GPP standardization. Xiaobo Wu is also a delegate representing Huawei in 3GPP’s working group for system architecture. As rapporteur of FS_eNA (Study of Enablers for Network Automation for 5G) and FS_eVoLP (Study for enhanced VoLTE performance), his expertise in data analytics in 5G and LTE voice and is broadly acknowledged by the 3GPP standards community and he is recognized as an        outstanding delegate of that 3GPP working group.

WunderlichJohn Wunderlich
Co-chair of IEEE P7002

John Wunderlich is a privacy expert who has worked and consulted on the subject of privacy and security for over 15 years in multiple jurisdictions. Before launching his consulting practice, he designed and implemented security & privacy programs and was a senior policy advisor to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. He has provided advice and consulting services to multiple public and private sector organizations in Canada, the United States and abroad. He serves as Chief Privacy Officer for JLINC Labs, a company that has developed protocols and software for data governance and accountability that addresses multiple privacy standards and regulations. Mr. Wunderlich is a member of the Leadership Council of the Kantara Initiative, the global consortium improving trustworthy use of identity and personal data through innovation, standardization, and good practice. He is member of the Standards Council of Canada ISO working group for the development of security and privacy standards. He is also a member of the IEEE Standards Association, active in standards about privacy, including serving as vice-chair of the P7002 Data Privacy Process standard. Mr. Wunderlich was a member of the advisory board for the Privacy by Design certification program at the Privacy and Big Data Institute at Ryerson University. Mr. Wunderlich is a privacy member for the Toronto SickKids Hospital Research Ethics Board. He teaches privacy and security related courses at the University of Guelph. He has authored or contributed to a number of books and is a frequent speaker at privacy and security conferences as well as a sought-after commentator on privacy issues in the print and broadcast media.He is a member and Fellow of Information Privacy of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, holding both a Certified Information Privacy Professional/Canada and a Certified Information Privacy Manager certification. He is a Gold Member of ISACA where he holds a Certified Information Systems Auditor certification. Mr. Wunderlich has an B.A. (Hon. History) from the University of Manitoba and an M.B.A. from the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.