Committed to connecting the world


Ying.jpgYing Cheng serves as senior engineer at China Unicom for more than 7 years on cloud and next-generation networks. Her major research interests include cloud networking, SDN, NFV, IPv6, etc..

As a standard representative, Ying is now actively participating and contributing in cloud, SDN, and NFV related SDOs such as ITU-T, IETF, and CCSA. She is editor and contributor of several published and on-going work items on cloud, such as Recommendation ITU-T Y.3501, Y.3512, and Y.CCNaaS-arch. She also holds the positions of associate rapporteur for Q19/SG13 and vice chair for JCA-SDN in ITU-T, representing China Unicom.

As a researcher, Ying has published more than 10 papers and held 2 authorized Chinese patents as the first authorship, and also participated in many internal research and development projects in China Unicom, e.g. OpenStack based SDN trials.

As the starting point of her career, Ying worked as maintenance and construction engineer of IP Metropolitan Area Network in Beijing for China Unicom for nearly 2 years, during which she also had the maintenance experience of dedicated IP production network for 2008 Olympic Games.

Ying received her master and bachelor degrees from Beihang University in 2007 and Beijing Institute of Technology in 2004, respectively, both in Computer Science.