Committed to connecting the world



Third ITU-T X.509 Day

Fully Virtual, 9 May 2024


Watch the recording here​

Challenges and opportunity for migration of X.509 to PQC​​​​

​13:00 - 13:15

Opening and Welcome Remarks

Masters of Ceremony: Gillian Makamara​, Project Officer​
​13:15 - 14:35
SESSION 1: Latest Advances in X.509 from Organizations and Industries Across the World 

This session is to identify the progress of ITU-T X.509 among the related groups and challenges and opportunity of X.509 to PQC from industry since 2nd event.

ModeratorZhiyuan Hu, Vice-Chair, WP2/17 "5G, IoT and ITS security", Co-Rapporteur, Q2/17 | Director, Security Research, vivo Mobile Communication Co. Ltd, China​​​​
​14:35 - 14:45
Coffee Break
​14:45 - 15:55
SESSION 2: Panel Discussion – Future Directions for Evolvement of ITU-T X.509

This session is to identify what are future development directions of ITU-T X.509, focussing on migration of PKI to PQC, and how relevant SDOs could collaborate.

ModeratorAfnan AlRomi, Vice-Chair, ITU-T Study Group 17 | WP3/17 Vice Chairman | Cybersecurity Director, Communications, Space & Technology Commission (CST), Saudi Arabia​
15:55 - 16:00​Wrap-up, Summary of Workshop Outcomes and Closing Remarks: