Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​ Navneet Agrawal
PhD, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Navneet is pursuing a PhD at Technical University of Berlin in the field of Mobile and Wireless Communications. Currently, his research is focused towards cooperative control of multiple agents in ultra-dense wireless networks. Navneet completed his Bachelors in Technology from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, and Master of Science in Wireless Systems from KTH - Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm.He has more than 6 years of industry experience with Sony, Ericsson, and Dolby, working in various fields of Wireless Communication, Signal processing and Machine learning.

Kwang-Cheng Chen​
Professor, University of South Florida

Kwang-Cheng Chen is a Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, since 2016. From 1987 to 2016, Dr. Chen worked with SSE, COMSAT, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, National Tsing Hua University, HP Labs. in mobile communications and networks. He founded a wireless IC design company in 2001, which was acquired by MediaTek Inc. in 2004. He visited TU Delft in Netherland, Aalborg University in Denmark, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012-2013, 2015-2016). He has been actively involving in the organization of various IEEE conferences (latest as the Executive Chair, IEEE GLOBECOM 2020) and serving editorships with a few IEEE journals (latest as the series editor, Data Science and AI for Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine), together with va​rious IEEE volunteer services including founding the Technical Committee on Social Networks in the IEEE Communications Society. Dr. Chen also has contributed essential technology to various international standards like IEEE 802 wireless LANs, Bluetooth, LTE and LTE-A, and 5G-NR. He has authored and co-authored over 300 IEEE publications, 3 books published by Wiley and River, and more than 23 granted US patents. Dr. Chen is an IEEE Fellow and has received a number of awards including 2011 IEEE COMSOC WTC Recognition Award, 2014 IEEE Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, 2014 IEEE COMSOC AP Outstanding Paper Award. Dr. Chen’s current research interests include wireless networks, artificial intelligence and machine learning, IoT/CPS, social networks and data analytics, and cybersecurity.
Yang Hin
Greater China Director, Linux Foundation

Greater China Director for Linux Foundation. He is also director of Cloud Foundry Foundation and director of LF Deep Learning Foundation. He has over 20 years of IT industry experience. He is a leading IT business development practitioner in enterprise management software, security management, talent management, performance management and video contain management solution in the Greater China region. Prior to Linux Foundation, Yang Hin held senior positions at various IT software company.
​​Xinhai Hua
Vice President and General Manager, Video Product Dept, ZTE

Dr. Xinhai Hua, ZTE Vice President and General Manager of Video Product Dept., has been in charge of the business operation of ZTE’s video products. Hua joined ZTE in 1998 and held several management positions successively including the head of a software development dept., the head of a product planning dept., the strategic architecture GM of the Cloud Computing & IT Operation Division, and the GM of the Multimedia & Service Product Dept. of this Division. With 21-year working experience of telecommunications especially management experience, Mr. Hua has profound insight about the business operation of telecommunications products. Hua graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and got the Master degree and Doctor degree in Nanjing University.

Chen Lei
Founder, Huitianxia Big Data Co., Ltd.

Chen Lei is the founder of Huitianxia Big Data Co.,Ltd.  He also serve  as Chairman of Beijing Hanshengtianyu Technology Co., Ltd.;
He is currently the independent director of Small Apple Kunyu Internet Hospital Co.,


Chih-Lin I
Chief Scientist, Wireless Technologies, China Mobile

Chih-Lin I is CMCC Chief Scientist of Wireless Technologies. She has been working in the telecommunication industry for more than 30 years.  She is the Chair of FuTURE 5G SIG, the Chair of WAIA Executive Committee, the Chair of O-RAN TSC, an Executive Board Member of GreenTouch, a Network Operator Council Founding Member of ETSI NFV, a Steering Board Member and Vice Chair of WWRF, a Steering Committee member and the Publication Chair of IEEE 5G Initiative, a member of IEEE ComSoc SDB, SPC, and CSCN-SC, and a Scientific Advisory Board Member of Singapore NRF. She has also won numerous awards for her active contributions in academia and publication, such as the IEEE ComSoc Stephen Rice Prize, Fred W. Ellersick Prize, and 2015 Industrial Innovation
Jun Liaoi.jpgJun Liao
China Unicom

Dr. Jun Liao is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Director (Senior Engineer of professor level) of China Unicom Network Technology Research Institute. Dr. Liao received his Ph.D. Degree in Computer Application Technology from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and conducted his postdoctoral study in Communication and Information System from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He serves as the Head of AI Planning of China Unicom, Deputy-head of Standardization Group of China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Alliance (AIIA). Dr. Liao has been working in areas of Computer, Communications and Internet for more than two decades, including communication network and terminal intelligence so that he has a wide knowledge of the telecommunication network, big data of terminal and terminal intelligence. He led an AI team not only to carry out research in the fields of network intelligence, consumer Internet intelligence and industrial Internet intelligence but also to commit to promoting in-depth cooperation with Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba and other Internet companies in the field of AI. He has published more than 40 papers, many of which are indexed by SCI and EI, and has also won many patents and software copyrights and published a monograph. Many research outcomes are adopted by standardization organizations such as ITU-T, ETSI, CCSA, AIIA, etc.
Shucheng Liu
Network Intelligent Standard Expert, Huawei Technologies

Dr. Liu currently serves as Network Intelligent Standard Expert responsible for network intelligence and SDN area in Network Research Dept at Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. He used to serve as Network Control & Software Technical Area Director in Network Control & Software Technical Area Director in Network Research Dept. His research interests include network intelligence, NFV/SDN, ICN, IPv6 and IoT. He has been actively contributing in organizations of standards and technical professional. He served as Co-founder and Technical Manager of ETSI ISG ENI, Vice-Chairman of ETSI ISG IP6, Secretary of IRTF SDNRG, Member of IETF OPS area Directorates, key Proponent of IETF SUPA WG, Author of 9 RFCs, Rapporteur of 1 work item in ETSI; Guest Editors of Special Issue on Intelligent Network Management in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, NFV Special Issue in IEEE Network Magazine and Architecture For Next Generation Wireless Networks Special Issue in IEEE Communications Magazine, and Referees/TPCs for several conferences and journals in computer networking area. He has published papers in leading conferences including IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), and International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).
Kim Mahler

Kim Mahler received the M.Sc. degree with honors and the Dr.-Ing. degree from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, in 2010 and 2016 respectively, and the M.A. degree from the Berlin University of Arts/University of St. Gallen in 2014. From 2010 until 2018 he was with the Wireless Communications and Networks department at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI in Berlin, Germany. His research interests involve vehicular communications, user-centric 5G developments and the application of millimeter wave technology to vehicular and drone scenarios. Since 2016, he coordinated the establishment of 5G BERLIN, a major initiative to promote both technology and applications of the next generation mobile network. Currently, he is Chief Financial Officer of 5G BERLIN. Dr. Mahler moved to New York City in 2018, where he started his consulting firm to advise Fraunhofer, ITU-T and startup clients, and develop innovative solutions and research proposals on wireless communications. He serves as special adviser to and a NYU spin-off working on millimeter wave technology. He is co-founder of a startup, which provides worldwide connectivity for drones flying beyond visual line-of-sight.                        ​
Yanjun Ma
Director,  Deep Learning Platform, Baidu

Dr. Yanjun Ma is the Director of Deep Learning Platform at Baidu overseeing the development of deep learning framework PaddlePaddle. His research covers Natural Language Processing, recommender systems and deep learning, which is widely used in a range of products including Baidu web search, news feed and Duer. He founded Xiaodu Robot project, which now represents a broad spectrum of Baidu AI technology. He also led the research and development of content understanding technology for Baidu news feed. Yanjun Ma has authored and co-authored over 20 research publications, and served on the editorial board of Machine Translation Journal, as well as area co-chairs for a number of international conferences including ACL, IJCAI etc. In 2015, Dr. Yanjun Ma received National Technology Advancement Award.

Person IconPaul Patras
Assistant Professor, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom             

Paul Patras is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Chancellor's Fellow in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, where he leads the Internet of Things Research Programme. He received his Ph.D. from University Carlos III of Madrid, along with an outstanding dissertation award. He was a Research Fellow at the Hamilton Institute in Ireland and held visiting research positions at the University of Brescia, Northeastern University, TU Darmstadt, and Rice University. He has co-authored 35 peer-reviewed publications, some of which appeared in top-tier venues including IEEE InfoCom, ACM MobiHoc, and IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. He has served on the technical program committee of 40+ international conference, including IEEE MASS, IEEE GLOBECOM, and TMA. He sits on the steering committee of ACM WiNTECH, serves as an associate editor of IEEE Communications Letters, and is a senior member of the IEEE. His research interests include mobile intelligence, performance optimisation in mobile networks, security and privacy.
Vishnu Ram
Independent Researcher

Vishnu worked for Motorola/Nokia/Siemens in advanced technologies teams for 21 years. He was a Scientific Advisory Board Associate (SABA) member of Motorola Networks. He has published several drafts in IETF, contributed to ETSI, 3GPP in his role as a senior specialist (Radio Resource Management). He holds 12 International Granted Patents (and several pending applications) and have several publications. He is currently working as an Independent Researcher.
Reinhard Scholl
Deputy-Director, TSB,​ ITU

Reinhard Scholl is Depu​ty to the Director of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (also known as the ITU-T Secretariat). Previously he has been with Siemens in Munich, Germany and with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). He received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois, USA. He also served on the ICANN Board.  
Slawomir Stanczak 
Chair of ML5G, Full Professor, Technical University, Berlin, & Head, Wireless Communications and Networks Department

Slawomir Stanczak studied electrical engineering with specialization in control theory at the Wroclaw University of Technology and at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin). He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in 1998 and the Dr.-Ing. degree (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering in 2003, both from TU Berlin; the Habilitation degree (venialegendi) followed in 2006. Since 2015, he has been a Full Professor for network information theory with TU Berlin and the head of the Wireless Communications and Networks department. Prof. Stanczak has been involved in research and development activities in wireless communications since 1997. In 2004 and 2007, he was a Visiting Professor with RWTH Aachen University and in 2008, he was a Visiting Scientist with Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. He is a co-author of two books and more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers in the area of information theory, wireless communications, signal processing and machine learning. Prof. Stanczak received research fellowships from the German Research Foundation and the Best Paper Award from the German Communication Engineering Society in 2014. He was a Co-chair of the 14th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2013). Between 2009 and 2011, he was an Associate Editor of the European Transactions for Telecommunications (information theory) and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing between 2012 and 2015. Since February 2018 Prof. Stanczak has been the chairman of the ITU-T focus group on machine learning for future networks including 5G. ​
Mingjun Sun​
Vice-Chair, ITU-T FG-ML5G, CAICT

Sun  Mingjun, Vice-chair of ITU-T FG-ML5G, works at China Academy of Information and Communication Technology, has more than ten years experiences in the area of ICT Standardization. She’s now head of the Artificial Intelligence department, and is the supervisor of various AI related standardization projects, including the implementation of Artificial Intelligence for telecom operators, AI interfaces between hardware and software platforms, performance of speech processing as well as visual processing, AI as a cloud services and speech & visual databases. All the above projects are widely supported by the Chinese AI industry. She’s an expert with rich experiences in research and standardization of multimedia communication, IP network, data centers and cloud computing, etc. Ms SUN Mingjun is one of the main initiator of Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA), Ms SUN Mingjun is also the leader of Artificial Intelligence working group, in China Communications Standards Association, and is now actively promoting standardization projects including the systemization of AI standardization, applying AI to network optimization, maintenance as well as 5G network, and classification of intelligence level, etc.
Person IconXiongyan Tang
Chief Scientist, Network Technology Research Institute, China Unicom

Dr. Xiogyan Tang is now the Chief Scientist of the Network Technology Research Institute, China Unicom. He also acts as the Chief Architect of the Intelligent Network Center, China Unicom. He’s a member of the Technnology Committee of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. He has more than 20 years of experience in technology management and R&D of innovative telecom services. His professional fields include broadband communications, optical transmission, IP networks, Internet of things and future Internet.

Person IconHaining Wang
Director of Network AI Research Center, China Telecom Strategy and Innovation Research Institute

Haining Wang has 11 years’ experience in telecom SDOs, actively participating and contributing in ITU-T, ETSI, 3GPP, IMT-2020 Promotion Group, CCSA, etc. Now serving as the Vice Chair of ETSI ISG ENI (Experiential Networked Intelligence), Rapporteur of ITU-T SG11 Q6 (Protocols supporting control and management technologies for IMT-2020), Leader of CCSA TC610 AIAN (Artificial Intelligence Applied in Network) Group in China, and Leader of CCSA NFV standard drafting group. Now leading and taking part in several China Telecom internal projects related to network AI. Her technical interests in recent years include 4G/5G network technologies, SDN/NFV, Network Artificial Intelligence, etc.
Xu Weiling
Senior Advisor, International Cooperation Department, CAICT

​Xu Weiling is working as a senior adviser in the International Cooperation Department, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT). She is the director of the Secretariat of ITU Working Committee of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China. Currently, she is also the vice chairman of TSAG of ITU-T.
Person IconYe Xiaobin
Network Technology Director, Guangdong Unicom 

He is a High-level IP Backbone Talent of China Unicom, CCIE (NO: 14168), CISP (Network Security Certification Expert). He  is the Chief Network Architect of Guangdong Unicom. He has published many patents and papers and made in-depth research on  Network reconfiguration/ SDN/NFV /5G and AI etc .

You Yan
Vice President, ZTE Corporation

You Yan, Vice President (VP) of ZTE Corporation, is in charge of the prospective solution planning, industry researching, branding operating and market planning in the System Marketing and Solution Department as the general manager. Joined in ZTE in 2000, Ms. You has nearly 20 years of market planning and operation management experiences in telecommunication industry. She has deep and original understanding in the technologies such as 5G, SDN/NFV, big data, AI and the 5G services. Before the current position, she had been engaged in several management positions in different system products researching and solution planning departments. She is now responsible for the industry’s prospective solutions study such as integrated 5G solution, network intelligence, cloud and network synergy solution, committed to promoting the industry’s digital transformation.
Wang Yuntao
Rapporteur of ITU-T Q5/16, Engineer, CAICT 

 Wang Yuntao is the Rapporteur of ITU-T Q5/16. He is an Engineer at China Academy of Information and Communication Technology. He graduated from University of Southern California. His work focuses on artificial intelligence algorithm, opensource, datasets and open platforms, he has been actively engaged in the work of AI related standardization and evaluation, is now leading more than 5 intelligence speech related standards and guidelines . Formal research focus on network planning and governmental level international cooperation, has been responsible for more than 15 projects on broadband development analysis and planning. He also has rich working experiences of ITU-D and ITU-T related work.
Sihong Zhang
Chief Engineer, AI Solution, ZTE Corporation
Sihong Zhang is the chief engineer of AI solution at ZTE Corporation, is responsible for the planning of ZTE artificial intelligence end-to-end solution. Mr. Zhang joined ZTE Corporation in 2008. He has been engaged in research on innovative solutions in the telecom field for more than 15 years, with a deep understanding of the development trend of networks. He is devoted to research in many areas such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, SDN/NFV, IP networks, wireless communications etc, especially the application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of network intelligence. Mr. Zhang graduated from Anhui University, and obtained a Master of Business Administration from Nanjing University of Science and Technology.