Committed to connecting the world

Terms of Reference

Rationale and Scope

The fourth industrial revolution fundamentally changes the way we live, work and interact with each other. It introduces a whole new range of opportunities for societal transformation, with breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, Internet of things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, and blockchain that are further embedding technology into our daily lives to improve how we function as a society.

Incorporating digital technology is essential for our society to accelerate the systemic shifts needed to create a circular economy. Utilizing technology may allow for greater knowledge sharing and collaboration, better use of assets and resources, and improved well-being for all, so we can achieve our economic, environmental and social development goals.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies have the ability to positively impact our society and everyday life. For example, AI is the underlying fabric that powers data-driven solutions and applications. Similarly, the immutable nature of blockchain is underpinning the development of cryptocurrency and has great potential in securing high volume of sensory devices. Other emerging technologies may include inter alia: automation, augmented reality, virtual reality, extended reality, 5G, smart manufacturing, industry 5.0, cloud/edge computing, nanotechnology, among others.

However, some emerging technologies including AI may not take sustainability into consideration during their development. These technologies often consume a huge amount of energy when operating, leaving behind significant environmental footprints. For example, the current annual electricity consumption of Bitcoin mining can be comparable to the electricity consumption of Switzerland in one year. It is important to understand how to reduce the environmental footprint of these technologies because it will contribute to the well-being of the market economy as well as improving the quality of life of citizens and the users of these technologies alike.

International standards and guidance on measuring the environmental efficiency and performance of these emerging technologies remain lacking. As more and more emerging technologies are being integrated into different aspects of our society and everyday life, it is vital to develop international standards and metrics that would support the implementation of AI and other emerging technologies in a sustainable manner.

Therefore, the ITU-T Focus Group on “Environmental Efficiency for AI and other Emerging Technologies” (FG-AI4EE) will identify the standardization gaps related to the environmental performance of AI and other emerging technologies including automation, augmented reality, virtual reality, extended reality, 5G, smart manufacturing, industry 5.0, cloud/edge computing, nanotechnology, among others. The focus group will develop technical reports and technical specifications to address the environmental efficiency, as well as water and energy consumption of emerging technologies. The focus group will also identify the standardization needs to develop a sustainable approach to AI and other emerging technologies. This focus group will provide guidance to stakeholders on how to operate these technologies in a more environmentally efficient manner to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The ITU-T Focus Group on “Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (FG-AI4EE)” will be an open platform for relevant stakeholders – such as representatives of vertical industries, regulators, policy makers, researchers, engineers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, services providers, platform providers, network operators; international organizations, industry forums and consortia – to share knowledge, best practices and lessons learned in the field. .

Goals and objectives of the FG-AI4EE

The key objectives of the FG-AI4EE may include the following:


The FG-AI4EE may establish sub-groups if needed.

Specific tasks and deliverables

Tasks and deliverables developed by the FG-AI4EE may include the following:


This Focus Group will work closely with relevant Study Groups in ITU (-R, -T and –D) including co-located meetings when possible. It will also establish and maintain task-appropriated collaboration arrangements with other groups in ITU.

Furthermore, the FG-AI4EE will collaborate (as required) with other relevant groups and entities, in accordance with Recommendation ITU-T A.7. These include governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), policy makers, SDOs, industry forums and consortia, companies, academic institutions, research institutions and other relevant organizations.

Parent group

The parent group of the FG-AI4EE is ITU-T Study Group 5 "Environment, climate change and circular economy".

ITU-T Study Group 5 leads ITU's standardization work and study on topics related to environment, climate change and circular economy, including the coordination of related studies across the various ITU-T SGs.


See clause 2.3 of Recommendation ITU-T A.7.    


See clause 3 of Recommendation ITU-T A.7. A list of participants will be maintained for reference purposes and reported to the parent group.

It is important to mention that the participation in this Focus Group has to be based on contributions and active participations.

Administrative support

See clause 5 of Recommendation ITU-T A.7.

General financing

See clauses 4 and 10.2 of Recommendation ITU-T A.7.


The Focus Group will conduct regular meetings. The frequency and locations of meetings will be determined by the Focus Group management. The overall meetings plan will be announced after the approval of the terms of reference.

The Focus Group will use remote collaboration tools to the maximum extent, and collocation with existing ITU Study Group(s) meetings is encouraged.

The meeting dates will be announced by electronic means (e.g., e-mail and website, etc.) at least four weeks in advance.

Technical contributions

See clause 8 of Recommendation ITU-T A.7.

Working language

The working language is English.    

Approval of deliverables

Approval of deliverables shall be taken by consensus.   

Working guidelines

Working procedures shall follow the procedures of Rapporteur group meetings.

The FG will exchange draft deliverables and other outcomes on a regular basis with its parent group, to ensure efficient transfer of deliverables to streamline future standardization (see ITU-T A.7 Appendix I).

No additional working guidelines are defined.

Progress reports

See clause 11 of Recommendation ITU-T A.7.

Announcement of Focus Group formation

The formation of the Focus Group will be announced via TSB Circular to all ITU membership, via the ITU-T Newslog, press releases and other means, including communication with the other involved organizations.    

Milestones and duration of the Focus Group

The Focus Group lifetime is set for two years from the first meeting but extensible if necessary by decision of the parent group (see ITU-T A7, clause 2.2).

Patent policy

See clause 9 of Recommendation ITU-T A.7.