Committed to connecting the world


  • The ANSI standard X9.84 (Biometric information management and security) provides strong identification and authentication in electronic communications across uncontrolled public networks, such as the Internet. In the X9.84 standard, the syntax for biometric technology types, processing algorithms, and matching methods are described using ASN.1. The standard strongly recommends that ASN.1 be used in open systems where biometric data is communicated between disparate computing platforms or vendor (biometric) software. Examples of biometric messages using both DER and PER encoding rules are provided.
  • In the USA, the ANSI X.9 committee, which numbers more than 300 members (banks, investors, software companies, and associations) is responsible for developing national standards to facilitate financial operations such as electronic payments on the Internet, secure on-line banking, business messaging, fund transfer, etc. All the standards describing these data transfers are specified in ASN.1.