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Paola Girdinio2.jpgPaola Girdinio is full professor of  Principles of Electrical Engineering at the Electrical Engineering Department of University of Genoa, where she is currently teaching Field Theory and Electromagnetic Compatibility courses and is chairperson of the Council of the curriculum of Electrical Engineering. Her main scientific interests are in the areas of numerical computation of electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic compatibility and design optimization. At present, her main research are in various aspect of electromagnetic compatibility, also from an environmental point of view.

In addition to her teaching and scientific activities, she also cooperates actively with local administrators in a local project relevant to risk communication and risk perception of electromagnetic field, as a qualified expert in the matter. She is member of CENELEC/TC 9X “EMC Standardization for Urban Transport” and of the Italian National Standards organization CEI 211-6 and CEI 211-7 relevant to “general public human exposure to electromagnetic field” and CEI 307 “Environmental Aspect of power systems”. She has participated actively at the following EU projects: ACCORD, IDAM, MIDAS, PARTEL and EPOCH. She is a member of “Editorial Board” of the series of International Conferences “COMPUMAG” and “IGTE Symposium”.

Paola Girdinio published more than one hundred paper, more than sixty of them on international journals and more than forty of them on proceedings of international symposia, mainly about the following topics: applied superconductivity, the behavior of dielectric material at low temperature, numerical methods for the computation of electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic CAD, industrial electromagnetic compatibility.