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​​Eighth SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa "Standardization and Future Networks: Opportunities for Africa ​Beyond 2020" ​

 Tuesday, 1 June 2021​​

​10:00 - 10:40
​Opening Ceremony
​10:40 - 11:40Session 1: Future Networks and Africa (Part 1): IMT-2020 and beyond IMT-2020 Networks 

This first part of session 1 will present the main achievements of SG13 in IMT-2020 standardization while giving an overview on the ongoing and future work on networks beyond IMT-2020.
It will also discuss the main standardization requirements and technical issues regarding IMT-2020 and beyond IMT-2020 Networks from the perspective of African countries.

ModeratorSimon Bugaba​Chairman, ITU-T SG13 RG-AFR, Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda
​11:40 - 12:10Session 1: Future Networks and Africa (Part 2)​: Autonomous Networks 

This second part of session 1 aims to present the concept of Autonomous Networks and to give an overview on the activities which are already/will be conducted by the newly created ITU Focus Group on Autonomous Networks.​

ModeratorSimon Bugaba​Chairman, ITU-T SG13 RG-AFR, Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda
​12:10 - 13:00 ​Session 2: Cloud Computing and Data Handling

The objective of this session is to highlight the main achievements in SG13 standardization work related to cloud computing and data handling as well as the major current and future activities of SG13 on these topics. This session will also present the vision of African Countries regarding the future standardization activities on these topics and their proposals for new work items which respond to their needs.

Moderator: Isaac ​​Kobina​ Kwarko​, Head, Fixed Services, Engineering Division, National Communications Authority, Ghana 
​13:00 - 13:10 ​Break
​13:10 - 13:50​​​​ ​Session 3: Quantum Enhanced and Trustworthy Networking
This session will give an overview on quantum information technology and how it can enhance networks and their services and applications as one of challenging items on trust. 
Other objectives of this session will be to present the main updates regarding SG13 ongoing and future standardization work in the field of trustworthy networks and the discussion of African Countries’ requirements in this field. 

ModeratorFidelis Onah​V​ice-ChairmanITU-T ​SG13, Nigeria 
​13:50 - 14:40

​Panel Discussion: Standardization and Networks Beyond 2020: Challenges and Opportunities for Africa: Is Africa ready? 

This panel will discuss the main challenges that African countries are facing in adopting future networks technologies and in getting more involved in the standardization process. The panel will also share views and make recommendations on possible measures that would be taken in order to help Africa to take advantage of opportunities arising from standardization and Future Networks beyond 2020. 

ModeratorRim Belhassine-Cherif​, Vice-Chair, ITU-T SG13, Tunisie Télécom, Tunisia
​14:40 - 15:00
​Closing Session
