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Dr Jamil CHAWKI leads, since June 2008, future network (NFV  & SDN) and Cloud computing standardization domain for Orange  and active contributor to ITU-T and ISO cloud standards. Before this position, Jamil was a deputy director for Enterprise 2.0 Cloud computing research program working on Software as a Service ‘SaaS’ marketplace architecture & strategy for France Telecom R&D. In 2004 he was in charge of the first Fibre To The Home ‘FTTH’ Triple Play pilot project for Jordan Telecom. From 2000 to 2002, he was appointed as Chairman and CEO of Ogero Telecom, a fixed telecom operator in Lebanon. He was in charge of network and Information System OSS/BSS restructuring for Ogero Telecom and he supervised the implementation of first Gigabit Ethernet data network in the Middle East region. Before 2000 he has worked 10 years as a research manager in the optical WDM and IP transport network at France Telecom R&D.
Jamil was a Vice Chairman of ITU-T Focus Group Cloud and is currently Chairman of ITU-T Cloud Working Party in Study Group Future Networks (WP6-SG13).