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What is new on ITU-T Activities on EMF?

​​​​​Approved Recommendatio​ns and agreed Supplements​​​​​​

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The following revised Recommendations on EMF were recent​​​ly approved:​​
​​​Ongoing standardization work​​
​​We want to hear from you!

ITU-T SG5 is currently working on the development of a Technical Report on “Case studies of RF-EMF assessments". This Technical Report will present the results of case studies of RF-EMF exposure levels taken in different conditions and areas. 

CONTRIBUTE NOW: Share with us what your country is doing to assess RF-EMF. Feel free to send us your case study for the next ITU-T SG5 meeting (20 June - 1 July 2022 (TBC)).

Click here to learn more about ITU-T ongoing standardization work on EMF issues.​​