Committed to connecting the world


Carla Belitarda.pngCarla Belitardo is Head of Brand Experience and Sustainability for Ericsson Latin America, previously she held the position of Head of market development for Latin America and Strategy and Marketing Director at Ericsson Brazil. She has joined Ericsson in 2008 for a Global Management Program and has rotated jobs in various market unities and headquarters. 18 years of experience in various functional areas, mainly in the Telecom and IT industry in Management Consulting and initiated career as Project Management and Sales at IBM Global Services in Brazil. Today, she advocates Technology for Good throughout various forums in Latin America.

Civil Engineer from School of Polytechnics, USP (97’ class) obtained an international one-year full time MBA diploma from INSEAD - France and Singapore, in 2007. She has recently participated in executive trainings at IMD (Lausanne), Boston University and IESE (Barcelona). PMP® Certified as of 2002, also with a diploma in Business/IT from FIA/USP in 1998.

Personal interests for adventure sports, sailing, traveling and photography - she has traveled to about 80 countries in all continents, done a round-the-world trip and participated in a sailing ocean race.