Committed to connecting the world


ibrahim mohamed.jpgHon. Mohamed Ibrahim is the Minister of Post and Telecommunication of Somalia. His professional experience spans academia and public and private sectors of business and administration.
Previously he has been both an ICT practitioner and member of both the Australia Computer Society (ACS) and the Australian Professional Engineers, Scientists, Managers Association of Australia (APESMA).   Over the last twenty five years he has worked in the ICT industry in Australia, in the energy sector in Papua New Guinea and in Kuwait as a senior business analyst; he has also workedin the education sector as a lecturer and education technologist in Australia and the UAE.
As a CIO in Australia Mohamed has led the implementation of award winning solutions, published scholarly papers as a research fellow at Melbourne University and launched the .so country code top level domain name (ccTLD) for Somalia. His other internet based businesses have enabled/continue to enable the Somali government web presence and promotion of the country’s digital identity.
Over the last five year Mohamed has championed strategies aimed at moving and transforming Somalia into the digital age in all spheres.  His particular emphases have been on MOOCs (delivery of massive online education) and on enhancing the legal and technical capabilities of mobile money facilities used by the education sector and telecommunication industries respectively.
As well as improving public sector delivery to citizens and business, he has also focused on the creation of an enabling environment for societal transformation and governance. To achieve this in the Somali context has entailed an ongoing attention to legislative development and to establishment of foundational legal frameworks. ​