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DELGADO Juan, Global Economics Group

Juan_Delgado_photo.jpgDr Juan Delgado is a Director at Global Economics Group. Juan has more than 15 years of experience in antitrust, competition policy and regulation in the public and private sectors and in academic and research institutions. He has advised leading law firms and corporations, governments and international multilateral institutions.
Until 2011, Juan was the first-ever Chief Economist of the Spanish antitrust agency CNC. Prior to that, he was a research fellow at the influential European think-tank Bruegel and at the Harvard Kennedy School. He has also worked as an economist with the Competition Directorate of the European Commission and with the Spanish Telecoms regulator CMT.

Dr Delgado has written extensively in academic and policy journals. He currently teaches at Universidad Carlos III and at IE University in Madrid. Juan holds a PhD in Economics from the Universidad Carlos III in Madrid (Spain) and an MSc in Economics from Warwick University (UK).