Committed to connecting the world

Draft Programme

Central American workshop for Capacity Building on Environmentally Responsible Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
El Salvador, 19-21 March 2013

Contact: Ms. Cristina Bueti and Ms. Maritza Delgado

This training workshop aims at providing a training on e-waste management from Central America and Mexico.

Day 1 - TUESDAY, 19 March 2013


08:00 - 08:30​ Registration
​08:30 - 09:00
Opening ceremony and opening remarks
​09:00 - 09-15 Special signing ceremony of the MOU between the Organization of American States and BCRC-CAM and its relevance to CCAD
09:15 - 10:15 Session 1 – Brief Introduction of PACE guidelines, ITU’s documents, and BCRC-CAM´s PACE Toolkit
This session will provide basic information including objectives of the workshop, an introduction of PACE, ITU and BCRC-CAM, and the contents of the six guidelines or documents which were developed by the PACE project groups, ITU-T Recommendations, ITU’s Environmental Sustainability Toolkit and BCRC-CAM’s PACE Toolkit.
Moderator: Manlia Romero, MARN
 Questions and answers
10:15 - 11:00​ Session 2 Part 1 – ESM of Waste Electronic and Electric Equipment: advances and challenges
This session will provide basic information on the current situation of WEEE, including some global analysis (based on StEP/UNEP document), country and subregional updates (including the ULAB Strategy for Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, Mexico and Colombia) and how the national and sub-regional efforts should be coordinated. Furthermore, relevant experiences from outside the sub-region (e.g. Colombia and Peru) will be shared along with PACE “Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) Criteria Recommendations” as well as RELAC´s Guidelines for the Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Latin America.
Moderator: Raúl Artiga, Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD)
 Questions and answers
​11:00 - 12:05 Session 2 Part 1– ESM of Waste Electronic and Electric Equipment: Challenges and Opportunities (Continued)
Questions and answers
​12:05 - 13:35 ​Lunch
13:35 - 14:50​ ​Session 2 Part 1 – ESM of Waste Electronic and Electric Equipment: Challenges and Opportunities (Continued)
Questions and answers
​14:50 - 15:05 ​Coffee break
15:05 - 16:25​ ​Session 2 Part 1 – ESM of Waste Electronic and Electric Equipment: Challenges and Opportunities (Continued)
Questions and answers
Summary of presentations and discussions
​16:25 - 17:55
Session 2 Part 2 – ESM of Waste Electronic and Electric Equipment : The Role of Policies and Standards in E-waste Management
ITU will present, inter alia, ITU-T Recommendations related to e-waste management including its universal charger standard as well as the Toolkit on End of Life Management for ICT Equipment which is part of the ITU’s Environmental Sustainability Toolkit. This session will also discuss the importance of legal and regulatory frameworks on e-waste issues.
Moderator: Cristina Bueti, ITU
 Questions and answers 
17:55 - 18:10​ Summary of the day
​18:30 - 21:30 Welcome reception

Day 2 - Wednesday, 20 March 2013

​08:30 - 09:30
Session 3 – Reuse and Recycling of WEEE
This session will present the two guidelines “Guideline on environmentally sound testing, refurbishment & repair of used computing equipment” and “Guideline on environmentally sound material recovery/recycling of end-of-life computing equipment”. In addition, this session will showcase experiences by countries of this sub-region, from international organizations (e.g. Salvadoran Center for Repair/Refurbishment of Computing Equipment, Recycling Centers in Asian countries, PB Metals ULAB Recycling Plant in Costa Rica) and will look at the issue of mobiles, office equipment and electric equipment in general.
Moderator:  Jorge Torres, COMTELCA
Questions and answers
Summary of Session 3
​09:30 - 09:45 ​Coffee break
​09:45 - 11:00 Session 4 – Control of Transboundary Movements (TBM) of WEEE
PACE’s “Guidance on Transboundary Movement (TBM) of Used and End-of-Life Computing Equipment” and status of illegal movements will be introduced.
Moderator: Eugenio Androvetto, Ministry of Health of Costa Rica
Questions and answers
Summary of Session 4
​11:05 - 12:50 Session 5 – National and Regional Strategies for ESM of WEEE
El Salvador will share its National Strategy for ESM of WEEE, and the Executive Secretary of the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD) will present preliminary ideas for the WEEE Strategy for Central American Strategy while BCRC-CAM will present the road map for the formulation of this Strategy and a proposal for its focus and content. UNDP will present the project of the WEEE Partnership for Central America, which will support Nicaragua and Honduras, the US and Mexico will present their WEEE Strategy and Costa Rica and Brazil will share the implementation of their new laws and policies. The GEF will also present the importance of WEEE in their new strategy for 2014-2018.
Moderator:  Cristina Bueti, ITU
Questions and answers
​12:50 - 14:20 ​Lunch
​14:20 - 15:05 Session 5 – National and Regional Strategies for ESM of WEEE (Continued)
 Questions and answers
​15:05 - 15:20 Coffee break
​15:20 - 17:00 ​Session 5 – National and Regional Strategies for ESM of WEEE (Continued)
Questions and answers
Discussion on key elements for the Central American WEEE Strategy
Summary of day discussions

Day 3 - Thursday, 21 March 2013

​08:30 - 09:45
Session 6 – Dynamizing the Green Economy in Central America: Sub Regional Value Added Options for WEEE Repair/Refurbishment and Recycling
Experienced international companies specialized in WEEE recycling, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), governments representatives will share their experience in setting up these facilities and the viability of sub regional activities which may spur a green economy. Taking into consideration that governments are accountable for e-waste management, this session will also look at what are the options, business plans and other ways to deal with this problem.
Moderator:  Miguel Araujo, BCRC-CAM
 Questions and answers
09:45 - 10:00​ Coffee break
10:00 - 11:20​ Session 6 – Dynamizing the Green Economy in Central America: Sub Regional Value Added Options for WEEE Repair/Refurbishment and Recycling (Continued)
Questions and answers 
Summary of discussions of Session 6
11:20 - 12:00​ Wrap up and close of the training workshop
​12:00 - 14:00 Lunch