Committed to connecting the world

Documents (2009-2012)

JCA-AHF Past Meeting Documents

2012 Documents (9 May 2012)
Number Document Title Source
Doc 186 Agenda  of the JCA-AHF meeting and documents allocation (Geneva, 9 May 2012) JCA-AHF Conveners
Doc 187​ JCA-AHF meeting report to ITU-T SG2 (22 March 2012) JCA-AHF Conveners​
Doc 188 JCA-AHF liaison to ITU-T FG AVA (outgoing LS no. 7)​ ​JCA-AHF
Doc 189​ Notes on JTAG meeting on revision of Guide 71​ Ninetiles​
Doc 190 Article on “Video Relay Service Practices and Policies around the World”​ JCA-AHF Conveners​
Doc 191​ World's First Virtual Master's in Disability Policy - Fellowships Available​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 192 Launch of ITU’s new global campaign Tech Needs Girls - Girls in ICT day, Thursday, 26 April 2012, New York, United States​ ITU​
Doc 193 Draft baseline document “Communication Support for ITU meetings – a procedure”​ JCA-AHF Co-convener​
Doc 194 Captions transcripts of JCA-AHF meeting of 9 May 2012 (unedited)​ TSB​
Doc 195 Final list of participants​ TSB​
Doc 196 Outgoing Liaison Statement (LS no. 8) to ITU-T SG13 questions related to Cloud computing JCA-AHF
Doc 197 Rev 2 JCA-AHF Meeting report (9 May 2012) TSB​
2012 Documents (22 March 2012)
Number Document Title Source
 Doc 159 Rev 1 Revised draft Agenda of the joint Q4/2 - JCA-AHF meeting and documents allocation (Geneva, 22 March 2012)
JCA-AHF Conveners
​Doc 160
​Meeting report of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) Geneva, 24 November 2011 ​JCA-AHF Conveners
​Doc 161
​Anticipated draft of Joint Q.4/2 and JCA-AHF meeting report
(Geneva, 22 March 2012)
​JCA-AHF Conveners
Doc 162
​Conclusions of the second ITU-T | JTC 1 joint leadership meeting, 6 November 2011 ​ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1
Doc 163 ​Outgoing LS on wireless hearing aid compatibility (JCA-AHF no. 6) ​JCA-AHF
Doc 164 ​Reply LS to FG Distraction on the needs of disabled drivers ​ITU-T SG 16
Doc 165
​LS to ITU-R SG6 on radio connection to hearing aids ​ITU-T SG 16
Doc 166
​LS to ITU-T FG Smart Grid on accessibility of user interfaces ​ITU-T SG 16
​Doc 167
​Reply LS to Q26 on the needs of drivers with disabilities ​FG Distraction
Doc 168 ​Invitation to the conference “DEEP: Designing Enabling Economies and Policies”, 23 – 25 May 2012, OCAD University in Toronto, Canada ​JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 169
​Invitation to the conference REACH112 Project Final Conference "21st Century Telecommunications Equality and Next Generation 112 Accessibility", Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 28 – 29 June 2012 ​JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 170
​Report from Cynthia Waddell, ICDRI, USA on M-Enabling Summit 2011: Global Conference and Showcase on Mobile Applications and Services for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities, 5 – 6 December 2011, Washington DC, USA ​JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 171
​Report from Gerry Ellis, Feel The Benefit, Ireland, on M-Enabling Summit 2011: Global Conference and Showcase on Mobile Applications and Services for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities, 5 – 6 December 2011, Washington DC, USA
​JCA-AHF Convener
​Doc 172
​Best Practices for ITU for Remote services with Caption First (extract) ​JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 173 ​ISO/IEC JTC1 SWG-A Documents of interest for JCA-AHF ​JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 174 ​LS to ETSI ERM (ERM Radio Microphones, Cordless Audio and Audio Links) TG17 on Technical characteristics of wireless aids for hearing impaired people operating in the VHF and UHF frequency range ​ITU-T FG AVA
Doc 175 ​Etudes d’accessibilité « Bâtiments UIT GENEVE »
French and English version available
​ITU - Service de la logistique
Doc 176 Extract from TD 296 (PLEN/2) “Proposed texts of Questions for the 2012-2015 study period” -  Annex 4 – Draft revised text for Q.4/2 TSB​
Doc 177 Information on video relay study conducted in Canada​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 178​​ ITU-T Q.26/16 rapporteur meeting, 23 March 2012, London, UK – extracts from meeting details announcement​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 180 ​BDT Activities on Promoting e-Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities ​BDT – Special Initiatives Division
Doc 181
​Accessibility for Persons with Disability Amendments to A.7 ​JCA-AHF Convener
​Doc 182
​Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) proposal on modification of ITU-T Recommendation A.7 ​JCA-AHF Convener
​Doc 183
​Report of the TSAG meeting held in Geneva, 10-13 January 2012 ​JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 184
​First draft of Q.4/2 study question for 2012-2015 ​JCA-AHF Co-convener
Doc 185 ​Captions transcripts of JCA-AHF and Q.4/2 joint meeting of 22 March 2012 (unedited)
2011 Documents (24 November 2011)
Number Document Title Source
Doc 114 Rev 1 Draft Agenda of the seventh JCA-AHF meeting and documents allocation JCA-AHF Co-Conveners
Doc 115 Outgoing liaison to ITU-D SG1 and 2 on "USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asks the Global Accessibility Community for Comments for the new Industry Guideline on Mobile Medical Applications" JCA-AHF Co-Convener
Doc 116​ ​Incoming Liaison Statement: "New Focus Group on driver distraction (Response to COM 2 LS 107)" ​ITU-T FG Distraction (Kyoto, 22 – 23 August 2011)
Doc 117 ​Incoming Liaison Statement to IEC TC100 on Wireless connections to hearing aids ​ITU-T FG AVA (Geneva, 15 September 2011)
Doc 118
​Incoming Liaison Statement to ITU-T FG Cloud Computing on a study on accessibility of social networks ​ITU-T FG AVA (Geneva, 15 September 2011)
Doc 119 ​Incoming Liaison Statement to ISO/IEC JTC 1 and SWG-A on the nomination of new ITU-T FG AVA LS officer ​ITU-T FG AVA (Geneva, 15 September 2011)
Doc 120 ​Incoming Liaison Statement to IEC TC 100, ISO/IEC JTC 1 and SWG-A on first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) and nomination of LS officers ITU-T FG AVA (Geneva, 26 May 2011)
Doc 121 ​Incoming Liaison Statement on the first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) ​ITU-T FG AVA (Geneva, 26 May 2011)
Doc 122 Revision 1 of Progress report for the Joint meeting of Question 4/2 and the Joint Coordination Activity on
Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) , Geneva, 2 June 2011 (TD 154 Rev.1 (WP 1/2)
Doc 123 Information from the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Directives ITU-T liaison officer to JTC 1
Doc 124 Information and actions from the Management Group of the MoU on e-business ITU-T representative to the MoU/MG on e-business
Doc 125 List of the JCA-AHF representatives (update of November 2011) TSB​
Doc 126 Confirmed minutes of the first meeting of the ISO/IEC JTAG for the revision of ISO/IEC
Guide 71 26 - 28 September 2011, Geneva (Switzerland)
Doc 127 Presentations relating to accessibility made at the Second Joint ITU-T & ISO/IEC JTC1 Leadership Meeting in November, San Diego, USA, 6 November 2011 TSB
Doc 128 US Federal Communications Commission news release to honor innovators in Accessibility communications technologies (28 October 2011) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 129 Breakthrough Trust Deaf Hearing integration 40th anniversary meeting (13 November 2011, Reading, UK)​ JCA-AHF Convener​​
Doc 130 M-Enable Summit Agenda (update: 10 November 2011)​ JCA-AHF Convener​​
Doc 131 Accessibility Engineering with User Models, Simulation and VR​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 132 ANSI standard NPRM released: 11/1/11 Hearing Aid Compatibility Requirements​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 133 Overview of cybercrime targeting persons with disabilities (document submitted by Mali to Question 22/1 - Securing information and communication networks: best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 134 Report of the Rapporteur Group meeting on Question 22-1/1 (report submitted by the Rapporteur for Question 22-1/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 135 Report of the Rapporteur Group meeting on Question 20-1/1 (report submitted by the Vice-Rapporteurs for Question 20-1/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 136 Report of the Rapporteur's Group meeting on Question 20-1/1, Geneva 12 May 2011 (report submitted by the Vice-Rapporteur for Question 20-1/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 137 Report on Special Initiatives activities related to persons with disabilities (report submitted by BDT Focal Point for Question 20-1/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 138 138 Draft report on national legal and policy frameworks to promote ICT access by persons with disabilities  (document submitted by Brazil to the Q.20/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 139 Contribution from France on Legal and Policy Frameworks to Promote ICT Access by Persons with Disabilities in France (document submitted by France to the Q.20/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 140 Contribution from Sweden on Legal and Policy Frameworks to Promote ICT Access for Persons with Disabilities in Sweden (document submitted by Sweden to the Q.20/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 141 Contribution to revise text relating to United States of America as contained in the draft report on National Legal and Policy Frameworks to Promote ICT Access by Persons with Disabilities (document submitted by United States of America to the Q.20/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 142 Overview of cybercrime targeting persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons (document submitted by Viable, France Q.20/1 and Q22/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 143 Draft Report on National Legal and Policy Frameworks to Promote ICT Access by Persons with Disabilities (document submitted by BDT Focal Point for Question 20-1/1, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 144 Mobile Accessible and Assistive Technologies and Services for Persons with Disabilities: An ITU G3ict Global Report prepared in Collaboration with CIS (document submitted by BDT Focal Point for Question 20-1/, Second Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 Geneva, 5-9 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 145 Response from ITU-D on Liaison statement from the ITU-T JCA-AHF Convener to ITU-D Study Groups​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 146 Implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:Telecommunications for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users: The ITU’s Role and contribution - Part I -Presentation to the World Health Organization pavilion at Telecom 2011​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 147 Implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Telecommunications for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users: the role of G3ict – Part II - Presentation to the World Health Organization pavilion at Telecom 2011​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 148 Presentation made at Telecom 2011 – “The Digital City Way of Working and Living”, 26 October 2011​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​
Doc 149 ICTs for those with multiple or cognitive disabilities (Nairobi, Kenya, 28 September 2011)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​​
Doc 150 ICT for persons with mental challenges (Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, 16 November 2009)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​​
Doc 151 Mental challenges and extreme disabilities (Presentation to the World Standardization Cooperation Workshop, Geneva, 3 -4 November 2010)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​​
Doc 152 Progress report of ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA), May - November 2011 (Ref. TD 396 (PLEN/16)​ JCA-AHF Co-Convener​​​
Doc 153​ Draft New Recommendation J.adcstb-req (as of 25 October 2011)
JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 154 ​The USA 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 155 The USA Twenty-first Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010Pub. L. 111-260 (summary and technical text)​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 156 Report of accessibility-related standardization activities to JCA-AHF (Dr. Kate Grant, Ninetiles)​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 157 Information from GSC-16 (Halifax, Canada, 31 October – 3 November 2011)(TD 388 PLEN/16)​ JCA-AHF Convener​​
Doc 158 Resolution GSC-16/27: (Plenary) Telecommunication/ICT Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (Revised) (GSC-16 (Halifax, Canada, 31 October – 3 November 2011)​ JCA-AHF Convener​​
2011 Documents (2 June 2011)
Number Document Title Source
Doc 103 Rev 2 Revised draft Agenda of the 6th JCA-AHF meeting (2 June 2011) JCA-AHF Co-Conveners
Doc 104 Liaison to ITU-T SG17 on Child Online Protection (COP)​ JCA-AHF​
Doc 105 Progress report for the Joint meeting of Question 26/16 and Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF), Geneva, 21 March 2011​ TSB​
Doc 106 Accessibility study - ITU headquarters Geneva premises (March 2011)​ TSB​
Doc 107 Reply to Liaison statement to JCA-AHF on Child on-line Protection​ ITU-T SG 17
Doc 108 Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities (ISO/IEC)​ TSB​
Doc 109 Agenda and list of documents of ITU-D Q.20/1 “Access to telecommunication services and information and communication technologies (ICTs) by persons with disabilities” meeting (11 May 2011) TSB​
Doc 110 ITU-T FG AVA 1st meeting (Geneva, 26 May 2011) debriefing TSB​
Doc 111 Rev 1 European public procurement of accessible ICT (Mandate M 376 - European Accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain) JCA-AHF Co-convener
Doc 112 Captions transcripts of JCA-AHF meeting of 2 June 2011 (unedited) ​ TSB​
Doc 113 Progress report for the Joint meeting of Question 4/2 and the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) , Geneva, 2 June 2011​ TSB​
2011 Documents (21 March 2011)
Number Document Title Source
Doc 83 Agenda of the 5th JCA-AHF meeting (21 March 2011) JCA-AHF Co-Conveners
Doc 84​ Accessibility Work since the last TSAG meeting​ Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau​
Doc 85 Concerns and Comments by the JCA-AHF Convener on: PP10 Resolution 175, Proposed "Accessibility" Focus Groups, ICT Museum and Accessible workspace for Persons with Disabilities​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 86 USA contribution to TSAG on accessibility and PP10 Resolution 175​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 87 EBU support for the establishment of an ITU focus group on accessibility​ TSB​
Doc 88​ Proposed enhancement to Amendment of E.123 on Emergency Contact Number Notation​ ITU-T Study Group 2 (Geneva, 9 - 18 November 2010)​
Doc 89 JCA-AHF Study Groups representatives​ TSB​
Doc 90 Report ITU-R BT.2207 "Accessibility to broadcasting services for persons with disabilities" (October 2010)​ TSB​
Doc 91 2011 Action Plans​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 92 Proposal for creation of a Focus Group on audio-visual media accessibility​ JCA-AHF Convener​​
Doc 93 ITU PP-10 Resolution 175 “Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities, including age-related disabilities”​ JCA-AHF Convener​​​
Doc 94 Abstract and presentation of Mr. Lehmann’s Presentation in ITU-D Regional Development Forums for the Arab Region “NGN and Broadband, Opportunities and Challenges”, Cairo, Egypt, 13-15 December 2010​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 95 Request to FG Cloud on accessibility and cloud computing​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 96 Report on IGF 2011 Preparation and Improvements Meetings in February 2011​ JCA-AHF Convener​​
Doc 97 Daisy report on their work after the Japan earthquake (March 2011)​ JCA-AHF Convener​​​
Doc 98 Presentation on “Accessibility to ICTs and Standards for Persons with Disabilities”
at ITU-T seminar on “ITU-T Standardization and other key ITU Activities”
(La Havana, Cuba, 8 – 9 February 2011)​
JCA-AHF Convener​​​​
Doc 99 Extract from TSAG report to comment on the results of accessibility interventions - TD 247R1 "Draft Report of the TSAG meeting held in Geneva (8-11 February 2011)​ TSB​​
Doc 100 Report of the ISO/IEC JTC1 SWG-A meeting (London, 1-4 March 2011)​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 101 Presentation on PP-10 Resolution 175 “Telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities, including age related disabilities”​ JCA-AHF Convener​
Doc 102 Captions transcripts of JCA-AHF meeting of 21 March 2011​ TSB​​​
2010 Documents (15 November 2010)
Number Document Title Source
Doc 52 Rev 2 Agenda of the 4th meeting of the JCA-AHF Co-Conveners of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF)
Doc 53 JCA-AHF report (November 2010) Co-Conveners of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF)
Doc 54 LS to ISO TC159/SC4 on Remote controllers for television systems ITU-T SG16 (Question 26)
Doc 55 LS to All ITU-T Study Groups, TSAG, ITU-R SG 6, ITU-D SG2, IETF RAI, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29, IMTC, JCA-ICT&CC, JCA-AHF on approval of a new Question on telepresence systems ITU-T SG16 (Question 26)
Doc 56 Reply LS to Q12/13 on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2281 (Y.NGN-vehicle) (COM13-LS 96) ITU-T SG16 (Question 26 and 27)
Doc 57 LS to FG-Cloud on accessibility in cloud computing ITU-T SG16 (Question 26)
Doc 58 LS to TSAG on accessible electronic meetings ITU-T SG16 (Question 26)
Doc 59 Reply LS to ITU-T SG 12 on conferencing and telemeeting assessment ITU-T SG16 (Question 26)
Doc 60 Reports from interim meetings where accessibility was discussed (July 2010) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 61 Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities, including age-related disabilities TSB (ITU Plenipotentiary Conference PP-2010)
Doc 62 ITU-EBU Joint Workshop on Accessibility to Broadcasting and IPTV ACCESS for ALL, in cooperation with European Union project DTV4All,
Geneva, 23 – 24 November 2010
Doc 63 PowerPoint presentation: BDT activities on promoting e-accessibility for persons with disabilities and key issues TSB (BDT Focal Point for Question 20-1/1)
Doc 64 Report of the Meeting of the Rapporteur's Group on Question 20-1/1 (Geneva, 21 September 2010) TSB (Rapporteur for Question 20-1/1)
Doc 65 Presentation to Question 20 of ITU-D Study Group 1 (September 2010) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 66 Captioning transcripts of ITU-T Question 26/16 meeting (Geneva, 26 July 2010) TSB
Doc 67 Captioning transcripts of ITU-T Question 26/16 meeting (Geneva, 27 July 2010) TSB
Doc 68 Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment activities and considerations related to accessibility and usability (IEC/TR 62678) International Electrotechnical Commission, Technical Committee (IEC/TR 62678)
Doc 69 Extracts from ITU-T Study Group 16, Report 11 “Report of the third meeting of Study Group 16 (Geneva, 19-30 July 2010) – Plenary sessions” regarding the Accessibility Focus Group TSB
Doc 70 Question 26/16 Summary of discussions held during meeting of Study Group 16 (Geneva, 19-30 July 2010) TSB
Doc 71 Next Generation Services for Older and Disabled People (OFCOM, Turkey) TSB
Doc 72 Extracts from the European Disability Forum: “Accessibility: the project of Total Conversation awarded by 112 Emergency Number Association” TSB
Doc 73 Presentation made by Gunnar Hellström, Omnitor, REACH112 at the World Standard Cooperation Workshop (ITU ISO IEC), Geneva, 3 – 5 November 2010 TSB
Doc 74 Presentation made by Floris van Nes, Q.4/2 Rapporteur and JCA-AFH Co-convener at the World Standard Cooperation Workshop (ITU ISO IEC), Geneva, 3 – 5 November 2010 TSB
Doc 75 Presentation made by Prof. Arun Mehta at the World Standard Cooperation Workshop (ITU ISO IEC), Geneva, 3 – 5 November 2010 TSB
Doc 76 Press release of the WSC workshop on “Accessibility and the contribution of International Standards” 3 – 5 November 2010, Geneva, Switzerland TSB
Doc 77 Final recommendations: WSC workshop on “Accessibility and the contribution of International Standards” 3 – 5 November 2010, Geneva, Switzerland TSB
Doc 78 2010 and 2011 Action Plans TSB
Doc 79 ITU-T Calendar of SGs for 2011 and 2012 TSB
Doc 80 Deaf Access to Alternative Relay in Telecommunications (DAART) response to UK government’s Department of Business Innovation Skills public document “Implementing the revised EU Electronic Communications Framework” (November 2010) JCA-AHF Vice-Convener (Christopher Jones)
Doc 81 Captions transcripts of the JCA-AHF meeting of 15 November 2010 TSB
Doc 82 Progress report for the Joint meeting of Question 4/2 and the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) , Geneva, 15 November 2010 TSB
2010 Documents (27 July 2010)
Number Document Title Source
Doc 35 Draft agenda of the third meeting of the JCA-AHF (Geneva, 27 July 2010, 09:30 to 12:30) Co-Conveners of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF)
Doc 35 Rev 1 Draft revised agenda of the third meeting of the JCA-AHF Co-Conveners of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF)
Doc 35 Rev 2 Revised agenda of the third meeting of the JCA-AHF Co-Conveners of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF)
Doc 36 LS: Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 plenary meeting, 18-22 October 2009 ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1
Doc 37 Reports from interim meetings where accessibility was discussed (2 December 2009 – 27 July 2010) Convener JCA-AHF
Doc 38 Funding for participation of persons with disabilities in the work of ITU TSB (note by the Secretary-General)
Doc 39 Report of 2 December 2009 virtual meeting of JCA-AHF (for approval at the 27 July 2010 meeting) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 40 Caption transcript of JCA-AHF meeting (Geneva, 2 December 2009) TSB
Doc 41 The Hyderabad Declaration TSB (World Telecommunication Development Conference - WTDC-10 - Hyderabad, India 24 May – 5 June 2010)
Doc 42 Draft Preliminary Report TSB (World Telecommunication Development Conference - WTDC-10 - Hyderabad, India 24 May – 5 June 2010)
Doc 42 Rev 1 Final Report TSB (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010)
Doc 43 Joint ITU-WIPO accessibility workshop (Geneva, 2 – 5 February 2010) TSB
Doc 44 Resolution 58 (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010) Access to information and communication technology for persons with disabilities, including persons with age-related disabilities TSB (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010)
Doc 45 Resolution 70 (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010) Regional initiative for Central and Eastern Europe on "E-accessibility (Internet and digital television) for persons with disabilities" TSB (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010)
Doc 46 Resolution 2 (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010) WTDC Resolution 2 (Hyderabad, 2010) Establishment of study groups TSB (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010)
Doc 47 Resolution 34 (Hyderabad, 2010) The role of telecommunications/information and communication technology in disaster preparedness, early warning, rescue, mitigation, relief and response TSB (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010)
Doc 48 Resolution 59 (Hyderabad, 2010) Strengthening coordination and cooperation among ITU-R, ITU-T and ITU-D on matters of mutual interest TSB (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010)
Doc 49 Resolution 17 (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010) TSB (WTDC, Hyderabad, 2010)
Doc 50 A communication from the Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard at Hearing (TDI)concerning the United States of America “Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010” (H.R. 3101) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 51 Transcripts of the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors meeting: Geneva, 27 July 2010 TSB
30 March 2009 Documents
Number Document Title Source
Doc 1 Draft agenda for first meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (Geneva, 30 March 2009, 14:00) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 2 Liaison Statement on Accessibility and Resolution 70 (WTSA-08) “Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities” (JCA-AHF LS no.1) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 3 Reply to JCA-AHF LS no.1:
liaison statement on Accessibility and Resolution 70 (WTSA-08)
ITU-T Study Group 9
(Television and sound transmission and integrated broadband cable networks)
Doc 4 Reply to JCA-AHF LS no.1:
Replied Liaison to “Accessibility and Resolution 70 (WTSA-08) “Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities””
ITU-T Study Group 11
(Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications)
Doc 5 Reply to JCA-AHF LS no.1:
Reply to Liaison on Accessibility and Resolution 70 (WTSA-08) “Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities”
ITU-T Study Group 13
(Future networks including mobile and NGN)
Doc 6 Reply to JCA-AHF LS no.1:
LS to ITU-T Q4/2, ITU-D Q20/1, JCA-AHF on possible accessibility event and joint meeting
ITU-T Study Group 16
(Multimedia coding, systems and applications)
Doc 7 Reply to JCA-AHF LS no.1:
Liaison on Accessibility and Resolution 70 (WTSA-08) “Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities”
ITU-T Study Group 3
(Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunication economic and policy issues)
Doc 8 Resolution 70 - Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - Johannesburg, 2008
Doc 9 Reply to JCA-AHF Liaison on Accessibility and Resolution 70 (WTSA-08) ITU-T Study Group 12
(Performance, Quality of Service and Quality of Experience)
Doc 10 JCA-AHF Draft Report - Summary of activities and interim meetings on Accessibility (May 2008 – March 2009) addressed to Study Group 2 (24 March – 2 April 2009) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 10 Rev 1 JCA-AHF Final Report - Summary of activities and interim meetings on Accessibility (May 2008 – March 2009) JCA-AHF
Doc 11 Draft LS to TSAG on the continuation of the JCA-AHF in the New Study Period (2009 – 2012) with revised terms of reference JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 11 Rev 1 Draft LS to TSAG on the continuation of the JCA-AHF in the New Study Period (2009 – 2012) with revised terms of reference ITU-T Study Group 2
(Operational aspects of service provision and telecommunications management)
Doc 12 Liaison from the JCA-AHF Convener to ITU-D Q.11/2 Rapporteur’s meeting (26 March 2009) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 13 Presentation on WTSA-08 Resolution 70 on “Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities” and ITU-T JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 14 Liaison on the JCA-AHF meeting report (30 March 2009) and on the JCA-AHF mandate renewal (TSAG, 28 – 30 April 2009) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 15 Caption transcript of Q.4/2 meeting (Geneva, 30 March 2009, AM) TSB
Doc 16 Caption transcript of the first JCA-AHF meeting (Geneva, 30 March 2009, PM) TSB
Doc 17 Caption transcript of Q.4/2 meeting (Geneva, 31 March 2009, AM) TSB
Doc 18 Caption transcript of the closing plenary for Working Party 1/2 meeting (Geneva, 2 April 2009) TSB
Doc 19 Caption transcript of Study Group 2 final plenary meeting (Geneva, 2 April 2009) TSB
2 December 2009 Documents
Number Document Title Source
Doc 20 Draft agenda of the second meeting of the JCA-AHF JCA-AHF
Doc 20 Rev 1 Draft agenda of the second meeting of the JCA-AHF JCA-AHF
Doc 20 Rev 2 Draft agenda of the second meeting of the JCA-AHF JCA-AHF
Doc 21 LS on initial draft recommendation Y.NGN-vehicle “Framework of Networked Vehicle in NGN” Working Party 2/13 “Service requirements, scenarios and evolution aspects “ (Geneva, 22 May 2009)
Doc 22 Interim JCA-AHF report (March – November 2009) JCA-AHF Convener
Doc 23 Work Plan 2009 JCA-AHF
Doc 24 Report of Question 26/16 “Accessibility to multimedia systems and services” Q.26/16 Rapporteur
Doc 25 Q.4/2 Report (see Joint meeting report with Q.26/16 – Doc. No. 26) Q.4/2 Rapporteur
Doc 26 Report of Joint meeting of Question 26/16 and Question 4/2 Q.26/16 and Q.4/2 Rapporteurs
Doc 27 Report of the Accessibility Workshop (Geneva, 2 November 2009) Q.26/16 Rapporteur
Doc 28 Report of the meeting of the Rapporteur's Group on Question 20/1 (Geneva, 9 September 2009) ITU-D Q.20/1 Rapporteur
Doc 29 Proposed Resolution for WTDC-10: Access to information and communication technology by persons with disabilities ITU-D Q.20/1 Rapporteur
Doc 30 Report of the ITU Workshop on Accessibility (Bamako, Mali, 13 – 15 October 2009)
Workshop Chair
Doc 31 Message delivered at the IGF 2009 Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability
Doc 32 Response to Liaison on Accessibility and Resolution 70 (WTSA-08) “Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities” ITU-T Study Group 15
Doc 33 Reply LS to SG13 on accessibility aspects of Y.NGN-vehicle ITU-T Study Group 16
Doc 34 Caption transcript of JCA-AHF meeting (Geneva, 2 December 2009) TSB
Number  Title Source
Report 01 JCA-AHF meeting report (Geneva, 30 March 2009) Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factor (JCA-AHF) meeting (30 March 2009)
Report 02 Report of 02 December 2009 virtual meeting of JCA-AHF JCA-AHF Convener
Report 03 Reports from interim meetings where accessibility was discussed JCA-AHF Convener

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