Committed to connecting the world

U4SSC Call for Experts

​​​​U4SSC Call for Experts​

The United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative is excited to bring on board new experts to develop the work of its key thematic groups. A Call for Experts for each group has been issued, detailing key information and how individuals with relevant expertise, such as: urban practitioners, city planners, engineers, designers, scientists. sociologists, geographers, government officials, researchers or any other relevant actors interested in city smartness and sustainability can contribute to this vital work. 

The flyer below for each thematic group contains a registration link - for those interested in applying, it is mandatory to register and create their profile. We hope you will join us in making cities and communities all over the world smarter and more sustainable! 

Applications are now closed.


​Thematic Groups

​​Call for Experts


Ramon Ferri

Smart City Platforms

Access ​to call for experts​​

​Okan Geray

Guiding principles for artificial intelligence in​ cities

Access to call for experts​​​

Ziqin Sang and Tomas Llorente​

Impact of Frontier Technologies in Cities

Access to call for experts and​

Soumaya Ben Dhaou and Judy Backhouse

Simple ways to be smart

Access to call for experts​ and ​

Soumaya Ben Dhaou and Judy Backhouse​

Practitioner guide to measure SC&C

Access to​ call for experts​ and ​ ​​​

Soumaya Ben Dhaou and Judy Backhouse​

Practitioner guide to monitor SC&C

Access to call for exp​erts​ and ​ ​​

Warren Smith​

Procurement Guidelines for Smart Sustainable Cities

Acc​ess to call for experts​​​