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​​​​​Mohamed Abdalah's PhotoMohamed Abdallah
25 years experience in the IT industry with very solid experience in Data Center , Enterprise Applications , Virtualization , Networking , Systems Management , and Cloud Computing. Holding Bachelor of Science in Electrical  Engineering and Masters of Business Administration in International Business.
Ahmed Ramy's pictureDr. Ramy Ahmed Fathy
Ramy Ahmed Fathy is the Director of Digital Services Policies & Planning at the Egyptian National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA). As the Director of Digital Services, he seeks the development and implementation of sustainable and effective digital services in the Egyptian market. His role at NTRA includes the development of guidelines, regulatory frameworks, viable business models, and effective specifications & technical operating parameters, which ensure efficient and effective services' operation. He is leading the design, and specifications development of intelligent and digital services; addressing interoperability, risk, regulatory impact assessment and services’ market adoption while employing a wide set of tools related to radio network planning, transport design, market modeling, and optimization.
Fathy has been actively involved at the different stages of development of various intelligent ICT systems and services, in addition to numerous ICT-for-development initiatives including national broadband network infrastructure and services, smart cities, smart utilities, eGov, water management, and next generation access planning. His 15 years of experience include projects in the fields of IoT design and specifications, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) design and specification development, workflow automation, home automation, analog TV switch-off and DTV transformation, 4G business case development, market modeling, and smart cities services ICT requirements and specifications development.
Over the past 10 years, Fathy has served in key roles in the international standardization arena. In 2012, he served as the Vice-Chairman of the ITU-T Focus Group of Bridging the Gap between Innovations and Standardization (Focus Group Innovation). One year later, he was elected as the Chairman of the ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Water Management for a period of two years. Currently he is serving as the Vice Chairman of the ITU-T Study Group 20 (SG20) on IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities since late 2015 where he is leading activities related to the standardization of end-to-end architectures for IoT and smart cities, intelligence, mechanisms for the interoperability of IoT applications, security, and identification aspects of IoT systems.
Fathy has a PhD in electronics and communications. He has led R&D projects in radio network planning and optimization, cognitive radio systems, video coding, cryptography, DSP/FPGA/GPP based implementations of consumer electronics products and satellite communication systems. He has numerous publications in esteemed journals and conferences, and he's the author of one book in electronics.

Engineer Asadu Charles Chike Photo Engr.  Asadu Charles Chike
Engr Charles Chike Asadu holds a HND Electrical/Electronics Engineering, specializing in Digital Electronics from the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu in 1981; BSC Ed., Vocational Education, specializing in Industrial Technical Education – 1996 and  Med, Arts Education, specializing in Educational Technology – 2002 from University of Nigeria, Nsukka;  PGD Computer Science and Engineering – 2003 and M. Eng., E​lectrical Electronic Engineering specializing in Communication  Engineering – 2007 from the Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu; and presently undergoing PhD  Educational Technology at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Engr Charles Chike Asadu was a T​eacher at the Queen of the Rosary Secondary school, Nsukka where he was in charge of the industrial and introductory technology laboratory, and thought Electronics, Physics, Mathematics to graduating students and others 1983 – 1992. He was a Technologist at the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu, where he was in charge of the Audio Visual And Micro Engineering Laboratories, the Center Manager of the Equipment Support Centre – one of the three center’s under the project of the British Council and the National Board for Tech​nical Educat​ion in charge of improving the technical components of teaching in Nigeria polytechnics that situates at the I.M.T. Enugu from1992 -2000. He then joined the Ministry of communications Nigeria, as Engineer responsible for radio spectrum management and coordination of, and liaison with international bodies concerned with ICT and Radio services. At the Ministry, he Represented West Africa in Agenda item 1.23 WRC-12, and Agenda item 1.4 WRC-15(radio armature services issues), was Responsible for the continuous review of the countries frequency allocation table and frequency plan chart, and have been participating in the activities of ITU-T SG 13 Q5/13, and ITUT-R SG 5C. He has participated in many ICT Conferences, WRC preparatory meetings and training in ICT matters between 2000 – 2017.
Presently he is working with the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, at the university’s Innovation Center in charge of ICT activities in the school, and management of innovation initiatives emanating from the university, as well as the universities facilitator on ITU matters. Presently he is concerned with IMT – 2020 requirements, frequency availability for this, the issue of Big Data, Amateur radio practice, and effective participation in Q5/13 of ITU-T SG.​​

Rim Belhassine-Cherif Photo ​​Rim Belhassine-Cherif, Ph.D.
Dr. Rim Belhassine-Cherif is a general engineer. She has worked for the incumbent telecom operator in Tunisia “Tunisie Télécom” since 1994 and she is currently the Chief Services and Innovation Officer of Tunisie Télécom. She is mainly responsible of new products and services study (mobile, fix, Internet, Enterprises and Data), offers and promotions development and technical launch, solutions engineering (enterprises, voice, multimedia, messaging and content) as well as Research, Development and Innovation.
Dr. Belhassine-Cherif has participated to several ITU conferences, seminars and Workshops and she is currently a vice-chair of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) and member of the panel of Rapporteurs for the TSAG Rapporteur Group on Standardization Strategy. She is also vice-chair of ITU-T Study Group 13 and its Regional Group for Africa (SG13RG-AFR) and Vocabulary Rapporteur for the ITU Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV). Moreover, she was a vice-chair of the ITU-T Focus Group on Bridging the Gap: from Innovation to Standards between 2013 and 2015. Besides, Dr. Belhassine-Cherif has several contributions as Tunisie Télécom’s delegate in national and international events, related to both professional and academic fields, in which she participated as a speaker, panelist and moderator. 
Dr. Belhassine-Cherif graduated from the Higher School of Posts and Telecommunications of Tunis in 1994. She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the National Engineering School of Tunis in 2002 and obtained in 2010 an Executive MBA from Paris-Dauphine University and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. In the academic field, she performed several research activities in the domain of telecommunications and electrical engineering and she is the author of many papers published in international and national conferences and scientific journals.​
Soumaya Benbartaoui Photo Soumaya Benbartaoui
After graduating as engineer of computer science from University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Soumaya joined Regulatory Authority of Post and Telecommunication in 2009, where she works as head of department of Electronic Certification Management, since 2012. 
She was selected to participate in the Techwomen program (initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs) where she worked with a h​igh tech company at Silicon Valley. 
Also, in 2014 she won the BELTE Award for MEA region from WIT. She started working on cloud computing technology during the Arab Cloud Project; this project was initiated by the Arab Regulator Network (ARAGNET). 
Since 2013, Soumaya is a vice-chairman of ITU-T SG13 Regional Group for Africa (SG13 RG-AFR).
Simon Bugaba Photo​Simon Bugaba
​Bugaba Simon is working with the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) as the Manager Spectrum Monitoring. He has been in the communication business since 1988, during which he worked with the only Communication service provider for the country till 1998, when he joined the Uganda Communication as one of founding members of staff.
He has been active in ITU activities since 1995 up to date, mainly participating in WTSA, WRC, WTDC, TSAG and Plenipotentiary Conferences of ITU.
He has been an ITU-T SG 13 Vice chair for two terms, from 2008 to 2012 and 2012 to 2016.
He has been a  Question 15/13 ( now Question 5/13)  Rapporteur since 2008 to date. Study Group 13 nominated Simon to be the first Chairman of the ITU-T SG13 Regional Group for Africa. 
He holds a Bachelors Degree in Physics and Math as well as Master of Business Administration and Masters of ICT.​​
Marco Carugi PhotoMarco Carugi​
Marco Carugi works as consultant on advanced telecommunication technologies and associated standardization, currently representing NEC in standards development activities.
IoT/M2M, IMT2020 and Future Networks, Big Data, SDN and Cloud Computing and are technical areas in which he is involved at present.
During his professional career, he has worked as Telecommunication Engineer in the Solvay group, Research Engineer in Orange Labs, Senior Advisor in the Nortel Networks CTO division and Senior Expert in the Technology Strategy department of ZTE R&D.
Marco is active in standardization since long time, and has held numerous leadership positions, including ITU-T SG13 Vice-Chair, ITU-T Rapporteur in last four study periods, ITU-T FG Cloud Computing WG Chair, OIF Board member, IETF Provider Provisioned VPN WG co-Chair.
Marco has been leading the development of numerous standards specifications, specifically those related to requirements, capabilities and services for NGN and IoT/M2M since the creation of the respective ITU-T NGN and IoT Global Standards Initiatives, and has published in technical journals and books.
In the 2017-2020 ITU-T study period he is serving as Rapporteur for Question 2 - "Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticals" - in ITU-T SG20 (Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C)) and SG20 Mentor, as well as Associate Rapporteur for Question 20 - "IMT-2020: Network requirements and functional architecture" - in ITU-T SG13 (Future networks, with focus on IMT-2020, cloud computing and trusted network infrastructures) and SG13 Mentor. 
He also plays some ITU-T Liaison Officer roles, including as SG13 Liaison Officer to SG20, SG20 Liaison Officer to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41 (ex-WG10) and to the Alliance for IoT Innovation (AIOTI) (WG3 on IoT standardization), participating regularly in AIOTI and EC’s Internet of Things Research Cluster activities [co-author of IERC books edition 2014 and 2013, and AIOTI WG3 Rel.1/2 deliverables on IoT standards landscape, high level architecture and semantic interoperability (2015)]. He acted as vice-chair of the past ITU-T Focus Group on M2M Service Layer.
Marco holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from National Institute of Telecommunications (Evry, France) and a Master in International Business Development from ESSEC Business School (Paris, France).  He has also completed an Executive Program on Big Data Science at Ecole Centrale (Paris, France).
​​Mohamed Aly Eladel
Eng. Eladel has 10 Years of Experience in Telecom industry, all with Ericsson. Hes started in Egypt office as a Core configuration Engineer, and subsequently became a team leader, manager and then senior Solution architect in Cloud and OSS/BSS areas. His main achievement is the success of implementation of number plan change in Egypt for three operators. He has been in the Ireland office for the last 5 years as Senior Consultant in global competence hub, serving Tier 1 operators in North and South Americas, Europe and Asia  mainly in Core Modernisation, NFV introduction, CEM and Different OSS transformation projects.​

Photo of Mostafa Essa Mostafa Essa
Mostafa is one of Vodafone referenced individuals internationally recognized for his expertise in Self Optimized Network and Artificial Intelligence, EMF and Antenna design and fabrication. He is published one patent for AI SON solution and filing another one concerned about EMF and H&S. he invited to lecturer or speak at various occasions and universities such as the American university in Cairo, Waterloo University, Cairo University, and Alexandria University. 10 years in Vodafone, Mostafa progressing in Master of Science in Nano-Antennas, TA in the AUC while publishing 11 technical papers published 1 patent and filed another. He also structured Mobile Network Diploma for the AUC.​​

Elliot Kabalo's photoElliot Kabalo
ELLIOT NKETANI KABALO holds a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University of Zambia obtained in 1998.  He works for the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) as Acting Manager (Standards and Type Approval).  He is responsible for standardization in the ICT sector in Zambia.  He is also ensures that all ICT equipment meant for the Zambian Market is Type Approved in accordance with the standards stipulated in the type approval guidelines.  Elliot advises the regulator on technical matters concerning the communication networks, interconnections, new technologies, to mention but a few.  Before joining the regulator, he worked for the Zambia Telecommunications Limited (ZAMTEL) for 10 years where he was responsible for planning of the PSTN and PLMN core networks.  He managed a lot of projects involving installations and interconnections of core networks.  Elliot also worked for Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) where he was responsible for design intallation and maintenance of the computer network infrastructure.
Mohamed Keshk's photoMohamed Keshk
19 Year Experience in Telecom industry. Started on Operator side managing the IP Broadcast System over Egyptian Satellite Nilesat. Then, joined Egypt Cyber Center as Senior IP Engineer. For five Years, I worked for Orange Business Service in Egypt Major service center where I have led the IP & Voice Implementation teams. Then joined the Vendor side by to work in Ericsson for the last 10 years and now working as IP & Cloud Consulta​nt with Egyptian and Middle East Service providers.
Liyassine Laidoudi​
Lyassine LAIDOUDI  is CIO for a telecom operator  focus on the development of the new era of transformation in the company ,more than 20 years of experience  in the sector ,in different positions  ,and leading transformation program to achieve the vision of  IT 2020.

Gyu Myoung Lee PhotoGyu Myoung Lee
Gyu Myoung Lee received his BS degree from Hong Ik University, Seoul, Korea, in 1999 and his MS and PhD degrees from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2000 and 2007.
He is with the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK, as a Senior Lecturer from 2014 and with KAIST Institute for IT convergence, Korea, as an adjunct professor from 2012. Prior to joining the LJMU, he has worked with the Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France, from 2008. Until 2012, he had been invited to work with the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea. He also worked as a research professor in KAIST, Korea and as a guest researcher in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, in 2007.
His research interests include Internet of things, future networks, multimedia services, and energy saving technologies including smart grids. He has been actively working for standardization in ITU-T, IETF and oneM2M, etc., and currently serves as a WP chair in SG13, a Rapporteur of Q16/13 and Q4/20 as well as an Editor in ITU-T. Recently he has also appointed as the chair of newly established ITU-T Focus Group on data processing and management. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.

Brice Murara PhotoBrice Murara
Brice MURARA holds a MSc. in Mobile Communication Systems from the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. He graduated from Kigali Institute of Science and Technology in Electronics and Telecommunications engineering. Brice has experience in both operational networks and telecom regulatory aspects.
Brice has contributed in various ITU-T SG 13: Future networks, with focus on IMT-2020, cloud computing and trusted network infrastructures activities since 2010. He was nominated during the World Telecommunications Standards Assembly (WTSA 2016) as ITU-T SG 13 Vice-chair. Before that, he served various roles in ITU-T SG 13 such as Rapporteur of Q4 on “Identification of IMT Systems and beyond” and V​ice-chair of its Regional Group for Africa.
In RURA, Brice is responsible for Mobile networks performance and Quality of Service monitoring. ​

Sebastian Namukolo PhotoSebastian Namukolo
Mr. Sebastian Namukolo graduated from the University of Zambia, physics in 1977 and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from UCF in the USA, in 1980. He worked as Lecturer at Zambia Air Services Training Institute (ZASTI) and later joined National Council for Scientific Research as a Scientific Officer and was Later Head of Technical Services Unit and coordinated a national project under UN, IAEA namely, Nuclear Instrumentation which later changed to scientific equipment project, working mainly on maintenance and protection of Equipment.  He is now a lecturer at the University of Zambia in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for the past 22 years. He is a vice chairman of standards making board on installations and protection of ICT equipment, TC1 under ZICTA and ZABS and is a chair of AFSEC TC64 of a branch of African IEC group in Zambia.​

Luca Pesando PhotoLuca Pesando​
Luca has a PhD in Particle Physics from the University of Torino and twenty-five years of experience in Information and Communication Technologies with Telecom Italia. He is coordinator of the activities in standardisation for wireline technologies since 2006, managing the participation in the relevant standards bodies in collaboration with the coordinators of the other standardisation areas in the company.
He is co-Chairman of Working Party 1 (IMT2020 or 5G) of SG13 in ITU-T for the study period 2017-2020 and has been previouosly one of the vice-chairmen of the FG IMT2020 for the pre-standard activities.
In ETSI he is Chairman of the M493 WG in TC NTECH and has previously been Chair of the ETSI Project E2NA and the M493 joint WG.​
In the past years he has been Vice-President of the Open IPTV Forum.
Previously he worked in the optical communications and networking R&D fields, with management roles in internal and external collaboration and consultancy projects. He is inventor for several patents in TIM portfolio.
Ahmed Raghy's photo Ahmed Raghy
Ahmed El Raghy is the International Affairs Director at the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) of Egypt. At present, he is carrying out strategic and action plans for the development of the International strategy, policies and regulations that would support Egypt's telecommunication objectives.
El Raghy has represented the Egyptian administration in several ITU conferences including the Plenipotentiary Conferences, ITU Council, World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly, and TSAG. Also he was designated as a chairman for the Arab Standardization Team ASTEAM and the Vice-President to ITU-T Study Group 13 “Future Networks” due to his extensive experience in the ICT Policies/Regulation and ITU working method/program.
Mr. Raghy holds a (BSc), Electronics and Communications Engineering and MBA. 
Mohamed Ramadan's PhotoMohamed Ramadan
Mohamed Ramadan has graduated from Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Communication and Electronics department at 2007. He worked for both Systel-Motorolla and Alcatel Lucent for 1 years then he moved to NTRA.
He worked for 3 years for the quality assurance department and currently, heading the technical and strategic planning team at NTRA. Mainly, this team is responsible for providing both technical and strategic plans for future technologies and services and currently the department focus on 5G, IoT. M2M, LORA, SIGFOX, Smart Cities, ITS …etc. Also radio network planning unit is under his supervision to address the detailed network planning for those technologies. He has a previous experience for the ITU-T activities based on his active participation to both focus groups on smart water management and IMT-2020. He was previously representing Egypt in many international activities either by providing a talk or by active participation.
Mohammad Salaheldin
Mohammad Salaheldin, has joined the Orange Team One year ago, being the responsible Architect for Orange Group focusing on new technology insertion and general Cisco Strategy within Orange and its affiliates. 
Between FY08 and FY16, Salah has spent these years in Service Provider in Egypt, being the primary solutions architect for Telecom Egypt Group , supporting OTH Egypt and its subsidiaries as well as Mobinil  with special focus on LDN to major and strategic changes, such as:
-      The First CRS in Egypt in Mobinil’s IP/MPLS network
-      The Win Back of LDN from Juniper in Juniper’s biggest account in MEA
-      The Modernization Strategy for Telecom Egypt IP Network
-      Insertion of the nuclei for NFVI and NSO at Telecom Egypt.
Mohammad Salaheldin has shown true collaboration across many of Cisco’s functions, working proactively and cooperatively with the Channel, Marketing Teams, BDMs and different BUs, Showing a ONE Cisco approach. 
Prior to Cisco Mohammad has worked as post-Sales Manager for SALEC Egypt …. 
Mohammad Holds a Bachelor of Engineering, specialization in communication, class of 2001, Cairo University.
Salah is married with two kids, and he enjoys watching & playing football, tennis and he adores reading books.
Sakho's photo Mamadou Oury SAKHO
Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy.
·         Telecommunications Engineer;
o   Professor of Industrial Electronics and Radio Beam Courses;
o   Coordinator of the Pan-African Network of Online Services (e-Learning, e-Healht and e-Diplomacy), 2009-2016;
o   Repporter and member of the National Commission for the Digital Strategy;
o   Head  of Studies, Legislation, Normalization and Regulation Division.
Corinna SchmittCorinna Schmitt
Corinna Schmitt holds a Diploma in Bioinformatics (Dipl. Informatik (Bioinformatik)) from the Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen (Germany) and a Doctor in Computer Science (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Technische Universität München (Germany). Her work focused on Wireless Sensor Networks in order to establish an efficient data transmission protocol - called TinyIPFIX - with additional features for aggregation, compression, secure transmission, and user friendly and flexible GUI.
Since spring 2013 she is employed at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) as head of mobile and trusted communications team at the Communication Systems Group (CSG) of Prof. Dr. B. Stiller. Her research focuses now on mobile communication, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, trust, and security.
Her work is documented in more than 30 publications around the research field SecureWSN, including 6 book chapters and one ITU-T recommendation Y. 3013. She contributes to standardization organizations (IETF, ITU, ASUT) and several EU projects (e.g., AutHoNe, SmartenIT, FLAMINGO). She is active in ACM and IEEE as TCP member, as well as reviewer for several journals and organizer of conferences.
Racky Seye Samb Racky Seye Samb
Mrs. Seye Samb is an Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications. She is currently working as Head​ of office of Information System Security and Trust at  the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunicati​ons of Senegal.
Hossam Sharkas' photo Hossam Sharkas
Hossam Sharkas has over 20 years professional experience in Computer Internetworking and Data Communication. 
Hossam, initially obtained his B.Sc. degree in Communications and Electronics from the faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University on 1994, Hossam also obtained his master degree in business administration from Arab Academy Graduate School of Business on December 2006 to develop and enhance his management skills. 
In the practical life, Hossam had been exposed to myriad range of work experiences. Initially he joined The Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center RITSEC. Later he joined KPMG consulting UK, as a network consultant were he got engaged on various projects mostly oriented on the VoIP technology application on a carrier level environment. Afterwards Hossam joined Nile Online as the Network Operation Manager. 
Hossam Sharkas is currently heading the IP Core and Broadband services planning in Etisalat Misr, he is responsible to develop & deliver technical yearly plans across Mobile, Fixed & WiFi Core technologies with focus on quality and operation excellence to sustain Etisalat leadership position in the market. In addition Hossam is developing innovative technical enablers and capabilities to successfully differentiate new and existing products to support business strategies & exploit market opportunities in the most effective way.
Zhang Yuan PhotoZhang Yuan​
YUAN ZHANG graduated from Xi’an Electronic Sience & Technology University. YUAN worked for Chinatelecom for 17 years. She has good experience in Core network technologies (such as NGN,IMS,EPC,SDN/NFV) and telecom standardization.
She currently serves as Rapporteur of Q2 ”Next-generation network (NGN) evolution with innovative technologies including software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV)", and has been involed in the work of SG13 since 2003.​
Now she is the vice director and specialty Expert of Network R&D and Operation Support Department of Chin​atelecom Beijing Research Institute. Her research areas include SDN, NFV and network intelligence operation.​