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SG13 Meeting Executive Summary

SG13 Meeting Executive Summary (Study Period 2009-2012)

Executive summary of the SG 13 meeting of 4 – 15 June 2012, Geneva, Switzerland

Attracted 195 delegates and 288 contributions, was run paperless, opening and closing plenaries were webcasted.

Main SG 13 meeting results

Recommendation not approved (Resolution 1 - TAP)

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title
Y.2770 (Y.dpireq)​ ​17 COM 13 – R 44​ ​New Requirements for Deep Packet Inspection in Next Generation Networks​
At the closing Plenary one member state requested more time for considering its position with regards to the draft new Recommendation Y.2770 considered for approval. An objection to approval was expressed by this member state in the four weeks period given by WTSA-08 Resolution 1, clause 9.5.5. Therefore draft new Recommendation Y.2770 is not approved.
See TSB Circular 305 (dated 27 July 2012)

Recommendation determined (Resolution 1 - TAP)

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title
16 TD 279 (PLEN/13) ​New Minimum Security Requirements for Interconnection of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS)
See TSB Circular 302 (dated 17 July 2012)

Recommendations Approved (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title
3​ TD 291 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Overview of Internet of Things​
3​ TD 300 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment​
Y.2080 (Y.dsnarch)​ 19​ TD 296 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Functional architecture of distributed service networking​
See TSB Circular 295 (dated 2 July 2012)​

Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title
4​ TD 280 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Guidelines for the use of traffic management mechanisms in support of IPTV services​
5​ TD 294 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Functional architecture of NGN service integration and delivery environment​
5​ TD 287 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for support of ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications and services​
Y.2059 (Y.ipv6na)​ 7​ TD 295 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Functional requirements for accessing to IPv6-based next generation networks​
9​ TD 301 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Identification and configuration of resources for multi-connection​
9​ TD 302 (PLEN/13) New​ Functional Architecture of Multi-connection​
12​ TD 316 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Framework of Web of Things​
12​ TD 311 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Functional requirements and architecture of Web service component in NGN​
Y.2081 (Y.dsntocf)​ 19​ TD 286 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Distributed Service Networking Traffic Optimization Control Functions​
20​ TD 309 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Architecture of independent Scalable Control Plane (iSCP) in future packet based network (FPBN)​
20​ TD 313 (PLEN/13)​ New​ The routing mechanisms in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN)​
22​ TD 289 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Framework of Mobile Virtual Private Network in next generation network​
(Y. MM-WAU)​
22​ TD 290 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Mobility Management for Interworking between WiMAX and UMTS​
25​ TD 285 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Terms and definitions for Internet of Things​

Supplements agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title
Supplement 18 to Y.2700-series
(Y.NGN Certificate Management)​
16​ TD 281 (PLEN/13)​ New​ NGN Certificate Management​
Supplement 19 to Y.2200-series
24​ TD 312 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Risk analysis service over NGN​
Supplement 20 to Y.1900-series (Y.miptv-scen)​ 24​ TD 298 (PLEN/13)​ New​ Scenarios and use cases of mobile IPTV​

Handbook agreed to

ITU-T Rec. No. Q Base text Status Title
Handbook​ 9 TD 310 (PLEN/13) New​ Multi-connection/Multi Radio Access Technologies (M-RATs) in NGN - Bridging Next Generation Networks and Future Networks with Simultaneous Connectivity
Note – Given the dependency of the Handbook with consented Recommendation ITU-T Y.2027 “Functional Architecture of Multi-connection”, it was agreed that the publishing of the handbook is to be synchronized with the results of the Recommendation Y.2027 approval process.​ ​ ​ ​


  • A new SG 13 Vice-Chairman Mr Heyuan Xu (China, MIIT) was nominated to replace Ms Duo Liu (China, MIIT).
  • A new Rapporteur for Q.22/13 Kyounghee Lee (ETRI, Korea) was nominated to replace Mr Woo Jin Choi (KT, Korea)
  • Mr. Jamil Chawki (from France Telecom Orange and WP6/13 Chairman) was nominated as ITU-T Co-convener for each of two new collaborative teams (CTs).
  • Agreed on ITU-T Co-Editor for CT on cloud computing vocabulary Mr Olivier Colas (Microsoft, France).
  • Agreed on ITU-T Co-Editor for CT on cloud computing reference architecture Mr Olivier Le Grand (France Telecom Orange, France).
  • Nominated Mr Babak Jahromi (Microsoft, USA) as the liaison representative from SG13 to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC38.
  • Nominated Mr Richard Brackney (Microsoft, USA) as the liaison rapporteur from SG 13 to TMForum.

Organization of the work

  • Confirmed JCA-IPTV decision to hand over the parentage of JCA-IPTV from SG 13 to SG 16
  • Confirmed the closure of NGN GSI and JCA-NGN
  • Undertook an inspection of its Questions and prepared a set of 19 Questions for the study in the next study period. Also it worked out its mandate and new title “Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and NGN” leaving the essence of the leading roles and Recommendations under the responsibility and maintenance unchanged.
  • Joint session with Q.8/17 was convened with the goal to clarify the relationships in the area of cloud computing security work to avoid overlap. The meeting confirmed the decision of Q.16/13 that five new work item proposals for Q.16/13 should be kept in their living list until the scope of each proposal and security responsibilities of SG13 and SG17 can be clarified. To this end, the next interim activity of Q.16/13 will take place in colocation with SG 17 meeting (August). The joint meeting with Q.8/17 agreed, in particular, to develop common Recommendations between SG13 and SG17.
External cooperation
  • Established the two collaborative teams (CTs) to work out the common text with ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 38/WG3 in the area of cloud computing vocabulary and reference architecture. The CTs are supposed to deliver one common text each by the end of 2013. Initial meeting of both CTs is planned in September in Stockholm alongside ISO/IEC JTC1/SC38 meeting.
  • Agreed to ask TSB to establish the A.4 – A.6 relationships with DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force, working on cloud computing) and ONF (Open Networking Foundation, looking after the future networks).
11 June was a day of the workshop “Joint ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 workshop on future networks standardization”. It was of the success attracting 78 participants (per the list of participants). As an outcome of this workshop, it was agreed to continue using the correspondence group between Q.21/13 and ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 6 to find future collaboration topics between SG13 and JTC 1 SC 6.
Coordination activities
  • Progressed Service Delivery Platforms roadmap.
  • JCA-Cloud agreed to start working on a new Cloud Computing roadmap.
  • WP 1/13 agreed to close the Mobility Management roadmap, IPTV roadmap and NGN roadmap and its web implementation (the latter was in operation since 2005). All three roadmaps were run by Q.25/13 “Coordination, Planning, and Terminology” that was proposed to be discontinued in the next study period.

Newcomer’s information session


A newcomer’s session was of a success, having attracted 14 delegates who were new to SG 13 as well as some regular SG 13 participants. The SG 13 Chairman, Mr Chaesub Lee, gave an overview of the technical topics under study and organization of the work in SG13.


Future plans

Next JCA-Cloud meeting will be co-located with SG17 meeting late August. A possibility of having joint JCAs meeting (Cloud and IdM) is under consideration.

Next SG 13 meeting will take place in the next study period on 18 February – 1 March 2013, Geneva.

Past Executive Summaries:
