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Pradipta Biswas
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science    
Pradipta Biswas is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing and affiliated faculty at the Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systemsof Indian Institute of Science. HIs research focuses on user modelling and multimodal human-machine interactionfor aviation and automotive environments and for assistive technology. He setup and lead the Interaction Design Labat CPDM, IISc. He is a Co-Chair of the IRG AVA, InternationalTelecommunication Union and a Memberof the UKRI International Development Peer Review College. Earlier, he was a Senior Research Associate at EngineeringDepartment, Research Fellow at WolfsonCollege and Research Associate at Trinity Hall of University of Cambridge. He completed his PhD in Computer Science at the Rainbow Group of Universityof Cambridge Computer Laboratoryand Trinity College in 2010 and wasawarded a Gates-CambridgeScholarship in 2006. He Iundertook a first degree in Information Technologyat the University of Kalyani and a master degree atthe Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He conducted courses on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at National Institute of Fashion Technology, Automotive User Interface and AR/VR systems at Ashok Leyland, Multimodal Interaction at Honeywell, Human Computer Interactionat Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, AssistiveTechnology at Indian Institute ofTechnology, Madras and was a vice chairman of ITU-TFocus Group on Smart TV. Besides academics, he is a keen rifle shooter and won gold medals in Imperial Shooting Meet from 2010to 2015. He was the Senior Treasurer of Cambridge University Revolver and Pistol club, captain of Wolfson College Cricket Club, Trinity Collegegraduate cricket team and secretary of the Engineering Department cricket.
​​Istvan Bozsoki
Head, Spectrum Management and Broadcasting Division, BDT, ITU

Istvan Bozsoki joined the ITU in 1997 to work at the Space Department of the Radiocommunication Bureau and he was dealing with coordination and notification of satellite systems. In 2007 he moved to the Telecommunication Development Bureau and is responsible for
spectrum management and broadcasting issues. Since April 2013 he is Head of Spectrum Management and Broadcasting Division.
After obtaining his degree in telecommunication engineering at the Technical University Budapest in 1980 he spent 17 years at the Hungarian Communication Authority and he was dealing with technical and regulatory aspects of the spectrum management. Among others, he was responsible for the development of a computerized spectrum management system and for cross-border frequency coordination. Later, he was appointed as director of international affairs. He has a master degree in radiocommunications and broadcasting.
Dušan Caf
Director, Digitas Institute

Dušan has in-depth experience in technology and public policy. He is a founder of the Digital Society Forum, a Slovenian digital think-tank, which connects experts and leaders in addressing the challenges of today’s society. Additionally, it provides a platform for connecting stakeholders from advocacy, academia and industry dedicated to accessibility that collaborate on creating a more inclusive digital society. He is also an elected member of the Executive Committee of the South-Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance. Dušan served as chairman of the Council of the Agency for Communications Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia and chaired the National Electronic Communications Council, appointed by the National Assembly to provide advice and directions on the development of electronic communications in Slovenia. Under his leadership, the national council issued dozens of statements and position papers on key policy issues, including accessibility of television broadcasting and audiovisual media services. He also served in senior positions at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Slovenian Information Technology Industry Association and Telekom Slovenije. He was a member of supervisory boards in industry and NGOs. He led digital transformation and corporate strategy projects aimed at organisational growth. He was also in charge of public policy and government affairs leading cross-organisational teams.He was a fellow at Faculties of Information Science and Applied Social Studies, fellow at Jožef Stefan Institute and a visiting researcher at Loughborough University. He was also a lecturer in cybersecurity and digital transformation. Dušan holds a diploma degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maribor, a master’s degree in electrical engineering and a doctorate degree in computer science, both from the University of Ljubljana, following postgraduate research work in Slovenia and the United Kingdom.
Simao Campos 
Counsellor, ITU-T Study Group 16

Simão joined the secretariat of the ITU Standardization Sector in 2002, and is the Counsellor for ITU-T Study Group 16 (for standardization work on multimedia, including audio and video coding, accessibility/human factors, e-health, ITS, IPTV and digital signage) and ITU-T Focus Group on AI for health (FG-AI4H). He has a long experience in standardization, having started with voice compression standards in 1989. Prior to joining ITU, Simão was a Scientist at COMSAT Labs in the USA and a researcher at CPqD, a telecom research center in Brazil. A Senior Member of the IEEE, Simão authored several academic papers and position papers, served in the review committee of several IEEE-sponsored conferences, and organized the first ITU Kaleidoscope Conference
Pascal Chevallier
Director,Technical Affairs, Alliance Française des Industries du Numérique (AFNUM)

Born in 1961. Graduated from INPG in Electronics and Radio in 1986. After 8 years in automotive electronics industry in charge of car radio development programs. Followed by 13 years in the consumer electronics industry in charge of television chassis development programs. Working for French NTA AFNUM since 2008 as Director for Technical Affairs and chairing the Audiovisual working group within Digitaleurope since 2011.
Elena Puigrefagut Coarasa
Senior Project Manager, European Broadcasting Union

Elena Puigrefagut Coarasa, Senior Project Manager at the European Broadcasting Union, co-ordinates joint technical activities undertaken by EBU Members on frequency planning and spectrum management and regulation and, in particular, frequency planning studies for terrestrial broadcasting systems. She represents the EBU in a number of international committees as the CEPT, EC and ITU including ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences. Prior to joining the EBU, Elena worked at Eutelsat, a global satellite operator, as a frequency planning engineer in the Operations Department. During this period, she was responsible for the planning of the satellites that supported the launch of digital TV across Europe in the mid-1990s. Elena holds a Master's degree in Image and Sound (ENST, Paris) and a M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ETSTB Barcelona).
Adam Davies
Product Manager,  Synamedia
Adam Davies is Product Manager for Synamedia’s Mobile, Advertising and Analytics solutions. He is a digital content and video specialist, working in media and technology for his entire career, with positions both client and vendor side at organisations including Thomson Reuters, News International and Cisco. His experience across the media value chain gives him insight into how data is fast becoming the common currency not just of advertising, but in the entire viewer/vendor relationship. Adam brings new and innovative products to market, having worked with distributed and cloud based solutions for content and media management, and has experience of leading software implementations within Tier 1 Service Providers.
Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski
Exec​utive Secretary,  European Telecommunications Satellite Organization

Mr. Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski is the Executive Secretary of the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT IGO) in Paris. He also serves as a non-executive Board Director (Censeur) of Eutelsat Communications S.A. (Euronext: ETL.FR) and is a Commissioner on the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development.A former broadcasting journalist, senior media and telecommunications executive, he was one of the co-founders and the CFO of Polska Telewizja Kablowa, Poland’s largest Cable TV company, now quadruple play operator owned by UPC. His media experience also includes serving as the CFO of Telewizja Polska SA (TVP), Poland’s Public TV Corporation. While at TVP he was an active contributor to the works of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). As Director General of Poland's Ministry of Culture he co-directed legislative work to transform Analog TV broadcasting in Poland into Digital. He represented Poland on various Boards and Committees of: European Space Agency, European Broadcasting Union, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Programs Committee of the European Commission, and the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO).Mr. Dmochowski-Lipski holds a Master in Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University as well as an MBA from the Boston University Graduate School of Management.
Khishigbayar Dushchuluun
Head of Radio Systems institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH (IRT), Germany

Khishigbayar Dushchuluun studied the electrical engineering at the Technical University Darmstadt in Germany. After graduating in 2001 she began work as a Research Associate at the same university working in the area of telecommunications, while pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Electrical Engineering, which was awarded in 2010. In 2012 Khishigbayar joined IRT, Munich, Germany, the Research and Development Institute of ARD, ZDF, DRadio, ORF, and SRG/SSR, as a senior research engineer working on flexible spectrum management strategies such as cognitive radio systems and the coexistence of different systems in the same band. Currently she is leading the Radio Systems department at IRT, which is a key partner in research projects at a German state level (5G Today) and European level (5G-Xcast). An important aspect of her work is in representing the interests of German broadcasters at the ITU-R WP5D group (radio system aspects of International Mobile Telecommunications system). She is also actively involved in the several EBU groups such as future distribution, spectrum, content production in 5G, sharing and planning of terrestrial services which are working to define the future of European broadcasting and is engaged in 3GPP, working on the RAN of FeMBMS for terrestrial broadcasting. Her research interests lie several fields of broadcasting and communications, including propagation, mobile radio system architecture, digital television, spectrum efficiency, frequency management, wireless microphones, hybrid systems and cooperative networks in the field of broadcasting and mobile communications 4G/5G.
Jean-Pierre Faisan
Vice-Chairman of Broadcast Networks Europe (BNE)

Jean-Pierre Faisan is a graduate from Polytechnic school in Paris and Telecom Paris Tech. He has more than 30 years of experience in wireless telecommunications networks in a variety of contexts: satellite operations, mobile network deployment, railway dedicated radio networks and terrestrial broadcasting networks, including digital switch over. Since 2012 he has specialized in spectrum policy for vertical sectors especially with respect to access to spectrum for the broadcasting industry and the strategic link between spectrum and a thriving European creative and cultural industry.

Jens Johann
Senior Manager, Standardization and Broadband Services, Deutsche Telekom, Germany

Jens Johann has been involved in the development of digital TV services since their beginnings in the early 90's. Topics included the development of video coding schemes and the transport of audio-visual data via broadcast and telecommunication networks but also the design of quality-related and business-oriented applications. He is currently acting as Senior Manager in the area of multimedia and broadband services at Deutsche Telekom. In this position he manages standardization activities for Deutsche Telekom Group in close collaboration with research and product development. For more than 25 years he represents his company's interests in several standardization bodies and fora dealing with broadcast and broadband services as ITU, ETSI, DVB and HbbTV. Mr. Johann holds a diploma and a PhD from Technical University of Darmstadt, both in communications engineering.
Masahito Kawamori
Project Prof., Media and Governance School, Keio University, Japan

Masahito Kawamori is a Project Prof. at the Media and Governance School, Keio University, Japan. Before joining Keio University in 2013, he had been a senior research engineer of NTT, which he joined in 1989 to do research and development in application of artificial intelligence, to convergent systems for mobile and fixed telecommunication, such as conversational robots and humanoids. This became, in 1998, a part of Japan Science and Technology Agency's program called Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology Program that aimed at "Creating the Brain". Since 2000, he was involved in several projects in and outside of Japan to apply metadata and ontology for various services including, but not limited to, telecommunication and broadcasting, which have led to global standards that are currently commercially deployed in several services. He is also actively involved with the International Telecommunication Union, part of the United Nations.
Peter​​Peter Macavock
Head of Distribution, Platform & Services, European Broadcasting Union

Peter MacAvock is Head of Delivery, Platforms and Services, EBU Technology and Development and DVB Chairman. At EBU, Mr Macavock heads the team responsible for innovation projects relating to delivery technologies, spectrum management and software platforms. Amongst other things, he is responsible for spectrum matters and high level projects related to Hybrid Radio and Television including HbbTV, DVB, RadioDNS and others. In July 2016, he was elected chairman of the DVB Project, and retains a role as co-chair of the HbbTV Reuqirements Group.
Jean Mahé
Chairman, French Forum AudioVisuel Numérique (FAVN)​

Jean Mahé starts his caree​r at France Telecom in the Minitel developing team, ancestor of the Internet, and then continues in the mobile sector: private radio networks, analogue cellular networks with Radiocom2000, with expertise in radio spectrum engineering (including computering expert systems). He is then part of the team at the Ministry of PTT, which will later create the independent telecommunications regulatory authority. At the head of the regulatory affairs of the subsidiary France-Telecom / Alcatel, he takes part in the adventure of non-geostationary mobile phones with Globalstar focusing on 33 countries of the consortium. At the beginning of the new century, he joins the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (CSA) to deal with technical prospective and radio spectrum control and participate at the starting of digital terrestrial TV in France. He is currently at Orange's headquarters for regulatory affairs in charge of audiovisual and contents. In addition, for four years, he is chairing the French HD Forum, which has become the Digital AudioVisual Forum (FAVN).

Nigel Megitt
Chair of W3C & EBU Group, TTML system IMSC, BBC

Nigel Megitt is the BBC's Executive Product Manager with responsibility for Access Services technology. He co-chairs both the W3C Timed Text Working Group and the EBU Timed Text group, and has been active in the Access Services sector for over 6 years. Previously Nigel worked in enterprise architecture and at BBC Research & Development where he led a team of developers working on EPG schedule data systems.

Satoshi Miyaji
Chairman, ITU-T SG9, General Manager, KDDI Corporation, Japan

​Dr. Miyaji has a long history of participating in the ITU-T SG9 (“television and sound transmission, and integrated broadband cable") almost for twenty (20) years as an expert of broadcasting and telecommunications particularly for cable television networks and services. He served as Vice Chairman of SG9 and Chairman of WP1/9 for eight (8) years in 2009 – 2016. At the WTSA-16 (General Assembly of ITU-T), he has been appointed as Chairman of SG9 for the Study Period 2017 – 2020. In KDDI, he is now responsible for development and deployment of entertainment-related business and services such as video streaming, music distribution, e-books, live concert, and so on.
Tom Morrod
Research Director, Consumer Services and Technology, IHS Markit

Tom Morrod has been an analyst for 12 years and has been a research director at IHS Markit for the past 6 years responsible for Consumer Electronics & Telecoms research before taking a wider role covering the Consumer Solutions group encompassing consumer electronics, displays, media and telecoms research. Tom’s background is in telecoms technology, and particularly transmission and video technology. Tom is responsible for research output including the strategic direction of the research agenda, completion of strategic consultancy, data management, data visualization, and research collaboration across IHS Markit. Most recently this has included research and analysis on topics including 5G, AI, Blockchain, IoT, and robotics & drones. Tom has worked as an expert commentator on the telecoms industry and is a regular speaker and commentator at major international conferences, and a highly experienced consultant and adviser to executive teams and board-level to global technology and telecoms companies.
Sebastien Noir
Head of Software Engineering, EBU

Sebastien Noir worked for six years at RTS, the French-speaking Business Unit of the Swiss broadcaster SRG-SSR. He started as a software developer, and then took the role of Product Owner for several digital products ( mobile apps and website). He later became Product Manager for Play SRG, the Swiss National initiative to provide all audio and video content produced by in the five languages to the users on responsive websites and mobile applications. In 2017, he then moved to the EBU, as Product Owner for PEACH, the personalisation and recommendation ecosystem built by Broadcasters for Broadcasters. He is now the head of Software Engineering in the Technology and Innovation department of the EBU.
Pilar Orero
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Dr Pilar Orero, PhD (UMIST, UK) works at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). She is a member of the research group TransMedia Catalonia .She works in standardisation and participates in the ITU IRG-AVA - Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Media Accessibility. She is a member of the working group ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35. She is a member of the Spanish UNE working group on accessibility. She is also a member of ANEC Accessibility working group ( Leader and participant on numerous EU funded projects such as HBB4ALL. ACT UMAQ (Understanding Quality Media Accessibility) EasyTV (interaction to accessible TV) and ImAc (Immersive Accessibility), REBUILD and HELIOS 2018-2021, and the three ERASMUS+ ADLAB PRO EASIT and LTA Co-founder of the Media Accessibility Platform MAP
A​​Audrius Perkauskas
Deputy Head, Europ​ean Commission DG Connect
Audrius Perkauskas is deputy head of unit “Audiovisual and Media Services Policy” at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT). During his 13 years at the Commission and DG Connect, Audrius Perkauskas has acquired the experience of policy-making and regulation in several areas of digital economy and society: telecoms, data economy and media (copyright and audiovisual regulation). Before joining the European Commission, Audrius Perkauskas worked as a lawyer, lecturer at Vilnius University and advisor to the President of the Republic of Lithuania. Audrius Perkauskas studied law at Vilnius University (LLM, PhD) and the University of Cambridge (LLM).​
Jaroslaw Ponder
Head of ITU Office for Europe
Jaroslaw is Head of ITU Office for Europe at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (Geneva, Switzerland). Within the last years Mr. Ponder has been carrying out numerous projects, activities and initiatives at national, regional and international levels. He has been taking lead role in many international conferences and summits dealing with development of ICT ecosystem, information society, and advancements of digital economy worldwide, while setting strategies and ensuring their timely implementation. Along the professional career Mr. Ponder held official positions in the public sector and was a contributor to the legislative projects having impact on the public policy. Since 2004 Mr. Ponder has been working for ITU. In 2004 he was consultant at the Market, Economics and Finance Unit (MEF/ITU). In year 2005 he moved to Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU/ITU). In year 2007 he moved to Project and Initiatives Department (PRI/ITU). In year 2008 upon his former duties he acted as Europe Officer (EUR/ITU) as well as as Project Manager for European Centres of Excellence Network (CoE-EUR). In August 2008 he was appointed as Coordinator for Europe. After successfull recreation of the coordination for the region in February 2009 he moved to the General Secretariat becoming Strategy and Policy Coordinator and one year later Senior Strategy and Policy Advisor with the objective to lead the ITU activities on World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and its 10 year review, amongst the others successfully establishing WSIS Forum, WSIS Prizes, WSIS Stocktaking, and organizing WSIS+10 High Level Event (2014) that resulted in negotiated texts. In parallel, since October 2011 he has been working as Coordinator for Europe strengthening coordination and implementation mechanism. In July 2017 he became a Head of ITU Office for Europe, directing actions, projects, initiatives and experts groups targeting 43 countries.
Andy Quested
Chair ITU-R Working Party 6C

Andy Quested started working as a BBC Technical Assistant in 1978 becoming a video-tape editor in 1985 where he worked on many comedy, children’s and documentary series, editing all episodes of “Keeping Up Appearances”! He also worked on the introducing of non-linear editing, stereo and widescreen production. In 1998 Andy moved to a new BBC technology department working on the BBC’s first HD programmes including Planet Earth I and the first UHD programme, Planet Earth II. Currently he is technical lead for the UK’s Digital Production Partnerships AS-11 format and leads the EBU Production Systems Strategic Group. Andy is also an active member of SMPTE, becoming a Fellow in 2014 and during 2018. Andy has carried out work In ITU-R Working Party 6C as a Rapporteur in several study areas including 3DTV, the Interoperable Mastering Formant for the Global Platform and studies into Quality of Experience. Andy has also chaired several Rapporteur Groups including the group that developed the HDR Recommendation until 2015 when he became chair of Working Party 6C itself where he initiated new areas of study on Advanced Immersive Audio Visual Systems and Artificial Intelligence in content production and international programme exchange.
Xavi Redon
Senior Product Manager, Cellnex Telecom, Steering Group member and Treasurer at HbbTV and Associate Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Xavi Redon is the Senior Product Manager at Cellnex Telecom. He has been involved in the big changes in the broadcasting industry in Spain such as Analog Switch Off, Digital Switch On, Digital Dividend, introduction of HD and UHD, first as a Project Manager, later as Product Manager. Since the early days of MHP, and later with HbbTV, Xavi has been involved in the introduction of interactivity in Spain. He has been leading the TDT Híbrida certification process in Spain and during the last year, the implementation of the Spanish Broadcasters Common Platform LOVEStv. In the HbbTV Awards 2018, LOVEStv platform won the Judges Grand Prix Price. Xavi Redon is representing Cellnex in the HbbTV Steering group since 2012 and is Treasurer of the HbbTV Association since 2017. Since 2018 he is also collaborating with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as Associate Professor. He is graduate in Telecommunications Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya with a post degree on Telecommunications Management at Institut Català de Tecnologia and Master in Sales and Marketing Direction at EAE business school.
Peter Siebert
Head of Technology, DVB

Dr Peter Siebert received his M.Sc. degree in 1984 and his Ph.D. degree in 1989 in physics from the University in Frankfurt, Germany. In addition he holds a degree in economics from the University in Hagen, Germany and an MBA from the Open University Milton Keynes, UK . Since May 2009 he is with the DVB Project Office in Geneva, where he is responsible for all technology related aspects of the DVB organization. Before this he has been with Philips Kommunikations AG (PKI AG) in Nürnberg/Germany, SES-ASTRA in Luxembourg and Siemens Schweiz AG in Zürich/Switzerland. In his professional career he has been working on all aspects of audio-video transmission such as video transmission over telecommunication networks (PDH/SDH), satellite and IPTV networks. He has been responsible for a number of ETSI specifications in the area of satellite transmission as well as for DVB standards. He holds several patents for various aspects of audiovisual data transmission.
Shinya Takeuchi
NHK, Japan

Shinya Takeuchi received B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1997 and 1999. He joined NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) in 1999, and since 2002, he has worked at NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories, where he is engaged in research on a file-based production system, a delivery network system for video distribution, new services for hybrid delivery using broadcasting and broadband networks, Integrated Broadcast-Broadband system, multimedia services for UHDTV broadcasting. He is the Associate rapporteur of ITU-T Question 5/9. He also joins standardization activities at ITU-R WP6B and has contributed to studies about IBB systems, multimedia and accessibility. He is the Data Coding Technology working group chair at Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) in Japan.
Sarah Turnbull
Senior Legal Counsel, EBU

Sarah Turnbull joined the EBU in September 2018 as Senior Legal Counsel. As a former Head of Legal of Ofcom UK and then commercial law firmpartner, she has wide-ranging experience in contentious and non-contentious competition and regulatory matters which has granted her a valuable perspective on how regulators approach cases as well as a wide knowledge of UK and EU regulation affecting telecoms and media companies.
Péter Vári
Deputy Director General, National Media and Infocommunications Authority, Hungary

Péter Vári PhD. attended Széchenyi István Technical College, from 1987 to 1990, majoring as wireless networking technology engineer. He then graduated from the Budapest University of Technology in 1994 as Electrical Engineer in telecommunications. In 2001 he earned the postgraduate certificate at the Budapest University of Economic Studies as an Engineer-economist. In 2003 he completed the postgraduate course at Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE), Budapest as an Engineer-lawyer. He received his Ph.D. in 2017 at Corvinus University of Budapest on the topic of Digital Television and Switchover. Péter worked as an engineer from 1992 to 1993 for Matáv Rt., the largest telecommunications operator in Hungary. From 1993 to 2004 he worked for Antenna Hungária Rt., the Hungarian Broadcasting and Radio Telecommunications Limited Company, where he started as Head of Unit and worked his way up to become Director of Operational Matters. In 2004-2006 he was Head of Department in the Ministry of Informatics and Communications of Hungary, and in 2006-2008 he was Senior Counsellor of the Government at the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office. In 2009, as a project manager, he began to coordinate the digital switchover at Antenna Hungária Rt., and in 2011 he started working in the National Media and Infocommunications Authority of Hungary (NMHH). Currently, as a Deputy Director General of NMHH, he is responsible for the fields of frequency and identifier management, measurement affairs and technology analysis. He is a senior lecturer of the Department of Telecommunications at Széchenyi István University of Győr and gives courses in the field of radio systems and satellite telecommunications.
Eric Wang
Rapporteur, Q9/9, Huawei

Eric Wang has participated ITU-T standards groups since 2012. In SG9, he serves as Rapporteur of Q9/9 leading the work on the integrated cable network platform for advanced services deliveries, such as 4K, AR and VR videos. In SG15, he is the G.mgfast editor, and has contributed for a long time to and G.mgfast which are the most recent developments on xDSL access technologies targeting gigabit or even multi-gigabit access. In Huawei, he has worked for many years in the access network area both on physical layer technologies researches and standardization strategy developments. Eric Wang holds a Ph.D from Nanjing University in Computational Mathematics.
Roxana Widmer-Iliescu
Senior Programme Officer, Digital Inclusion Division, BDT, ITU

Roxana Widmer-Iliescu has been working for over 20 years in the Development Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). As Senior Programme Officer in charge of Digital Inclusion, she actively promotes people empowerment through ICTs, including persons with specific needs such as persons with disabilities (PwD) and older persons, women and girls, children and youth, indigenous peoples and people living in remote areas. To achieve this goal, she leads, coordinates and implements programmes and initiatives providing ITU Members States and other stakeholders with the necessary capacity and tools to create national, regional and global environment conducive to digital information, products and services becoming available, accessible and affordable to all people without discrimination of gender, location, abilities or financial means. As the ITU-D Focal Point on ICT accessibility since 2006, she also advises ITU Member States on developing ICT accessibility policies and implementing related strategies and best practices. In this capacity, she has designed and overseen the development of several ITU-D key resources, including: the “Web Accessibility National Programme ”Internet for @ll” ; the on-line self-paced trainings “ICT accessibility: the key to inclusive communication” , video-tutorials on the “Development and remediation of accessible digital content” . These are concrete tools that can be used by ITU Members and all stakeholders willing to ensure that everyone, including PwD can access information, education, job opportunities and be part of the digital economy. The ultimate goal of Ms Widmer’s work is to build a digital inclusive society to ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age.
David Wood
Consultant, European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Technology and Innovation

Dr David Wood has chaired standards groups in the ITU and DVB for many years. He led the work that resulting in the ITU specifications for digital television, high definition television, and ultra-high definition television. More recently he led the DVB work analysing Virtual Reality systems. He currently is a co-chair of the ITU IRG-AVA group which is examining the possibilities for common access systems for all media, broadcast, broadband, internet, and cable, and the ITU-R on audio renderers. He is Consultant, EBU Technology and Innovation.
Haifeng Yan
Principal Engineer, Hisilicon (Shanghai) Technologies Co., Ltd. China
Haifeng Yan is a software architect who has been working in this area for nearly 20 years. He mainly focuses in terminal software architecture and operating system. He graduated from Beijing University in 1999. Then he joined Huawei data communication department working in communication and operating system software for 6 years. In 2005, he joined Hisilicon, a sub company of Huawei. He has lead software architecture design for several chipsets in Hisilicon.