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Tasso Azevedo is a consultant and social entrepreneur in the field of forests, sustainability and climate change.  He is a forestry engineer graduate at ESALQ/USP. Tasso was founder and Director of the Institute of Forest and Agriculture Management and Certification (IMAFLORA), the largest FSC certifier in Brazil. In 2002 Tasso became the Director of the National Forest Program at the Ministry of Environment and Vice-Chair and General-Secretary of the National Forest Commission.  In 2006, he was appointed the first Chief & Director General of the Brazilian Forest Service, a position he held until 2009.  Tasso was one of the key people involved in the design and implementation of the Forest Stewardship Council in Brazil, the National Plan to Combat Deforestation, the Amazon Fund (one of the largest forest protection funds worldwide) and the Brazilian targets to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Tasso serves as board member on organizations and initiatives such as Business Forum on Climate Change, RainForest Alliance, Imazon, Imaflora and WRI Brazil and teaches at post-graduate programs on sustainability related issues.