Committed to connecting the world

Draft Programme

Forum on Data Management: Transforming Data Into Value
Expanding the IoT Potential with a special focus on smart cities
Dubai, UAE, 12 March 2017


​08:00 - 08:30Registration
​09:00 - 09:30​Opening ceremony
​09:30 - 10:30High Level Session on "The role of IoT data in smart cities" 

Keynote speakers:
​10:30 - 11:00Coffee break
​11:00 - 11:30​​Keynote speech
​11:30 - 13:00 ​Session 1: Challenges and opportunities in a data-driven world
This session will provide a platform to discuss technical challenges and business opportunities related to data. It will address questions related to building innovation-friendly ecosystems that incentivize private as well as public businesses to invest in the data economy both as producers of data and as providers of data-driven services.

This session will also present perspectives on frameworks that enable the use of data held by the public sector and the generation of data-driven revenue.

Open access to data is a key area within data management. Accordingly, this session can also explore how open access can be used to help cities set up a proper risk management scheme for the information collected.

This session will also provide an answer to how private and public sector data can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Moderator: Toni Eid, Chief Executive Officer, Trace Media and International Editor in Chief of Telecom Review global editions [Biography]

Speakers: Questions & Answers
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
​14:00 - 15:00 Session 2: Technology and Standards for Data Management
This session will review the current activities of data standards with a special focus on recent trends of IoT data formats and standards. The data formats for health/medical applications, geographic applications, and 3D cyber-virtual applications will be integrated in the ICT environments. This session will also review how metadata will be used to classify zetabytes of data generated by IoT sensors and used in cyber-virtual spaces.                

Finally, this session will explore how using Big and Smart Data as well as methods and tools based on multilingual semantic technologies, will enable better, more transparent, user-focused decisions, plans, and processes, to build smart cities.

Moderator: Bocar A. BA, Chief Executive Officer, SAMENA [Biography]

Speakers: Questions & Answers
​​​15:00 - 15:15Coffee break
15:15 - 16:30 Session 3: Data Interoperability and Open Data Platforms ​
This session will conduct discussions on open platforms to realize the future data eco-society. Web and cloud technologies are important when taking into consideration the practicality of open data platforms. The following issues will be discussed during the session: This session will also explore the changing landscape of data management with a special focus on the IoT ecosystem and smart cities. Accordingly, this session will also aim to determine how common standards could improve interoperability and portability of different data sets. 

The session can conduct discussions on open standards and how they converge (and diverge) globally, depending on regional and national requirements.

Moderator: Il Young Chong, HUFS, Korea [Biography]

Speakers: Questions & Answers
​16:30 - 17:30 Session 4: Identification & Data Governance
This session will discuss issues related to data identification and governance, explore the implications of new emerging technologies like the blockchain algorithm, and describe barriers to building a data-friendly regulatory framework, which can promote equity and access for bridging the digital divide and provide defined guidelines for data ownership and data monitoring.

Moderator: Robert Lewis, Unit Leader for Urban Legislation and Branch Coordinator for Legislation, Land and Governance, UN-Habitat [Biography]

Speakers: Questions & Answers
​17:30 - 18:30 Session 5: Security & Trust in the IoT Ecosystem ​
The adoption of big data analytics will be hampered by the lack of clarity on the regulatory frameworks governing issues like privacy, data protection, trust, and security. 

This session will discuss perceived risks to privacy and security in the IoT ecosystem that could undermine the consumer confidence required for the full adoption of smart city technologies.

Moderator: Harinderpal Singh Grewal, Cluster Director, Resource & Interconnection Management, Connectivity & Competition Development Group, IMDA, Singapore [Biography]

Speakers: Questions & Answers
​18:30 - 19:00 Action Plan for Future Data Management
This session will summarize key issues from each session and identify action items and key milestones that can be carried out within ITU-T SG20 and/or other relevant ITU-T study groups, including collaboration and coordination with other organizations.

Moderator: Chaesub Lee, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU  [Biography] Questions & Answers
​19:00 - 19:05 ​Closing remarks