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MarkJeffrey1_2010.jpg​Mark Jeffrey is a Technical Diplomat for Microsoft, British by birth and based here in Geneva. He started working in telecommunications in 1983, in residential broadband in 1989, and has participated in standards at the ITU since 1991.

As 19 year veteran of Microsoft in the US, UK and Switzerland, Mark has worked in various areas of standardisation including ATM, ADSL, broadband home networking, television, and digital rights management. He is currently Rapporteur for Q19 Cloud Computing Management and Security in ITU-T SG13, and Associate Rapporteur for Q8 Cloud Computing Security in ITU-T SG17, and is also active in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38. Mark was the ITU’s appointed editor for the Y.3500 Cloud Computing Overview and Vocabulary developed jointly with SC38.

In addition to his telecom engineering background, Mark holds an LL.M in international legal practice. He is married with two teenage boys and a three year old daughter.