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Rise of the MVNOs - Leveraging MVNOs in an "everything connected" world

Durban, South Africa, 12 September 2018



Having taken place within ITU Telecom World 2018, Rise of the MVNOs: Leveraging MVNOs in an 'everything connected' world explored the growing MVNO/v​ertical relationship across various industries such as banking, agriculture, transport, and smart cities. In addition, this workshop examined how MVNOs can innovate through new business models, and embrace emerging technologies such as IoT/M2M, blockchain, 5G and AI.​​

​This workshop brought together Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), Mobile Virtual Network Enablers (MVNEs) Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), connectivity providers, banks, vehicle manufacturers, OEMs, industry associations, analysts, and government representatives. Inputs from the interactive impact sessions were used to generate a first roadmap for collaboration and strategic alliances between MV​NOs, verticals, and other industry players.​​