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Joint ITU-GISFI-DS-CTIF Standards Education Workshop
Aalborg, Denmark, 8-9 October 2012 Contact:




kbandersen.jpgKatrine Bergh Andersen, Danish Standards, Denmark

Katrine Bergh Andersen is working with strengthening the relation between standardization and research, which she has been doing since 2010. Before that she has been working as an information consultant in Danish Standards. She has a master’s degree in psychology of language from the University of Copenhagen.
In Danish Standards miss Andersen is establishing and coordinating research projects. She is also representing Danish Standards in the European working groups and projects under the auspices of CEN/CENELEC regarding research. At a national level she is managing the national contact point (NCP) for research in standardization.
Danish Standards is the national standardization organisation in Denmark working with formal standardization, and therefore the national member of Danish member of CEN, CENELEC, ISO and IEC.
sabogh.jpgSigne Annette Bøgh, Denmark
Signe Annette Bøgh has been working with research and education about standardization since 2010. She is responsible for creating awareness about standardization among students, ensuring that educational material and cases are available and that standardization is taught at the relevant educational establishments in Denmark. Her primarily focus is on education about standardization at university level. 
In addition to the educational effort in Denmark, Signe is an active member of the European CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Joint Working Group on Education about Education and related task forces.
Miss Bøgh has a Master’s degree in engineering from Aalborg University in Denmark.
hbrand.jpgHermann Brand, France
Hermann Brand received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr. tech. degrees in electrical engineering from the Technical Universities of Graz and Vienna, Austria.
He has held various positions as an engineer and researcher, but also as a technology manager, innovation manager and business developer in the semiconductor, telecommunications and IT industry.
Hermann Brand has been R&D manager in mobile communications before joining ETSI in 2008. As one of the Directors of ETSI he is currently responsible for Innovation.
ofratu.jpgOctavian Fratu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Octavian Fratu received the Master of Science in Radiocommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest (the previous name of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest) in 1986 and, after 6 years long activity in industry, in the area of Computer Peripherals and Sensors and Measurement Equipment design, he decided to join the academic activity. He received the PhD degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest in 1997. He achieved postdoctoral stage as senior researcher in 3rd generation mobile communication systems, based on a research contract between CNET-France, ENS de Cachan - France and Universite Marne la Vallee – France. He is currently professor in Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Theory Faculty. His research interests include Mobile Communications, Radio Data Transmissions, Wireless Sensor Networks, Radio communication networks. His publications include more than 150 papers published in Romania or abroad or presented at international conferences. He participated as director or collaborator in many international research projects such as „Reconfigurable Interoperability of Wireless Communications Systems (RIWCoS)”, NATO Science for Peace Research project (2007-2010), „REDICT—Regional Economic Development by ICT/New media clusters” (FP7 CSA project, 2008-2009), “ATHENA - Digital Switchover: Developing Infrastructures for Broadband Access”, (FP6 STREP project, 2004-2006) and he was director of more than 8 other research projects funded after international or national project competitions and participated as member of the research team in other 25 projects, most of them in the area of mobile communications and wireless networks. In present he is member of Pierre Auger Collaboration, involved in researches related to the detection of astroparticles. As member of Telecommunications Department of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, he coordinates the Master in Mobile Communications organized within this university. Also he is President of Technical Committee 6 of Romanian Standardization Association, responsible with the wireless receivers and transceivers standardization, especially for mobile communications purposes.
Newell Hampson-Jones, BSI, UK
Newell Hampson-Jones is BSI’s Education Sector Representative, charged with raising awareness and participation in standardization throughout the education sector. He has delivered lectures and managed projects in a range of UK universities and represents the UK Higher Education sector on the CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Joint Working Group on Education about Standardization which sets European Standards Bodies’ education policy and the implementation of that policy.
Before working at BSI, Newell was a senior manager at a UK Business School where he oversaw the design and management of a portfolio of degrees and the schools engagement with students and staff.
whesser.jpgWilfried Hesser, Helmut Schmidt-Universität, Germany
Wilfried Hesser was born in Speyer, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, in 1947. He studied production engineering at the Technische Universität Berlin and obtained his postgraduate degree in 1979 with a thesis entitled “On the relationship between standardisation and design”. In his work as a design manager he acquired extensive knowledge on the strategy of standardisation for product design. In 1984 he was appointed to the post of professor for the Department of Standardisation and Technical Drawing/CAD at Helmut Schmidt University and had the task of representing the subject of “standardisation in companies and markets” in teaching and research. Since 1986 he has been working as an expert assessor and consultant for the Federal Republic of Germany as well as for the European Commission. His main areas of activity as an expert assessor and trainer for the establishment of national standardisation systems have been and still are states in central and eastern Europe as well as countries in Asia, such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia. The project EU-ASIA LINK Development of a curriculum for “Standardisation in Companies and Markets“ 2003 to 2007, which was funded by the European Commission, has resulted in an extensive curriculum, now numbering 26 teaching units and made available on the Internet, as well as a textbook entitled “Standardisation in Companies and Markets”, with more than 1,000 pages.
Wilfried Hesser has authored and published many research and academic articles on standardisation both nationally and internationally, including government reports on standardisation in India, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines und Indonesia. He retired from the Chair of Standardisation and Technical Drawing/CAD at the Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg in September 2010. Since his retirement, he has continued to be actively involved in the field of standardisation and in promoting its status as a subject of study within higher education.
Further information is available at
bjamoussi.jpgBilel Jamoussi, Chief Study Group Department, TSB, ITU

​Dr. Bilel Jamoussi is Chief of the Study Groups Department at the International Telecommunication Union Standardization Bureau in Geneva Switzerland where he is responsible for the organization and management of the ITU-T Study Groups, Focus Groups, Global Standardization Initiatives, Joint Coordination Activities, and their secretariat.

Before joining ITU, Bilel was with Nortel for 15 years in Canada and then the United States where he held several leadership positions including Strategic Standards, Advanced Technology, University Research, Software Development for routing/switching platforms, and Data Network Engineering of major international customer networks.

As Director of the Strategic Standards organization within the office of the Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Bilel provided strategic technology direction and leadership for Nortel’s involvement in more than 90 standards development organizations, forums and consortia. He also contributed to the MIT one laptop per child (OLPC) initiative.

Bilel is an IEEE Senior Member. He was elected to the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Board of Governors (BOG) and the IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group (CAG). He served on the IEEE Standards Education Committee, the IEEE-SA Nominations and Appointments Committee, the IEEE-SA BOG International ad hoc, and the Technical Liaison from IEEE-SA to ITU-T and ITU-D.

Bilel contributes to the innovation and advancement of technology in the ICT Field. He has 22 granted and filed US patents in diverse areas: packet, optical, wireless, and quality of service.

Bilel received a BS. ’89, MS. ’92, and PhD ’95 degrees in Computer Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, USA.
jjerlang.jpgJesper Jerlang, Dansk Standard, Denmark

​Jesper Jerlang has a master degree in socio-economic planning (cand.techn.soc) from Roskilde University 1992. From 1992 to 1994 Jesper was assistant teacher at Roskilde University, Denmark’s Technical University and Copenhagen University (Department of Political Science). From 1993 to 1998 employed in the consulting company Rambøll as environmental consultant with national and international projects within environmental management, waste management and green accounting. Since 1998 employed in Danish Standards, first as senior consultant within environmental standardization (including the IS0 14001 environmental management series), then four years as head of deparment and since 2006 as director for standardization. Member of the board of CEN and CENELEC, two of the official European standardization organisations and for four years in the standardization management board of the international organization IEC.  Jesper Jerlang has in 2010 finalized an executive MBA at Copenhagen Business School.
ykkim.jpgYoung Kyun Kim, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Ethiopia
Since July 2012, Prof. Kim has served for AAiT as a Scientific Director and he is busy leading all academic and research programs, and international collaborations. He has been very much focused on improving AAiT infrastructure as a whole (new academic and research program expansion, campus renovation and internet infra upgrade).
Since March 2009 to June 2012, Dr. Kim has been as a full Professor, School of Engineering at Korea University, Seoul, Korea teaching a graduate course on global standards and mobile communications.
From August 1999 to January 2009, as Sr. Vice President of Samsung Electronics, Dr. Kim created, organized and successfully led its global standards and research team of total 150 global staffs for telecommunication business of Samsung Electronics.  His major achievements include a successful globalization of WiMax-Advanced (IEEE 802.16m) standards primarily driven by Samsung Electronics and 3GPP LTE-Advanced mobile communication standards. With his global standards vision and leadership, Samsung Electronics is now recognized as a world-class global standards company.
Dr. Kim holds several global standards leaderships.  Since 2002 to 2009, he was a Chairman of APT Wireless Forum and from January 2007, he serves as IEEE Standards Association Board Member. In October 2008, he was awarded as a fellow from Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF).
Prior to joining Samsung Electronics, Dr. Kim had over 17 years wireless industry research and standards experience in USA, which include R&D Manager at GTE Corp. (1984-1990) and ITU-R Program Director at INTELSAT, Washington, DC (1990-1999).
Dr. Kim has been a Senior Member of IEEE since 1984 and published 60 technical papers and presented more than 70 papers in IEEE global conferences.  He holds 38 international patents in advanced wireless communication field.  In January 2006, he and Prof. Ramjee Prasad published a book on “4G Roadmap and Emerging Communication Technologies” from Artech House, UK.
He holds B.S. from Seoul National University (1972), Korea, M.S. from Rutgers University (1976), NJ and Ph.D. from Duke University (1978), NC, USA, all in E.E.
Finn Kjærsdam, President, Aalborg University (AAU)

Finn Kjærsdam is 67 years old and lives i Nørresundby together with his wife Winnie Kjærsdam.

He got his  GCSE from Roskilde Katedralskole and his M.Sc. (Chartered Surveyor) degree in 1969 from the Faculty of Life Sciences at University of Copenhagen, where he got his Ph.D. in 1974.
In 1975 Finn Kjærsdam was employed at Aalborg University where he became Dr.Techn. in 1985. In 1988 he became professor in physical planning at Aalborg University.
In 1988 Finn Kjæsdam was appointed Dean of the expanding Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science at Aalborg University, a position he held for 17 years. In 2005 Finn Kjærsdam was appointed Rector of Aalborg University, a position he is still holding.
Finn Kjærsdam has published more than 100 scientific articles and a number of books, a.o. “Byplanlægningens Historie”.
Finn Kjærsdam enjoys spending his spare time in his holiday home in Sweden. Being a quite able jazz musician playing in the local bands Lime River Jazz Band and New Orleans Four Finn Kjærsdam also enjoys visiting jazz festivals and jazz cafés.
Aalborg University was established in 1974 with a budget of 60 million DKK. Today the budget has passed 2 billion DKK with a number of students of almost 17,000.
skomaki.jpgShozo Komaki, MJIIT, UTM International Campus, Malaysia

Prof. Shozo Komaki received B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Communication Engineering from Osaka University, Japan, in 1970, 1972 and 1983 respectively. During 1972-1990, he was with the NTT Electric Communication Labs (ECL), and conducted research and development of wireless communication systems. In 1990, he moved to Osaka University and worked as Professor in the area of wireless communication nwtworks. In 2012, he retired from Osaka Univ. as an emeritus professor, and moved to MJIIT UTM, Malaysia.
kosaikanont.jpg​Romyen Kosaikanont, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand

PhD in Economics and International Development, University of Bath, UK
Variegated Dragon: Territorialization and Civilising Mission in Southeast Asia (ongoing)
Cultural heritage management: Pai, Pangmapha, Khunyuam Districts, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand (2012).
International Political Economy of the regional economic cooperation: Greater Mekong Sub-region (2009).
Internet Mail Order Bride: Transnational Marriage of Thai Women in Globalized World. (2006).
Women’s Human Rights Defenders: Case studies of Thai Human Rights Defenders (2006).
Research Interest:
Gender and development, gender and economics, international political economy of the economic cooperation.
ymaeda.jpgYoichi Maeda, TTC, Japan

Yoichi Maeda was born in Aichi, Japan on May 19, 1955.  He received his B. E. and M. E. Degrees in Electronic Engineering from Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan, in 1978 and 1980, respectively. Since joining the Electrical Communications Laboratories of NTT in 1980, he has been engaged in research and development on transport network systems for broadband communications including SDH, ATM and IP technologies.  From 1988 to 1989, he worked for British Telecom Research Laboratories, UK, as an exchange research engineer between NTT and BT.  His main areas of expertise are: transport networks and systems, optical access networks and systems, network service integration, and global standardization strategy planning.

Mr Maeda has been Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 15 since 2004 and has actively led the studies in the area of the development of standards on optical transport network infrastructures, systems and equipment to facilitate the evolution toward intelligent transport networks.

Mr Maeda is a member of the IEEE and a Fellow of IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) of Japan.  He is the Feature Editor on Standards for the IEEE Communications Magazine.

Having been appointed as CEO and S.V.P. of TTC (The Telecommunication Technology Committee) in October 2010, he currently leads this Japanese telecommunication standardization organization.
jmcgarrah.jpgJames M. McGarrah, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Following successful Navy and telecommunications industry careers, Jim McGarrah joined the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) in November, 2008, as the Director of the Information and Communications Laboratory (ICL).  In this capacity, he leads over 200 research faculty, staff and students in delivering applied research solutions for sponsors in federal, state and local government and in the commercial sector.
Jim graduated “With Distinction” from the U. S. Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and received his Navy commission in 1973. He served in both the active and reserve components of the U. S. Navy for 33 years.  His key assignments included Electronic Warfare Officer and Damage Control Assistant in USS Belknap (CG-26), staff engineer assignments with U.S. Central Command and U.S. European Command, and various line and staff assignments in the Naval Construction Force.  During his command of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion TWENTY-FOUR (NMCB-24), he led recovery operations in the Southeastern U.S. following Hurricane Hugo, and supported operations of the FIRST Marine Expeditionary Force in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm.  His “Seabee” battalion was twice selected as “Best of Type” under his command.   He also commanded the THIRD Naval Construction Regiment and served as Deputy Commander of the FIRST Naval Construction Division.  During his final uniformed position as Deputy Chief of Civil Engineers and Director of the Contingency Engineering Group, he assumed additional duties leading a special assignment for the Secretary of the Navy.  Following retirement from the Navy in 2006 as a Rear Admiral (O-8), he served an additional 2 years as a senior civilian Special Assistant working for the Deputy Secretary of Defense. His military awards include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (2), Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal (3), Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal and various campaign and service medals.
In addition to his military career, Jim spent over 24 years in the telecommunications industry working for Southern Bell, BellSouth and Cingular Wireless.   He served primarily in operational and planning assignments with the network department.  He also led organizations that were involved in the evaluation and deployment of new technologies such as fiber optics and wireless communications.  He represented BellSouth’s wireless segments for four years in various North American telecommunications standards organizations.  He retired from Cingular Wireless in 2003 as Executive Director of National Network Planning and Operations.
Jim holds a Master of Arts degree in Human Resource Management from Pepperdine University, a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, and is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Georgia.  He serves as Chair of the Georgia Committee of the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), a Department of Defense organization which assists employers and their employees who serve in the Guard and Reserve components of the military services.  He is also an active member and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of his church, a member of several civic and professional organizations, and Past President and member of the Board of the Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association.
arprasad.jpgAnand R. Prasad, NEC, Japan
Anand R. Prasad, Ph.D. & Ir. (MScEngg), Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Fellow IETE and Senior Member IEEE, is a NEC Certified Professional (NCP) and works as a Senior Expert at NEC Corporation, Japan, where he leads mobile communications related security activity. Anand is a vice-chairman of 3GPP SA3 (mobile communications security standardization group). He is a Member of the Governing Body of Global ICT Standardisation Forum for India (GISFI) where he also chairs the Green ICT working group and is founder chair of the Security & Privacy working group. Before joining NEC, Anand led the network security team in DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Munich, Germany, as a manager. He started his career at Uniden Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, as a researcher developing embedded solutions like medium access control (MAC) and automatic repeat request (ARQ) schemes for wireless local area network (WLAN) product and as project leader of the software modem team. Subsequently he was systems architect (as distinguished member of technical staff) for IEEE 802.11 based WLANs (WaveLAN and ORiNOCO) in Lucent Technologies, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, during which period he was also a voting member of IEEE 802.11. After Lucent, Anand joined Genista Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, as a technical director with focus on perceptual QoS. Anand has provided business and technical consultancy to start-ups, started offshore development center based on his concept of cost effective outsourcing models and does business development.
Anand has applied for over 30 patents, has published 6 books and authored over 50 peer reviewed papers in international journals and conferences. His latest book is on “Security in Next Generation Mobile Networks SAE/LTE and WiMAX”, published by River Publishers, August 2011. He is series editor for standardization book series of River Publishers, an Associate Editor of IEEK (Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea) Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing (SPC), advisor to Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, and chair / committee member of several international activities.
Anand is recipient of the 2012 (ISC)² Asia Pacific Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) Award as a Senior Information Security Professional.
Thomas Ryberg, Faculty of Humanities, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark
Professor mso Thomas Ryberg, is part of the research centre: “E-learning lab - Center for User Driven Innovation, Learning and Design”. Co-chair of the International Networked Learning Conference and head of the Aalborg PBL Academy Management Board. He has participated in European and international research projects and networks (EQUEL, Kaledioscope, COMBLE, PlaceMe, EATrain2), and in development projects in South East Asia and Latin America (VISCA, VO@NET, ELAC). His primary research interests are within the fields of Networked Learning, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). In particular, he is interested in how new media and technologies transform our ways of thinking about and designing for Networked and Hybrid Learning in PBL environments, and how new technologies shape our research practices and identities.
santoyo.jpgArturo Serrano Santoyo, Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education, Mexico

​Dr. Arturo Serrano Santoyo earned his Doctor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City in 1980.  In 1981 he received the ALCATEL Annual Telecommunications Award for his contributions to rural satellite communications in Mexico, and in 1986 was honored with the ERICSSON Telecommunications Award.    He has been a telecommunications consultant for the Organization of American States and the United Nations as well as for many private companies and governmental agencies. Dr. Serrano is member of the Mexican Academy of Engineering and currently researcher at the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE) and professor at the Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico.
mdtiwari.jpg​Murli Dhar Tiwari, III-T Allahabad, India
Dr. Murli Dhar Tiwari was born on August 16th, 1948 in a small village near Amethi in an ordinary family.  After school education he completed his B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Phil. Degrees from Allahabad University.  In 1973 he joined HNB Garhwal University, India as a Lecturer, subsequently he became Head of Physics Department of the same University.  In 1984 he joined University Grants Commission, New Delhi as a Principal Scientific Officer and after working for a decade on senior position there he moved to All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi as a Senior Advisor in 1994. 
In 1995 he joined MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, India as a Vice Chancellor. During 3 years of his tenure he managed a number of Professional Courses at this University which was adjudged First University in all Universities in performance appraisal in three consecutive years.  He was also honoured by substantial financial support from the Government. He is also Founder Chairman of U.P.State Council of Higher Education. He has enjoyed prestigious fellowships like Alexander-von-humboldt Fellowship and visited abroad several times for academic endeavours. 
Dr. Tiwari moved to Allahabad, India and established Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad (IIIT-A) in 1999.  Since then he is working there as a Director. 
The Institute got collaborations with most of the top class Universities of USA, Switzerland, U.K. and others.  He has published about 150 research papers in refereed journals, supervised 12 Ph.D. students and has written/edited about 12 books published by publishers of International repute.
Dr. Tiwari has also worked on prestigious positions such as President of Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. At present he is Chairman, Electronics and Technology Division, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, Chairman of several bilateral science and technology programmes of Government of India. 
To promote science education and research in the country, Dr. Tiwari is organising Conclave of Nobel Laureates since 2008 every year and the same is being done in 2012.  This is a unique programme and is contributing a lot for awareness and interests of young brilliant students for science education & research.
At present his interests are Information Technology in general – Wireless Sensors, Human Computer Interaction and Application of IT in untaped Non-conventional Energy in particular.
devries.jpgHenk J. de Vries, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands

Dr. Ir. Henk J. de Vries is Associate Professor of Standardisation at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His education and research focus on standardisation from a business point of view. Henk received a PhD degree on 'Standardization - A Business Approach to the Role of National Standardization Organizations' (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999).
From 1984 until 2003 he worked with NEN, Netherlands Standardization Institute, in several jobs. Since 1994 he has an appointment at the Erasmus University’s School of Management, Department of Management of Technology and Innovation, Chair of Standardisation, since 2004 full-time.
Henk is
• President of the European Academy for Standardisation EURAS
• Chair of the International Cooperation for Education about Standardization ICES
• Special Adviser of the International Federation of Standards users IFAN.
Henk wrote more than 300 scientific and professional publications about standardisation including a dozen of books. The International Organization for Standardization ISO rewarded his teaching activities with the ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization 2009.