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Saima Ansari
Co-Lead, NGMN Future Green Networks 

Saima Ansari is working at Deutsche Telekom AG as Senior Partner Manager. In this role, she is responsible for ensuring that Deutsche Telekom's technology vendors work together to significantly reduce the energy consumption in DT's networks and create a much more sustainable E2E production model. In addition, she is leading “Green Future Networks” project at NGMN Alliance addressing the environmental sustainability challenges in the telco industry. Saima Ansari holds an Electrical and Electronics Engineering degree from India and a Master of Science degree in Laser and Photonics from Germany. 
​​A​ndrea Appolloni​
Professor, Operations Management, University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Dr. Andrea Appolloni is Professor in Operations Management and Sustainability at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. At the same University, he completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration. He is a Permanent Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University (UK) and Research Associate at the Italian Research Council. His teaching areas focused on Operations, Supply Chain Procurement Management, and Sustainability courses at the undergraduate and executive levels. He is the coordinator of the European Project Marie Curie Horizon 2020 on Sustainable Public Procurement.  He is an expert member in Sustainability at the Global SCP Clearinghouse a unique one-stop hub dedicated to Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and he is part of the10 Year Framework of Programmes on SCP (10YFP on SCP), convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). He was visiting scholars at Tianjin University  (China), at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville (USA), and at ETH Zurich (CH). ​
​​Pernilla Bergmark
Principal Researcher ICT Sustainability Impacts, Ericsson

Pernilla Bergmark is a Principal Researcher at Ericsson focused on the sustainability impacts of ICT. Her research interests include methodology development and assessments related to climate impacts, circular economy, smart sustainable cities, and Global Goals. Pernilla Bergmark is a co-author of the Exponential Roadmap for 1.5oC aligned climate action, a collaboration between Future Earth, Sitra, WWF, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, PIK, Ericsson, and others, where she focused on policy and technology. She is also a co-author of the 1.5C Business Playbook, which is supported by 55+ partners from brands, enterprises, organizations and academia. Pernilla Bergmark is also active in standardization as a co-rapporteur of ITU SG5 Q9, Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement,  in ETSI EE, and in the Swedish national committee for cities, TC 268 (SIS TK 588) and environmental management (SIS TK 207). Lately, she has contributed to the development of the ICT sectoral decarbonization approach developed by ITU/GSMA/GESI for the SBTi, the ITU standard on Net Zero, and the coming standard on avoided emissions of ICT. She is also active in the 6G research project, Hexa-X, and the European Green Digital Coalition.​
​​Daniele Binci 
Assistant Professor, University  of  Rome Tor Vergata

Daniele Binci is an Assistant Professor in  Management at the  University of  Rome  “Tor Vergata” where he teaches Advanced Management. He is the Vice-Director of the ExecutiveMaster in “Innovation on Public Administration”at the University of Macerata. His main research interests focus mainly on digital transformation processes and related change management issues, including the impact of innovation on green public procurement. Current research projects are focused on agile management, agile distributed companies, low-code technologies, and digital platforms.
​​Carolien Van Brunschot
Secretariat Lead, Circular Electronics Partnership 

Carolien van Brunschot is the Secretariat Lead of the Circular Electronics Partnership (CEP), a collaboration platform for global NGOs and businesses in the electronics sector, actively working together to accelerate the transition to circular electronics industry.  Previously, Carolien was a Circular Economy Manager with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). As such, she helped WBCSD member companies advance inclusive and sustainable business solutions for the circular economy, in particular through the development of the Circular Transition Indicators, a measurement framework for corporate circular performance. Prior to her role at WBCSD, Carolien had a career in product design and brand licensing with Philips. She holds an MBA in Sustainable Business.
Cristiano Camponeschi 
Leading Partner, Innovation office, Deloitte Italy​

With a degree in Electronic Engineering and 20+ years of experience in advisory services, Cristiano is the Leading Partner of Deloitte Officine Innovazione in Italy and Deloitte Central Mediterranean Telco, Media and Technology Innovation Leader. With a background in Strategy & Innovation, throughout his career, he’s been leading Innovation Programs both at the Italian and European levels for multinational private clients and public institutions.  His area of expertise covers the different business applications of exponential technologies like cognitive platforms, IOT applications, blockchain, and, most recently, web 3.0, metaverse, and quantum computing. He’s a member of Deloitte Digital Circularity EMEA team, dealing with the ideation and development of new solutions and assets in this space.

Jean Manuel Canet
Senior Manager, Climate Change, Circular Economy, Orange

Jean Manuel is a Senior Manager, in charge of Climate and Biodiversity in the CSR Department of Orange Group. He has developed an expertise in the assessment of the environmental impact of ICT goods, services and organizations. He earlier led numerous projects to assess and reduce GHG emissions related to IT, for customers such as the European Parliament, France Télévisions or Zurich Financial Services. He serves as Vice-Chairman of ITU-T SG5 and Co-Rapporteur of the “Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement” question. He served as a member of the Advisory Panel of the UNFCCC “Momentum for Change” initiative. He also led projects developing public and private MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses). Jean-Manuel graduated from Télécom ParisTech and the MBA Programme of the “Collège des Ingénieurs”. He holds a certificate in carbon accountancy from the French National Agency for Energy and Environment and a certificate in carbon finance from Carbone 4 Academy.

Andrea Carluccio
Sales Manager, COBAT Spa SB
​For over 15 years in the operational and commercial management sector, with his team, he has been developing projects and new environmental services for companies. For years, he has been a customer service manager, in compliance matters, in order to help companies  (Weee, Battery & Accumulators, Tires) to integrate business and sustainability. Thanks to his consultant approach, he develops important waste management projects and innovative ​​solutions for national and international companies.​

Francesca Cenni
Programme Management Officer, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Secretariat 

Francesca Cenni is a programme management officer in the Science and Technical Assistance Branch of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions Secretariat (BRS). She is the focal point for activities in cooperation with the ITU, including study group five on question seven on e-waste, circular economy, and sustainable supply chain management. In the Secretariat, she coordinates the Partnership for Action on Challenges relating to E-waste (PACE II), and is responsible for technical assistance activities in emergencies, on Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of waste-lead acid batteries, ESM of e-waste, and mercury wastes.  She also serves as focal point for BRS technical assistance activities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Ms. Cenni is one of the authors of the E-waste Challenge MOOC and, in the past, she coordinated the Probo Koala assistance programme in Africa, the E-waste Africa programme, the Waste Mercury and Lead programmes of the Basel Convention, facilitating projects in cooperation with the Basel Regional Centres. Ms. Cenni, an Italian national, holds a master’s degree in environmental sciences from Bologna University, in Italy, and worked as a researcher at Lund University, in Sweden, where she specialized in marine toxicology. 
​​Giulia Costa
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Giulia Costa is an associate professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where she teaches Environmental and Sanitary Engineering and Water Supply and Sustainability. She also teaches the course Environmental Quality Engineering for the multidisciplinary Global Governance BA program. She holds a Master's Degree from the University of Rome La Sapienza and a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Tor Vergata University.  Her research activities focus on the valorization of waste treatment and industrial residues with specific regard to their environmental behavior through different types of treatments, CCUS by carbonation of alkaline residues, and life cycle analysis applied especially to waste management systems. She has authored over 50 papers published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and is currently associate editor of the Waste Management journal.

​​​​Emilie van Deventer
Team Leader, Radiation Programme, World Health Organization 

Emilie van Deventer is the team leader of the Radiation Programme at the World Health Organization. This programme covers the public health aspects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation safety. She is responsible for the WHO International EMF Project which provides information on the health impact of EMF exposure and guidance to national authorities on radiation protection programmes. Before joining WHO, she was a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, USA, and received a doctorate Honoris Causa from the University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru in 2014.

​​ Luca Ferrone
Space Segment Engineer at European Space Agency

Luca Ferrone is a Space Segment Engineer in the Directorate of Telecommunication and Integrated Applications of the European Space Agency, based in ECSAT (UK). His work focuses on the ARTES Core Competitiveness program, which supports the Technologies and Products developments for the ESA Member States. Luca joined ESA after several years of experience in the Space Industry. He obtained his Master's degree in Space and Astronautical Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome.
Marco Galaverni
Programme and Oases Director, WWF Italy​

Ph.D. in Biodiversity and Evolution, Marco Galaverni has been studying wolves in Italy and across the world for over 15 years, an experience reflected in dozens of published scientific papers. After working as a research collaborator at ISPRA (the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), he’s currently Programme and Oases Director at WWF Italy, where he coordinates efforts to protect some of the most biodiverse biotopes and reserves in Italy, also thanks to innovative technological tools.
​​Michele Galatola
​Senior Policy Officer,  DG-GROW, European Commission​

Michele has a degree in Environmental Sciences and a Doctorate in Life Cycle Assessment. Since 2005 he works for the European Commission, first in the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD), then in DG Environment, and since 2019 in DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW). After having led at the European level the EU Ecolabel, in the period 2010-2019 Michele initiated and led the development of the Environmental Footprint life cycle assessment methods. These are currently acknowledged as the best available practice in the area of life cycle assessment, an area where Michele is recognized as one of the most influential persons worldwide. Since 2019, Michele has been leading the Commission's work towards the integration of sustainability approaches into European industrial policies and strategies, including the recently adopted new legislation on the ecodesign of sustainable products. In this context, Michele has led for the Commission the conceptual development first and now the full-scale deployment of the Digital Product Passport (DPP).
Paolo Gemma
Chairman, Working Party 2/5, ITU 

Paolo Gemma is a senior specialist and representative of Huawei on issues related to energy saving and environmental sustainability.
Prior to joining Huawei, Dr. Gemma was working with Nokia Siemens Networks, where he was responsible for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and electrical safety areas. He also worked in the Siemens Communications Division. Dr. Paolo Gemma also plays an active role in international standardization activities. Since 1993, he has been engaged in ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard Institute) activities and he also participates in the development of EMC standards. In 1997, Dr. Gemma joined ITU-T Study Group 5 on Environment, Climate Change, and Circular Economy as a Rapporteur and he is now the Chairman of Working Party 2 “Environment, Energy Efficiency and the Circular Economy”. He also acts as Vice-chairmen of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. In 2002, Paolo Gemma was appointed as the Secretary of the Committee ETSI TC EE and as of 2009, he holds the position of Chairman of the EEPS EE (eco Environmental product standard) working group. Paolo Gemma is a graduate of electrical engineering from the University of Genoa.

Paul Zhang Xing Hai 
Co-Rapporteur of Q4/5, ITU 

Paul. Zhang Xing Hai graduated from the Northern Jiaotong University in 1997, is the distinguished chief product certification expert of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., who has worked in the EMC, RFI, and EMF fields for more than 20 years, focusing on EMC design, testing, and certification of ICT products, energy products, terminal products, and intelligent network connected vehicles. He is the CCSA TC9 vice-chairman of China Communications Standardization Association. Co- rapporteur of ITU-T SG5 Question 4 - EMC, and expert member of IEC CISPR. He participated in the development of more than 30 international and domestic EMC, RF1, and EMF technical standards.
​​Lucia Leonelli
Dean of the School of Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Lucia Leonelli is a full professor of Banking and Dean of the School of Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata
​​Fryderyk Lewicki
Chairman of ITU-T Working Party 1/5 and Rapporteur of Q3/5, ITU

Fryderyk Lewicki received MSc and Ph.D. degrees from the Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland). He is also a graduate of several telecommunication programs provided by the United States Telecommunication Training Institute in Washington DC (1990-1992). In 1985 he joined Orange Labs Poland where he is an expert on Antennas, Radiowave Propagation, EMF, and EMC. He is Orange Expert Senior in Energy & Environment. He is Chairman of the ITU-T SG5 WP1/5 “EMC, lightning protection and EMF ” and for the fourth term the Rapporteur for Question 3/5 “Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to digital technologies”. In the ITU-R SG3 “Radiowave propagation” he is chairman of the Working Group WG 3K-2 “Path general propagation method”. He is also the Past Chair of the Polish Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society. The main fields of his activity are antenna systems, protection against electromagnetic radiation, spectrum management, electromagnetic compatibility, and radio wave propagation. He is the author and co-author of about 90 technical papers and 7 patents including 3 European patents​

Michele Luglio
Associate Professor, 
University of Rome Tor Vergata​

Michele Luglio
​ received the Laurea and the Ph.D. in Electronics. He is an associate professor of telecommunications at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. In 2001 and 2002 he was visiting professor at UCLA. He teaches “Internet via Satellite” and “Telecommunications Fundamentals”. From 2018 to 2021 he was affiliated also to the Italian Space Agency. He has been the Italian expert delegate and co-chair of the advisory committee 5JAC of ESA.
Christian Maasem
Partner, Head of Hyperconnectivity , Detecon Consulting

Christian Maasem is a partner at Detecon Consulting and responsible for Hyperconnectivity. After studying physics and and economics, he headed the Information Technology Management group and the InnovationLabs at the FIR at RWTH Aachen University. In 2016, he founded and led the Center Connected Industry at the RWTH Aachen Campus as Centre Director. In 2018, he was appointed managing director of the Enterprise Integration Centre Aachen GmbH. In the course of his activities, he was responsible for a large number of innovation, research and consulting projects in digitalisation with a focus on Industry 4.0, Industrial IoT, Automotive, Future Logistics, eMobility, Smart Grid, Health and Smart City. Following the vision of the RWTH Aachen Campus, he is driven by the ecosystem idea to bring together technology providers and users from different industries to create new use case-centred ICT solutions and data eco systems for productive and economic use. Following the modular principle, he incorporates experience from knowledge of different technology areas (IoT, 5G, Edge Cloud, Big Data, AI, automation,...).
​​Michael Maytum
Rapporteur of Q2/5, ITU

Michael Maytum graduated with B.Sc (first class) honours degree and initially worked on magnetrons and TV pickup tubes for three years. Joining Texas Instruments he designed televisions, power supplies, and electronic lightning systems before becoming an acknowledged expert in telecommunication surge protection. He has served on IEEE, IEC, ITU-T, BSI, ATIS NIP-NEP, ATIS PEG, TIA TR-41, Telcordia, CENELEC, and JEDEC standardization committees. He has been awarded the IEC 1906 medal and the IEEE-SA Standards Medallion (twice). He has authored eighteen Application Reports, contributed to five books, written thirteen articles, published six IEEE transactions papers (one receiving paper of the year award), and has 11 patents granted in the fields of lighting and protection. In retirement, he indulges in standards development in the IEC, ITU-T, and IEEE.

​​Marzia Minozzi
Head of the Regulatory Area of Assotelecomunicazioni, Asstel​

Marzia Minozzi is Head of the Regulatory Area of Assotelecomunicazioni-Asstel, the business association of the telecommunications industry in Italy, and a member of Confindustria. As such, she deals with public policy issues of the common interest of the member companies. Previously, she worked for the Government in the years 2007-2009, on regulatory issues concerning public utility services (transport and integrated water service) as a member of the UTFP, the technical unit on PPP (public-private partnership), and for NARS, the office for regulation in non-liberalized industries; she previously dealt with liberalization process in the telecommunications, energy and local public services sectors working in Confindustria;  after graduating with honors in Economics and qualifying as a chartered accountant, she began her career in the telecommunications sector, as a researcher in economics and regulation at the San Salvador Research Center, (then Stet group, then in Telecom Italia), and then in the Telecom Italia regulatory accounting office.
​​ Gianni Pavan
Researcher, Un​iversity​ of Pavia, Italy

Master Degree in Nature Science at the University of Pavia in 1983. Researcher and Professor of Ecology at the University of Architecture of Venice (1994-2005), Professor of Bioacoustics, Ecology, and Applied Ecology at the University of Pavia (2006-now). Expert in Bioacoustics, Ecoacoustics (cofounder of this discipline), and Computational Bioacoustics in both terrestrial and marine environments; apply he applies advanced technologies to study the soundscape of Natural Protected Areas.

​​Furio Camillo Rosati
Director, Centre for Economic and International Studies (CEIS)

Furio Camillo Rosati is a Professor of Public Finance at the University of Tor Vergata, Rome in the Faculty of Economics. He received a B.A. in Economics from the University of Rome, Faculty of Law (1976), a Master of Science in Economics (1979), and a Philosophy Doctor in Economics, both from the London School of Economics and Political Science (1984). In addition to his position at the University of Tor Vergata, Professor Rosati is currently the Director of CEIS, Center for Economic and International Studies at the University of Rome “ Tor Vergata” and the Director of Research, The Italian Center for International Development. He has been the Project Director for "Understanding Children's Work" (UCW) an inter-agency research initiative on child labor involving the International Labor Organization, UNICEF, and the World Bank. UCW was established in 2000 and is aimed at improving information and research capacity in the area of child labor and youth employment.​
Pinar Serdengecti
Regulation and Competition Affairs Director, The European Competitive Telecommunications Association (ECTA)

​Pinar Serdengecti is Regulation and Competition Affairs Director at ecta,  European competitive telecommunications association. 
Prior to joining ecta in October 2021, Ms. Serdengecti worked as Director of Regulatory and Competition Affairs at Iliad Italia, the fourth MNO in Italy, which she joined in October 2017. She led the regulatory issues surrounding the launch of the network and mobile services, including the issues in relation to the EMF limits. She was in the 5G frequencies auction team for Iliad. From 2008 until 2017 she worked in the regulation and competition affairs department at Vodafone Italia, contributing to the start-up and growth of its fixed services business in Italy, and following all network and economic regulatory aspects of fixed business and ultimately the Content/STB and Copyright regulation aspects. She started working at Telecom Italia in 2004 as an analyst in the International regulatory affairs department and later as a specialist in Telecom Italia's regulatory strategy department. Ms. Serdengecti is born in Istanbul and holds a BSc in Economics & Social Disciplines from the Bocconi University in Milan, a MA in International Management and Business Administration from the Bocconi University, and a MA in Economics of Competition Law from King’s College - University of London.

Eva Spina
Director General, Ministry of Economic Development (MISE)

Eva Spina is Director General at the Ministry of Economic Development (Mise) since February 2014. She deals with frequencies coordination at the national and international level and guides international activities focused on spectrum national policy relative to multilateral organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications (CEPT) and the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) in the European Union. She is the ITU national Focal point since April 2015. In 2019, she was also Director of ISCTI and, consequently, responsible for the National CERT, Director of the Cyber Security Certification Body operating within the CCRA, and Senior Official Group for Information Systems Security – SOGIS – MRA. Currently, she is Director of Communication Technologies and Cybersecurity, dealing with technical-scientific studies and experiments in the field of innovative and digital technologies, participation in national and international research projects, and - from a technical point of view - the national law on Golden Power for 5G. She is responsible for the NIS sector Authority for digital infrastructures subsectors IXP, DNS, TLD, and for digital services as well as for the planning of activities under the Investment in Partnership - Horizon Europe - a measure of the PNRR attributed to the Mise. She is also the Director of the “High Specialization School on Telecommunications” established since 1923.
Shi Ying
Director, Department of Green and Low-Carbon Technology Development,  China Telecom Research Institute

Ying Shi is the Director of the Department of Green and Low-Carbon Technology Development of China Telecom Research Institute. Ying is heavily engaged in international standardization activities. She is currently Co-Chair of ITU Focus Group AI4EE WG3, Implementation of AI and Emerging Technologies for Environmental Efficiency. She also serves as associate Rapporteur of Q12, ITU-T SG5, and Vice-Chair of CCSA TC9, i.e. Electromagnetic Environment & Protection Technical Committee of China Communications Standardization Association, which focuses on EMC and environmental issues. Ying leads several research projects on the improvement of the environmental efficiency of telecommunications networks, including 5G and data centers. She also leads a team to help China Telecom to develop a climate action roadmap, in order to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2060. 
Massimiliano Schiraldi
Professor, University of Rome Tor Vergata​

Massimiliano Maria ("Max") Schiraldi is a Professor in Industrial Systems Engineering at Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy). Ph.D. in Engineering and Management, MBA, he teaches courses in Operations & Supply Chain Management since 2000. Founder and director of the Think Tank in Operations Excellence, he was appointed General Coordinator of the University’s 40th Anniversary Celebration in 2022. At an international level, he is a Guest Professor at the Guizhou University of Finance & Economics in Guiyang, China; Visiting International Fellow at the University of Essex, UK; member of the Advisory Board of the Professional Doctorate in Engineering at the University of Limerick. He is one of the Italian National Experts in the ISO Technical Committees on Industrial Automation, Smart Manufacturing, and Supply Chain Interoperability and Integration, and specifically focuses on KPI for Operations Management standards. Author of more than 140 scientific publications related to Operations Management, he also is Co-Editor of the International Journal of Engineering Business Management (Sage) and Area-Editor (Supply Chain Management & Logistics) of Computers and Industrial Engineering (Elsevier).

​​​Philippe Tuzzolino  
Senior Vice President Environment, Orange​ Group

Philippe Tuzzolino is the Vice President of Environment of the Orange Group, he oversees the Environment and the organization of Climate Change: Net Zero carbon objectives, impact on biodiversity, and carbon sequestration policy. He defines policies and monitors energy consumption and the Group's overall footprint (Orange is present in 164 countries for business). As responsible for the Carbon Footprint, he participated in the development of methodologies for the ICT sector so that the sector complies with the IPCC recommendations as a member of the ITU-T Study Group "Climate Change" and also participates at the COP. He is a member of the Strategic Materials Committee of BERCY. Before joining the Orange Group, Mr. Tuzzolino ​held several positions on Strategic innovation projects at the headquarters of La Poste and at the French Ministry of Defense.

​​Reyna Úbeda
Project Officer,  ITU-T Study Group 5

Reyna studied Industrial Engineering at the Thomas More University in Nicaragua and pursued a Master's in International Management from the University for Economics and Environment Nürtingen- Geislingen in 2014.  She joined the ITU’s Standardization Bureau in 2015 and she currently serves as Project Officer for ITU-T Study Group 5 on EMF, environment, climate action, sustainable digitalization, and circular economy. Reyna is fluent in Spanish, English, and German.

Marco Vulpiani
Adjunct Professor, Tor Vergata University of Rome  I Head of the Valuation, Modelling, and Economics of Deloitte

Marco Vulpiani is a Senior Equity Partner of Deloitte, and is the firm’s Head of the Valuation, Modelling, and Economics of Deloitte Central Mediterranean. He also has 25 years of professional experience focused principally on business valuation. In addition to these roles, Dr. Vulpiani serves on the Deloitte Global Valuation Executive Committee and is a member of the Management Board of the Italian valuation standard setter Organismo Italiano di Valutazione ” ( He is also an Adjunct Professor of “Corporate Finance” at the Tor Vergata University of Rome and he is also Adjunct Professor of “Business Valuation” at the Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome and Adjunct Professor in the MBA, Master in Corporate Finance and Executive Master in Finance at Luiss Business School. He is the author of several articles and publications (among which the book Special Cases of Business Valuation McGraw Hill). Dr. Vulpiani is a Registered Engineer, Chartered Accountant, and Registered Auditor He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata a Master of Science in Business Administration from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata, and a Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. 
Daniela ​Vuri 
Pro-Rector for Research, University of Rome Tor Vergata

​Daniela Vuri currently working as Pro-Rector for Research at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata". Daniela has a Ph.D. in Economics from the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. In the past, Daniela has worked as a consultant for ISFOL for the project “Development of the structural model of labor supply using the micro-simulation model EconLav and as a consultant for the World Bank. Daniela has published several refereed publications: journal articles, book chapters, and reports, among others.
Dominique Wü​rges
Chairman ITU-T Study Group 5 ​​​

Dominique Würges is currently Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5 ​ and Director of Institutional Relations for Standardisation within Orange. He is responsible for relationships with international organizations involved in standardization activities at national and international levels (ITU, ETSI, AFNOR, etc.), and participates in the governance meetings of these organizations. He is also vice-chair of ITU-D SG2 (ICT services and applications). He is active in many issues addressed by SDOs and foras, such as Green ICTs, network security, relations between carriers, or the evolution of the broadcasting standardization and system. At the European level, he is currently Vice-Chair of ETSI General Assembly, elected in 2018.  Within European Commission, he is a Member of the European ICT Standardisation policy multi-stakeholder platform for ICTs standardization, representing ETNO. He is also a member of the French National Standardisation Organisation Strategic Committee and part of the Digital Broadcast Forum (FAVN). He has previously been Responsible for France Telecom’s External Relations and multilateral affairs, in charge of organizations focused on telecommunications questions, and before was Head of the Data and Directories Department of France Telecom. Education: Diploma from the ENSPTT/ENA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des PTT); Master’s Degree in Telecommunications and Broadcasting Management (Paris Dauphine); Diploma from Political Science Institute in Strasbourg.