Committed to connecting the world

OH Myeong-Hoon


hoon.jpgMyeong-Hoon Oh received his PhD in information and communications engineering from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea in 2005. He has been with ETRI, Korea since 2005 as a senior researcher. From 2006, he has been an associate professor in University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea. His research focuses on implementation of cloud computing and related standardization. He has participated in ITU-T SG13 since the FG-Cloud group and performed an editor for Y.3503 (Requirements for Desktop as a Service). He currently works on Y.DaaS-arch (Functional Architecture of DaaS) as an editor. He also has been in activity as an international standardization specialist in Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA), Korea and a member of the chair group in cloud computing standardization in TTA.​