Committed to connecting the world

ITU Green ICT Application Challenge


Call for Concept Papers

In support of the “World Environment Day” (WED) and to follow up on the Paris Call to Action on “Smart Sustainable Cities”, ITU and Telefónica announced a Green ICT Application Challenge to uncover innovative ICT approaches and applications towards addressing global environmental issues in cities and urban areas.
Flyer: [English] [Spanish]
Information on the 3rd Green ICT Application Challenge is available in Spanish here 

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Meet the Winner

​The application “Greenyplay” has been awarded the winner of the third ITU Green ICT Application Challenge.
Designed by Andrey Sryvkov, from Belarus, Greenyplay is a mobile application that helps solve the problem of waste disposal in cities.
The application aims at encouraging citizens to recycle, using gamification mechanics and system of achievements and rewards. It targets particulary young people, thanks to its educational potential.

Special Mentions

​​The applications “EUIS” and “Green Champion” have been granted a special mention from the Jury of the third ITU Green ICT Application Challenge.
Designed by Rizky Ario, from Indonesia, EUIS is a mobile application that helps managing energy consumption in cities.
Designed by Lee Knaggsi, from Australia, Green Champion is a mobile application that creates a platform to report environmental issues.

What is the Challenge about?

Nowadays, urban agglomerations attract and house the majority of the global population and economic activities. To face the challenge of a growing population and meet the rising demand of resources and services, cities need to move towards a path of sustainable growth and development, while remaining respectful of the environment.


Rules for this Challenge

The Sections below provide the Official Rules for this Challenge. By entering the Challenge, participants agree to be bound by these Rules. All decisions of the ITU are final and without appeal.


About World Environment Day

​​The world will celebrate “World Environment Day” on 5 June 2013 to raise global awareness of the need to take action to protect the planet and its natural resources. World Environment Day aims at empowering people to become active agents in the combat against climate change and in achieving a sustainable development for all.

Award Ceremony

The author of the best and most innovative Concept Paper for an ICT application to help build Smart Sustainable Cities will be awarded a cash prize of 5,000 USD in Madrid, Spain, on 18 September 2013 during the 3rd ITU Green Standards Week.