Committed to connecting the world

Martina Gerst

​Dr Martina GERST is an expert in innovation, ICT standardisation, IPR and Supply Chain Management and has extensive
experience in these areas in Europe, US and S6.2Gerst.jpgChina. She has been working as Senior Manager for leading international companies like Daimler, Siemens or KPMG.

Currently, Dr Gerst is working as a Senior Expert in Innovation, Technology and IPR for numerous European organisations and companies. Besides, she is affiliated with the Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management and the University of Edinburgh, Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation researching New Electrical Vehicles technologies, IPR in ICT and ICT standards.

Dr Gerst has obtained her PhD from the University of Edinburgh on research of socio-technical dynamics of ICT Innovations. Before, she graduated in Business Informatics from the University of Saarbruecken/Germany and the Grand Ecole Institut Commerciale de Nancy/France.