Committed to connecting the world


Ms. Annie Sokol is an IT Specialist in the Information Technology Laboratory's Computer Security Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).  She is currently the Co-Convener of NIST Cloud Computing Standards Roadmap Working Group and co-editor of ISO/IEC 19941 Cloud Computing – Information technology – Interoperability and Portability following successful responsibilities as Co-Convener for ITU-T and ISO/IEC Collaborative Team for Cloud Computing Vocabulary and Overview.   Annie also previously served as the International Representative and Vice Chair of INCITS B10.12, Integrated Circuit Cards with Contacts.

Before joining NIST, Annie had a successful career in business administration in the private industries for over twenty years.  While working at NIST, she received her Bachelor of Science in Business and Management and continued to finish with a Master of Science in Information and Telecommunication Systems (MS ITS) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Johns Hopkins University.