Committed to connecting the world

Programme 23 January 2019

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​FIGI Symposium 2019: Emerging Insights from FIGI Groups  
Cairo, Egypt, 22-24 January 2019


Programme: Day 1 I Day 3

Day 2, 23 January 2019

08:30 - 09:00 ​Registration
09:00 - 10:15 Opening Plenary: The Latest in RegTech, SupTech

The session will feature live demos with a discussion of applied lessons, new ideas and tools boosting regulatory capacity at the national level, implications for specific DFS/financial inclusion policy barriers at the local, regional and global SSB level. How new tools to gather data, monitor and supervise can be applied to accelerate some of the policy and implementation objectives in FIGI including build capacity of regulators, help us close the gender data gap, help regulators make better policy across sectors.

Moderator: Simone di Castri, BFA: Regtech for Regulators Accelerator [ Presentation ]
10:15 - 10:30 ​Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:45 Considering Data Privacy in an Age of Increasingly  Digital Financial Services

Extensive innovation in digital financial services driven by big data and machine learning are enabling new services and improving management of financial risk. This is extending access to financial services to large numbers of people who previously lacked access, and resulting in strong growth in services. At the same time, these technologies raise new issues for consumer protection and data privacy that are not easily resolved even under the latest wave of data protection legislation in many countries. This session will discuss the developing challenges, such as potential bias in machine learning algorithm outputs, accountability and transparency in opaque automated decisions, and the notice and consent model for processing personal data.
Report on Data privacy issues in big data applications for DFS

Moderator: Bilel Jamoussi, Chief Study Groups Department,TSB, ITU [ Biography ]
Applications of Digital ID in the financial sector – Key Policy Considerations

This session would discuss the key applications of digital ID in the financial sector; and key policy considerations that public authorities and financial sector regulators need to keep in mind to harness their potential while mitigating the risks. This would be based on the work of the Digital ID working group under FIGI and will feature several country case studies.

 Sharmista Appaya, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank
[ Presentation
Becoming Cashless: What Incentives and Innovations will Boost Electronic Payments Acceptance?

Wide acceptance of non-cash payments is a pre-condition to uptake and effective usage of transaction accounts to: (i) perform most, if not all, payment needs; (ii) to safely store some value; and (iii) to serve as a gateway to other financial services. Yet, acceptance of electronic payments remains limited among merchants. As a result, there is a significant opportunity to accelerate the development of wide electronic payment acceptance networks to underpin a large-scale shift to electronic payments especially for merchant payments.
The session will focus on incentives to promote acceptance of electronic payments, with a potential focus on barriers for acceptance and how incentives may help remove these barriers; and on innovations on shifting P2B, B2B and B2P payments to electronic instruments. Different use cases will be discussed.

Moderator: Camillo Tellez, Head of Research and Innovation, Better than Cash Alliance [ Biography I Presentation ​]
           12:00 - 13:15

Next Generation Authentication Technologies for Digital Financial Services

The Digital Financial Services (DFS) ecosystem requires standardized, interoperable, strong authentication technologies as enablers to reduce risk and protect assets. Weak authentication approaches based on web browsers and passwords are no longer sufficient to support safe DFS use. This session will consider the next generation authentication technologies that can be used to implement strong authentication systems for DFS and provides examples of implemented strong authentication systems.

Report on​ Next Generation Authentication Technologies

Abbie Barbir, AETNA

KYC 2.0: Emerging KYC Registry Approaches That Enhance Inclusion
This session will introduce the concept of KYC registries, their role in advancing financial inclusion, how countries have approached them and the key issues and challenges in developing an effective and efficient KYC registry.

Moderator: Fredesvinda Montes
, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank 
[ Presentation ]

Cybersecurity Assurance for Digital Financial Services

Consumer adoption of digital financial services (MFS) is increasing rapidly. It is therefore only to be expected that these services, together with the mobile platforms that deliver them,​​​ will attract ever greater attention by criminals. At the same time, there is a need for all stakeholders in the ecosystem, to enhance consumer trust in using digital financial services. This session will consider the main security issues facing stakeholders in the ecosystem and present a framework through which these risks can be managed.

Moderator: Leon Perlman, Columbia University ​

13:15 - 14:15 Lunch
14:15 - 15:30 A Regulator’s View of Fintech: The Balancing Act

Advances in digital technology are quickly transforming the global financial landscape. Although these developments have the potential to significantly enhance financial inclusion, FinTech developments also pose new risks and challenges for regulators and, if left unhampered, may negatively impact financial stability and financial integrity. This session will aim to provide guidance to policymakers and related stakeholders to help determine and implement an appropriate regulatory and supervisory approach to enabling FinTech innovation for financial inclusion.


Regional Harmonization: The future of payments?

Highlight regional regulatory and payments systems harmonization initiatives, and the implications for policy and system standards at the national, regional and global levels.

Moderator: Carolyn McMahon, Glen Brook Partners

Applying AI & Machine Learning to Financial Inclusion

This session will examine the potential of AI and machine learning in advancing financial inclusion in developing countries. The use of machine learning and big data analytics use in biometric identification and credit scoring will be considered as an example.

Moderator: Bilel Jamoussi, Chief Study Groups Dept, TSB, ITU                 [ Biography I Presentation ]
15:30 - 16:15

Closing Plenary : Looking Forward: Catalytic Change toward 2020
FIGI Partners reflect on progress against Inclusion Goals to-date and anticipate advances and challenges as the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative looks ahead to its next year of country-level implementations and global work.

Moderator: Jamie Zimmerman,
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Closing remarks by Dr. El-Sayed Azzouz, Vice President of NTRA [ Presentation ​]

16:15 - 16:30 Refreshments

 *To be confirmed
