Committed to connecting the world


Xiaomi An
Professor, Renmin University of China

​Xiaomi An, professor at the School of Information Resources Management in Renmin University of China, Leader of Big Data Governance Team at the Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Engineering of the Ministry of Education in Renmin University of China, Leader of the Data Governance Team at the Smart City Research Center in Renmin University of China. Received her Ph.D. degree from University of Liverpool, awarding Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Fulbright research scholar of University California, Los Angeles. Convener of IEC SyC Smart Cities/WG1 on Terminology, Committee member of ISO/TC268/SC1/WG4 and ISO/TC46/SC11, champions and editors of ITU-T FG-DPM to support Smart Cities and Communities, expert of IEC/ISO/ITU Smart Cities Coordination Task Group on “Suggested Priority Terms in Need of Common Definitions to Support Standards Activities for Smart Cities”. Chaired over 50 projects including National Social Science Major Program (2013-2018), as authors or editors-in-chief of 20 books, published over 280 papers, received 28 certificates of academic merits. Chaired 4 published national standards, participated 15 published international standards, chaired 1 published international standard and 1 white paper, currently chairing 7 international standards.
Jiayu Bi
ITU-T FG DPM Vice-Chairman, ITU-T SG20 Q3 Associate Rapporteur, Chief Standardization Engineer, China Telecommunications Corporation

Jiayu Bi is the Vice-Chairman of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG DPM). She is the Associate Rapporteur of ITU-T SG20 Q3 on architectures, management, protocols and Quality of Service of Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C) as well as an Editor of several Recommendations and on-going work items in ITU-T. She joined China Telecommunications Corporation in 2009, and has professional experience in domains including Internet of things, Smart Cites, Big Data, etc. She has been actively working for standardization in ITU-T, IETF, oneM2M, GSMA, OMA, CCSA, etc.
​​Martin Brynskov
Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities

Martin Brynskov is chair of the global Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative (OASC), which encompasses 140 cities from 29 countries. OASC is a non-profit association based in Brussels, Belgium, and it aims to develop so-called Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs) for cities and communities. Dr Brynskov is associate professor, PhD, in Interaction Technologies at Aarhus University in Denmark, director of AU Smart Cities (AUSC) and the Centre for Digital Transformation of Cities and Communities (DITCOM), founder and co-director of the Digital Living Research Commons (DLRC), director of the Digital Design Lab, and fellow at the Center for Advanced Visualization and Interaction (CAVI). Dr Brynskov is coordinator of the European IoT Large Scale Pilot on Smart Cities "SynchroniCity", and the Coordination and Support Action, Next Generation Internet of Things (NGIoT). He is a global expert, speaker and advisor on IoT and smart cities with a human-centric focus. Dr Brynskov is vice-chair of the UN ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM) and chair of the Working Group on Use Cases, Requirements and Applications/Services, and Chair of the Danish Standards Committee on Smart Cities and Communities (ISO TC 268 mirror committee).
Marco Carugi
Consultant on advanced ICTs and associated standardization, Huawei Research Contractor
Mentor of ITU-T SG20 and ITU-T SG13, Q2/20 Rapporteur and Q20/13 Associate Rapporteur

Technical areas of current involvement include Future Networks incl. IMT-2020/5G and Network 2030, Internet of Things/M2M, Big Data and ML/AI. He has professional experience in R&D and technology strategy, and he has worked in different market roles in Solvay group, Orange Labs, Nortel Networks CTO division and ZTE R&D Technology Strategy. Marco is active in standardization since long time, leading standards specifications in different domains (NGN, IoT/M2M, Big Data, IMT2020) and holding leadership positions. In the current 2017-2020 ITU-T study period, among other tasks, he is Champion of the Use Case Analysis and Requirements deliverable within the Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities and Communities, as well as Editor of the Use Cases and Requirements deliverable within the ITU-T Focus Group on Technologies for Network 2030. During 2018 he has acted as Rapporteur for the European Commission in the joint MSP/DEI WG on Standardisation in support of Digitising European Industry and Editor of the Final Report of the WG (Dec 2018). He holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from National Institute of Telecommunications (Evry, France) and a Master in International Business Development from ESSEC Business School (Paris, France). He has also completed an Executive Program on Big Data Science at Ecole Centrale (Paris, France).
Hakima Chaouchi
Professor, Institut Mines Telecom

Hakima Chaouchi is a Full Professor at Institut Mines Telecom following the completion of her PhD in 2004 from University of Paris VI in France and King’s College of London in the UK. In this capacity, she develops leading research in wireless and mobile communication, Internet of Things, Big Data, and network security. She works actively on IoT devices and technology heterogeneity control and interoperability, she also direct work on IoT data anomaly detection and more topics such as energy harvesting in Internet of things and efficient distributed security architectures. She was recently keynote at the French and japaneese research collaboration on IoT and Smart Cities and promotes the sustainable IoT, in fact deploying huge number of IoT devices requires energy and also affects the overall climate. She acts as ITU-T FG DPM co-chair of WG2 on the IoT and Smart Cities data processing and Management Framework. To date, she has co-published more than 100 international refereed scientific papers and books, most notably one of the first books on “Internet of Things” in 2010. Concurrent with these positions, she also acts as Scientific Advisor at the French Research and Innovation Ministry and she holds an International Executive MBA degree on “Leading Innovation in the Digital World” at Telecom Business School where she acquired strong competencies in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship in ICT such as design thinking and lean startup. Her career aspiration is to combine, and maximize to the fullest, synergies in research, education and creativity to further advance innovation for the best quality of life.
Ilyoung Chong
Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Huankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Korea

Prof. Ilyoung Chong received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts, USA in 1992. He served as a principal research member at ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Korea between 1980 and 1996. Since 1996 he has joined at Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) as faculty member. He has served Dean of College of Engineering during 2007 and 2008, and from 2010 to 2012, he served as as Vice-President to take administrative management at the Global Campus, HUFS. His research interests are service-oriented networking and platform for WoT/IoT (Web of Things/Internet of Things) services. He has taken a leading role for development of Web-of-Objects (WoO) project, which has been aimed to develop the web enabled IoT platform through the collaborative works among 27 partners of EU and Korea. Recently he concentrates on the study to support data qaulitty management and data interoperability provisioning in affective computing of emotion healthcare applcations. The development of ontologies and schematice representation of Depressive Disorder are under study to provide affective attributes in healthcare. He has 35 patents (including national and international) and develops 7 international standards for the areas of VPN, home network and service overlay networking, WoO based IoT platform and ubiquiteous directed learning. He has published more more than 90 journal papers and 100 conference papers since 1996. He was Chief of Editor, LNCS of Springer for 4 years since 2002, Organizing Chair, and General Chair and Steering Board of the ICOIN (International Conference on Information Networking) (2002-2005). He has been nominated Operating Committee Chair of IPTV Forum Korea since 2002, and the Chair of OSIA (Open Standards of Internet Association) in 2008. He was General Chair of KRNet (Korea Internet) Conference (2009-2010), and Steering Committee Board of ICUFN (International Conference and Ubiquitous and Future Network) (2007-2019). Since 2014 he has been nominated as Operating Committee Chair of TII (Trust Information Infrastructure) Forum Korea.
Nathalie Feingold

Nathalie Feingold is a business analyst and a data governance specialist. In 2016, she founded NPBA, a Swiss company that helps companies strengthen their data management to improve decision-making process and foster corporate strategy definition and implementation. Prior to creating NPBA, Nathalie worked 15 years for financial institutions. She started her career in Paris, France at the Economic Research department of Caisse des Dépôts (CDC) where she published her research on emerging market bond spreads and systemic risk, before to become an asset-liability manager. She continued her career at Société Générale headquarters, first at the Finance department, working on global retail banking profitability monitoring. Then she worked as a senior credit officer at the Risk department, monitoring global credit portfolio. She is also a start-up angel and mentor since 2009 within several French and Swiss schools and organizations. Nathalie holds a DEA in International Economics and Development from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Master of Economics Applied to Finance from the University of Paris IX Dauphine. She is a member of ITU-T FG DPM, a member of the BIM commission of Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities chapter Suisse Romande, and a committee member of Cercle Suisse des Administratrices.
Okan Geray
Smart Dubai Office, Strategic Planning Advisor

Dr. Okan Geray has more than 20 years of experience in management consulting in various industries. He has consulted for a number of organizations in Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, South Africa, Turkey and Dubai. He has worked in A.T. Kearney global management consulting firm for 6 years and was a member of global Telecommunications and High Technology core team before he joined Dubai Government in 2002. He has worked as the strategic planning consultant in Dubai eGovernment, Dubai Smart Government, and more recently in Smart Dubai Office after its establishment. His responsibilities include Strategic Planning, Strategic Performance Management, Policy Making and Global Thought Leadership. He was the Co-Chair of Enhancing Innovation and Participation Working Group in United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) joint global initiative by ITU and UNECE. This working group addressed Smart Governance, Smart Economy and Smart People aspects in smart cities. He is currently leading two deliverables globally in U4SSC; namely “Guidelines on Strategies for Circular Cities” and “City Science Application Framework”. 
He is the Co-Chair of “Data Economy Impact, Commercialization and Monetization” Working Group in ITU Focus Group on Data Processing and Management. He is also the Co-Rapporteur of ITU Study Group 20 Question 7 on “Evaluation and assessment of Smart Sustainable Cities and Communities”. He holds double major B. S. degrees in Industrial and Computer Engineering from Bosphorus University in Istanbul Turkey, an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Systems and Control Engineering from University of Massachusetts in US. He has published journal and conference papers and has been an adjunct lecturer in management for 15 years.
Nakyoung Kim
PhD, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea
Nakyoung Kim is currently a student pursuing a Ph.D. degree in School of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Republic of Korea. She received her B.S. degree in computer and electrical engineering and M.S. degree in electrical engineering in 2015 and 2016, respectively, from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Her research interests are Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), data analysis, and data processing. Her recent research investigates analysis on power-related IoT data with machine learning techniques. She takes non-parametric clustering methods for investigating time-series data and neural-network-based approaches for further analysis, such as forecast, restoration, etc. From data collection and preprocessing to analysis, her study covers a wide range of IoT data processes integrated with AI techniques.
Gyu Myoung Lee
Chair, ITUT FG-DPM, Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU)

Gyu Myoung Lee received his BS degree from Hong Ik University, Seoul, Korea, in 1999 and his MS and PhD degrees from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2000 and 2007. He is with the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK, as a Senior Lecturer from 2014 and with KAIST Institute for IT convergence, Korea, as an adjunct professor from 2012. Prior to joining the LJMU, he has worked with the Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France, from 2008. Until 2012, he had been invited to work with the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea. He also worked as a research professor in KAIST, Korea and as a guest researcher in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, in 2007. His research interests include Internet of things, future networks, multimedia services, and energy saving technologies including smart grids. He has been actively working for standardization in ITU-T, IETF and oneM2M, etc., and currently serves as a WP chair in SG13, a Rapporteur of Q16/13 and Q4/20 as well as an Editor in ITU-T. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.
Robert Lewis-Lettington
Chief of the Urban Legislation Unit,UN-Habitat

Robert Lewis-Lettington is Chief of the Urban Legislation Unit at UN-Habitat. Robert has twenty years professional experience, primarily working in multilateral processes and in providing technical assistance in policy formulation and legislative processes to a variety of partners. With field experience in more than fifty countries, Robert’s specialist areas include legislative drafting, urban development, intellectual property rights and information management, digital governance, environment and natural resources, international trade and human rights. Robert is Secretary to the Drafting Committee of the UN Habitat Assembly and Vice Chair of the International Telecommunication Union’s Focus Group on ‘Data Processing and Management to support the Internet of Things and Smart Cities & Communities.’ Robert is also a Salzburg Global Fellow in Law and Technology, a member of the International Law Association (and its study group on the Role of Cities in International Law) and a member of the Human Rights Lawyers Association (UK). Robert holds a Juris Doctor degree in law from the College of William and Mary (USA), an MA (Hons) degree specialising in Architectural History from the University of St. Andrews (Scotland) and an MLitt (Dist) degree in History from the University of the Highlands and Islands (Scotland).
Liangliang Zhang
ITU-T FG DPM WG3 Chairman, Senor Engineer, HUAWEI

Ms. Liangliang ZHANG is the WG3 Chairman of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG DPM), and is in charge of the data sharing, interoperability and blockchain. She is also the vice-Chairman on Blockchain & IoT working group in China Communication Standards Association (CCSA) TC10 WG1.She joined Huawei in 2006, and has more than 10 years’ experience on telecommunication standards, especially on standards of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), ITU-T, IEEE and CCSA.