Committed to connecting the world

Abstract: Seth Newberry, OMA, USA

​The governments in developing countries are taking a major role in delivering rural communications for a sustainable economic, cultural, and social growth in these areas. Once a broadband network is deployed, the information revolution takes off ensuring the accessibility of knowledge and information to remote parts of the country. With the availability of such information, the rural communities are enabled to play an active role in the current information age along with their urban community counterparts reducing the present digital divide.  Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) is developing the logical software building blocks called Service Enablers which facilitate creation of applications that help the rural communities to decide what crops to plant when, where to sell at right price, and how to prepare themselves in the face of turbulent weather forecasts. These OMA Enablers working with M2M technology will also help in assuring remote healthcare to the needy and in general  help rural communities to grow towards sustainable social, economic, and educational levels.