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YOUKI.jpgDr. Youki Kadobayashi works for NICT Japan as an invited expert, where his role as the Rapporteur of ITU-T Study Group 17 Question 4 (Cybersecurity) has been supported since 2008. At SG17, he has been working with other experts to gather insights on cybersecurity information exchange for more than five years – results of the study activities have been made available under ITU-T Recommendation series X.1500, also known as CYBEX.

He also conducts lectures and hands-on exercises on cybersecurity at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, for which he has been working as an Associate Professor since 2000. He has participated in a number of international research collaboration programs; since last year, he has been coordinating FP7 NECOMA project, which has been jointly funded by the European Commission and MIC of Japan. At the NECOMA project, he leverages big data, SDN and cloud computing technologies for improving cyber-resilience.

He is deeply committed to Asia-Pacific region; he has delivered talks on cybersecurity standards at past Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Cybersecurity Forum meetings. He also delivers guest lectures on cybersecurity and cloud computing security at the Unitec Institute of Technology in New Zealand as an Adjunct Professor.