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ITU-T Study Group 11 - Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications

Executive summary of the SG11 meeting (Geneva, 9-16 July 2014)

Study Group 11 meeting was held in Geneva, from 9-16 July 2014 and was attended by 107 delegates from 24 countries. Along with face-to-face meetings, most sessions from various Questions or joint Questions meetings were supported by remote participation capabilities.

1.      Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8)     
The following table shows the 'Consented' draft Recommendations.
#QuestionWP/11Draft new/revised Rec. No.TitleFinal TD GENA.5 justification
12/11WP1/11Draft new Recommendation  ITU-T Q.3615 (Q.ProGeoSMS)Protocol for GeoSMSTD529 Rev.1 (GEN/11)TD518 (GEN/11)
27/11WP3/11Draft New Recommendation ITU-T Q.3232 (Q.nacp.Nc)Signalling Requirements and Protocol at the Nc interface between the transport location management physical entity and the transport authentication and authorization physical entityTD500 (GEN/11)TD501 Rev.1 (GEN/11)
310/11WP4/11Draft New Recommendation ITU-T Q.3931.3 Performance benchmark for the PSTN/ISDN emulation subsystem of an IP multimedia system - Part 3: Traffic Sets and Traffic ProfilesTD505 (GEN/11)TD507 (GEN/11)
411/11WP4/11Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3946-3IETF SIP RFC3261 Conformance Tests Specification; Part 3: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proformaTD515 (GEN/11)TD512 (GEN/11)
511/11WP4/11Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3946-1 IETF SIP RFC3261 Conformance Tests Specification; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proformaTD514 (GEN/11)TD511 (GEN/11)
613/11WP4/11Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3913 (Q.monitor_d) Set of parameters of devices for monitoringTD528 (GEN/11)


2.      Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers and Corrigenda
2.1    Supplements
The following table shows the approved Supplement.

#Question WP/11Draft new/revised Rec. No.TitleFinal TD PLEN
114/11WP4/11Draft Q Supplement 65 to Q.39xx-series Recommendations (Q.Supp-CCI)Cloud computing interoperability activitiesTD545 (GEN/11)

2.2    Handbooks
No Handbooks were approved at this meeting.
2.3    Technical Papers
No Technical papers were approved at this meeting.
2.4    Corrigenda
The following table shows the approved Corrigenda.

#Question WP/11Draft new/revised Rec. No.TitleFinal TD PLEN
14/11WP2/11Corrigenda to Q.3303.1 (08/2012) Corrigenda to Q.3303.1 (08/2012)TD504 (GEN/11)
24/11WP2/11Corrigenda to Q.3304.1 (06/2012) Corrigenda to Q.3304.1 (06/2012)TD504 (GEN/11)
34/11WP2/11Corrigenda to Q.3308.1 (03/2012)Corrigenda to Q.3308.1 (03/2012)TD504 (GEN/11)

3.      SG11 Structure and Management

Further to her resignation as WP1/11 Chairman, Jane Humphrey (Ericsson Limited, Sweden) was thanked for her  long service to support the management of SG11 and her commitment to furthering its work, first as a contributor, and then as a member of the SG leadership, involving a number of different management roles and most notably as Vice-Chairman over the previous two Study Periods. Her vast experience and expertise will be solely missed. WP1/11 Vice-Chair Xiaojie Zhu (China Telecom, China) was appointed as WP1/11 Chairman.

SG11 structure was therefore confirmed as follows:

WP1: Signalling requirements and protocol for emerging networks
(Questions: 1, 2, 3/11)
WP 1 Chairman: Xiaojie Zhu (China Telecom),
WP 1 Vice-chair: Vacant

WP2: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and resource control
(Questions: 4, 5, 6/11)
WP 2 Co-Chairman: Kaoru Kenyoshi (NEC Europe Ltd.)
WP 2 Co-Chairman: Ting [Tina] Zou [Tsou] (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.)

WP3: Attachment and service networking, including IoT and M2M 
(Questions: 7, 8, 9/11)
WP 3 Chairman: Shin-Gak Kang (ETRI)
WP 3 Vice-chair: Isaac Boateng (Ghana)

WP4: Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) testing
(Questions: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15/11)
WP 4 Chairman: Martin Brand (A1 Telekom Austria AG)
WP 4 Vice-chair: Dmitri Tarasov (Russian Federation

4 .     Questions

The proposed modification to the terms of reference (ToR) of Q2/11 according to C-156 was discussed and approved. A description of "e-health" to clarify the responsibility of Q2/11 in this area was added in the ToR of Q2/11. The detailed modification can be found in TD 530 (GEN/11).
A proposal to revise the Terms of reference of Q8/11 to reflect and include ongoing work was discussed and approved. The detailed modification to the ToR of Q8/11 can be found in TD 510 Rev.1 (GEN/11).
A proposal to modify the ToR of Q10/11 was discussed according to C-156. It was decided to postpone discussion until the November IoT-GSI events as the proposed modification would require coordination and comments from ITU-T SG16.
A proposal to modify the ToR of Q1/11 according to C-156 was discussed. It was not agreed, therefore the ToR of Q1/11 are unchanged.
The modification of the ToR of Q11/11, which was endorsed by TSAG (June 2013) to align the testing work between SG11 and SG17, was approved by SG11.

5.      Liaison officers and Rapporteurs

SG11 approved the appointment of new Rapporteurs and Associated Rapporteurs as follows:
  • Li CHENG (CATR/MIIT, China) was appointed as Rapporteur for Q2/11
  • Peng ZHU (China Unicom, China) was appointed as Associate Rapporteur for Q5/11
  • Kai HU (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, China) was appointed as Acting Rapporteur for Q6/11
  • Joao ZANON (Anatel, Brazil) was appointed as Associate Rapporteur for Q8/11
  • Martin BRAND (A1 Telekom Austria AG, Austria) was appointed as Rapporteur for Q11/11
  • Isaac BOATENG (National Communications Authority, Ghana) was appointed as Associate Rapporteur for Q11/11
  • Steve H.L. LIANG (Open Geospatial Consortium, USA) was appointed as Rapporteur for Q12/11
  • Eva IBARROLA (University of the Basque, Spain) was appointed as Acting Rapporteur for Q15/11

The final list of Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs can be found in TD 398 Rev.2 (GEN/11).

SG11 approved the appointment of new liaison officers and representatives as follows:

  • Isaac BOATENG (National Communications Authority, Ghana) was appointed as liaison officer toSG2 Experts Group on International Numbering Resources (INRs)
  • Matthew LOPEZ (NEC, Japan) was appointed as liaison officer to JCA-SDN
  • Kaoru KENYOSHI (NEC, Japan) was appointed as liaison officer to JCA-AHF
  • Wei FENG (Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, China) was appointed as liaison officer to JCA-COP
  • Kaoru KENYOSHI (NEC, Japan) was appointed as liaison officer to JCA-IoT and IoT-GSI
  • Isaac BOATENG (National Communications Authority, Ghana) was appointed as liaison officer to JCA-Res178

    The final list of Liaison Officers and representatives can be found in TD 397 Rev.2 (GEN/11).
6.      FG M2M Service Layer results and follow up

The FG M2M concluded its work and submitted its report which was posted as TD 420 (GEN/11). SG11, as parent Study Group of this Focus Group, recommended that the five FG M2M deliverables are taken over by relevant ITU-T Study Groups to continue study as follows:

- D0.1: "M2M standardization activities and gap analysis: e-health" should be considered by all involved ITU-T Study Groups, especially SG11, SG13 and SG16, for their work on IoT and M2M and e-health related Recommendations.
- D0.2: "M2M enabled ecosystems: e-health" should be transferred to ITU-T SG13 and SG16, for their work on e-health related Recommendations.
- D1.1: "M2M use cases: e-health" should be transferred to ITU-T SG13 and SG16 for their work on e-health related Recommendations.
- D2.1: "M2M service layer: requirements and architectural framework" should be transferred to ITU-T SG13 and SG16 for their work on Recommendations on IoT and M2M requirements and architecture.
- D3.1: "M2M service layer: APIs and protocols overview" will be considered by ITU-T SG11 to develop Recommendations on APIs and protocols for IoT and M2M. Q1/11 started a new work item: Q.M2M_pro_overview "Overview of APIs and protocols for M2M service layer" to address D3.1, at this meeting. Related work on e-health, M2M and IoT from all SGs (especially SG13 and SG16) is advised to be coordinated during IoT-GSI events.

7.      Correspondence Groups

The Correspondence Group (CG) on collaboration between ITU-T and testing laboratories for ITU C&I programme concluded its activities. The CG was established in November 2013 with the ToR at: TD 294 Rev.1 (GEN/11).  During the July 2014 meeting of SG11, the Convener of the CG, Mr Isaac Boateng (NCA, Ghana), presented the CG report [TD 475 Rev.2 (GEN/11)] to Q11/11. The report was approved and the following follow up actions agreed:

-        Isaac Boateng was appointed as Associate Rapporteur for Q11/11, with responsibility to continue the discussion on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure"
-        The new baseline text for the work item [Q.TL-rec-pro "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure"] was agreed as contained in TD 474 (GEN/11).
-        The CG was terminated and the discussion will continue by Question 11/11 under the leadership of Isaac Boateng.

8.      Outgoing Liaison Statements

The following table shows the list of the twelve agreed outgoing liaison statements. See TD 395 Rev.1 (GEN/11)
#WP/11Q (s)ForTo:TitleReference
1PLENAllInformationJCA-IoTLS/o/r on IoT-Roadmap, IoT-work program, contacts and invitation to participate in IoT-GSI events (reply to JCA-IoT LS19) [to JCA-IoT]TD 527 (GEN/11)
ITU-T SGs 13 and 16
All other ITU-T SGs
LS/o on FG M2M output and the progress of SG11 on M2M [to ITU-T SGs 13 and 16]TD 557 Rev.1 (GEN/11)
311InformationITU-T SG15LS/o/r on Overview and Work Plan on Smart Grids (reply to SG15 LS146) [to ITU-T SG15]TD 498 (GEN/11)
438ActionETSI and 3GPP/SA3 and 3GPP/CTLS/o on ICT counterfeiting [to ETSI and 3GPP]TD 520 Rev.1 (GEN/11)
538ActionGSMALS/o on "Technical Report on Counterfeited and Substandard ICT Equipment"TD 509 Rev.2 (GEN/11)
638CommentCITELLS/o on "Technical Report on Counterfeited and Substandard ICT Equipment"TD 508 Rev.3 (GEN/11)
739CommentISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6LS/o on collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 on managed peer-to-peer communications [to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6]TD 554 (GEN/11)
8411ActionHGF and ITU-T SG15LS/o on conformance testing pilot project (reply to COM15-LS147) [to HGF and ITU T SG15]    TD 548 (GEN/11)
LS/o on updated living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects [to all ITU-T SGs and JCA-CIT]TD 547 Rev.1 (GEN/11)
LS/o/r on request to all SGs to follow up on the Council 2013 C&I Action Items for implementation by ITU-T SGs (reply to COM9 - LS 68) [to ITU-T SG9]TD 546 (GEN/11)
11413InformationITU-T SG16LS/o/r on comments of Q.3910 "Parameters for monitoring NGN protocols" (SG16 - LS 87 from ITU-T Q3/16) [to ITU-T SG16]TD 516 Rev.1 (GEN/11)
12414ActionETSI TC CLOUD and TC INTLS/o on cooperation on Cloud Computing interoperability [to ETSI TC CLOUD]TD 544 Rev.1 (GEN/11)

TSB will also draft an outgoing LS addressed to TSAG on the modification to the ToR of Q2/11 and Q8/11.

9.      Work plan for interim Working Party and Rapporteur meetings
Interim meetings plan as agreed at SG11 Plenary (Geneva, 9-16 July 2014).

9.1    Working parties
WPDatePlace / HostTerms of referenceContact
WP2/1121 November 2014Geneva- To consider consent (AAP) of the following candidate draft Recommendations: Q.SBNG
- To discuss the progress of work on the draft Recommendations under study in Qs 4, 5, 6/11
Kaoru Kenyoshi
WP3/1121 November 2014Geneva- To consider aproval of the Technical Report on Counterfeited and Substandard ICT Equipment.Shin-Gak Kang

9.2     Rapporteur groups

QuestionDatePlace / HostTerms of referenceContact
1/1112-14 November 2014Geneva- Q.Arc-IPSMS, Q.DSNSA, Q.M2M_pro_overview
- Consider any new work item(s)
- Report and output review
Xiaojie Zhu
2/1113-14 November 2014 Geneva- Q.CDIV, Q.TIP/TIR
- Consider any new work item(s)
- Report and output review
Cheng Li
3/1112-14 November 2014Geneva- Progress TR-ETS-IL
- Consider any new proposed work item
Viqar Shaikh
Joint 4/11 and 6/1315 SeptemberE-meeting- Progress Y.VNC and Q.CSOJia He
Joint 4/11 and 6/1320 October 2014E-meeting- Progress Y.VNC and Q.CSOJia He
4/1112-19 November 2014Geneva- Progress Q.CSO
- Progress Q.SBAN
- Progress Supplement-SDN
- Consider any new work items
Jia He
Qian Wang
Cathy Zhou
5/1112-19 November 2014Geneva- Finalize for consent on Q.SBNG
- Progress on Q.BNG-pool
- Consider any other new work items
Junfeng Ma
6/1110-21 November 2014Geneva- Progress Q.IPv6ProBB
- Progress Q.IPv6ProMM
- Finalize for Consent Q.IPv6UIP
- Consider any new work items
Cathy Zhou
8/11End of August (TBD) 2 afternoon sessions at 1300-1600E-meeting- Progress TR-CounterfeitingIsaac Boateng
8/11End of September (TBD) 2 afternoon sessions at 1300-1600E-meeting- Progress TR-CounterfeitingIsaac Boateng
8/1119-21 November 2014Geneva- Finalize for approval TR-Counterfeiting
- Consider any new work items
Isaac Boateng
9/1119-21 November 2014Geneva- Progress X.mp2p-pamp
- Progress X.mp2p-orcp
- Progress X.mp2p-arch
- Progress Q.rrp
- Consider any new work items
Shin-Gak Kang
11/1117.11.2014 (session 1, 2) (date TBC)Geneva- Progress on Q.TL-rec-proIsaac Boateng
Martin Brand
14/1113, 14, 19 November 2014Geneva- Handle the input contributions and incoming liaisons
- Consider new WIs
- Progress on the open work items for Q14/11 e.g. Q Q.FW-Cloud-iop
Hideo Himeno
Nan Chen
15/1119-November-2014 (Session 1, 2)Geneva- Progress draft recommendation Q.Int_speed_testEva Ibarrola

10.      Next Study Group 11 meeting
The next SG11 meeting is scheduled in Geneva, 22-29 April 2015.