Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​​​​​​Third ITU Workshop on Network 2030
London, United Kingdom, 18 February 2019


Monday, 18 February 2019

​08:00 - 09:00Registration​​​​​​
​09:00 - 09:15Opening Session
​09:15 - 10:0​0Session 1: Keynote Session 1

Moderator: Richard Li, FG NET-2030 Chairman and Chief Scientist, Huawei, United States [ Biography ​]
​10:00 - 10:20​Coffee Break
​10:20 - 11:50​Session 2: Visions, Requirements and Insights

Moderator: Mehmet
Toy, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Verizon, Vice Chair of ITU-T FG-NET2030, Co-Chair of ITU-T FG-NET2030 Architecture Group​​ [ Biography ]
​11:50 - 13:45Lunch Break
​​13:45 - 14:30​Session 3: Keynote Session II

Moderator: Mehmet Toy, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Verizon, Vice Chair of ITU-T FG-NET2030, Co-Chair of ITU-T FG-NET2030 Architecture Group,​ [ Biography ]
​14:30 - 15:30​Session 4: Service Providers'  Perspective

Moderator: Richard Li, FG NET-2030 Chairman and Chief Scientist, Huawei, United States​ [ Biography​ ]​
​15:30 - 15:45​​Coffee Break​
​15:45 - 17:45​​Session 5: Architecture, Technology and Solutions

Moderator: Sundeep Bhandari, Strategy Manager, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), United Kingdom [ Biography ]
​17:45 - 18:00​​Concluding Session​​