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Executive summary of the SG13 meeting of 20 April - 1 May 2015

Executive summary of the SG13 meeting of 20 April - 1 May 2015,

Geneva, Switzerland

The paperless SG13 meeting held in Geneva, attracted 224 contributions and 164 delegates. In total the participation goes to 177 (live + remote participants). Remote participation facilities were offered upon request.  

Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.
Base text
TD 192
NewOverview of Smart Farming based on networks
TD 177
New​Requirements and capability framework for NICE implementation making usage of software-defined networking technologies (S-NICE)
​TD 178
New​IMT-2000 references to Release 11 of GSM evolved UMTS core network
​TD 169
New​Intelligent access selection in multi-connection
​TD 170
New​A multi-path transmission control in multi-connection
​TD 180
New​Distributed Service Networking content distribution functions
​TD 183
New​Architecture for interworking of heterogeneous component networks in ID/locator split-based future networks
​TD 184
New​Service Universalization on Future Networks

Supplements agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Rec. No.
Base text
Suppl 25 to Y.2770-series
TD 168
NewDPI use cases and application scenarios

Human assets

  • The meeting elected Mr Leo Lehmann, OFCOM, Switzerland, as the new SG13 chairman
  • The meeting elected Mr Hyoung Jun Kim, ETRI, Republic of Korea, as a new Vice-chairman of SG13
  • Agreed to nominate Mr Jinyou (David) Dai, FiberHome Technologies Group, China, as a new rapporteur for Q7/13 to replace Mr Guosheng Zhu from the same company, whose participation in SG13 activities in the future was not certain.
  • Nominated Mr Marco Carugi, NEC, Japan, as a Liaison rapporteur for ISO IEC/JTC 1 WG 10 on IoT
  • Nominated Mr Kangchan Lee, ETRI, Republic of Korea, as a Liaison rapporteur for ISO IEC/JTC 1 WG 9 on Big Data
  • Nominated Mr Leo Lehmann as a Liaison rapporteur for JCA-Res178

Important decisions (apart from Recommendations)

Formation of the FG IMT-2020
The idea to start 5G studies in SG13 was brought by contributions from many entities. After some debates at the dedicated ah-hoc meetings (report in TD 165 (PLEN/13)), SG13 agreed to establish a new Focus Group on IMT-2020 (FG IMT-2020) with the ToR as in TD 164 (PLEN/13).

New FG will be looking at the network aspects of 5G networks, leaving all the work on frequencies and radio interfaces to a counterpart in ITU-R (SG5 and its WP5D).

Parent group: SG13
Lifetime: till next SG13 meeting (December 2015)
Deliverables: gap analysis of what is going on in the telecom world on the network part of 5G and where SG13 can apply its expertise and develop Recommendations.
Supporters: ETRI, Tunisia Telecom, Telecom Italia, Huawei Canada, China Mobile and NTT Japan

SG13 nominated the following leadership for this FG.
FG IMT-2020 Chairman is Mr Peter Ashwood – Smith, Huawei Technologies, Canada.
Vice-chairmen of the Focus Group:
            Mr Luca Pesando, Telecom Italia
            Mr Hideo Imanaka, NTT Advanced Technology, Japan
            Mr Yachen Wang, China Mobile
            Mr Nam-Seok Ko, ETRI, Republic of Korea

Revision of Qs 14/13, 17/13 and 19/13
Q8/13 came to close as a standalone Question on security in SG13 (no new work since autumn 2013, no contributions since February 2014), after some discussions at the meeting of dedicated ad-hoc on security, Q8/13 work was distributed to Q14/13 (SDN security part) and Q19/13 (cloud computing security work). To this end, Qs 14/13 and 19/13 adopted the cosmetic changes to their texts to accommodate the focused security work in the scope of each one of them. Q8/13 was proposed for deletion that will come into force after the Member States consultation. The Q8/13 work items on cloud computing were passed over to the Q19/13, remaining work items of Question 8/13 were discontinued.

Q17/13 revised its scope to include the big data in its Question’s description.

Revised Questions 14/13, 17/13 and 19/13 texts may be found in TDs 186, 171, 172 (PLEN/13) respectfully.

Correspondence group on trust
Workshop on trusted environment ITU Workshop on "Future Trust and Knowledge Infrastructure", Phase 1 was held as a one day activity on 24 April. Its panel session identified the need for collaboration with other organizations already working on the topic of trust. The outcomes of the workshop were discussed in the dedicated session of Q16/13 that reached agreement to set up a correspondence group to elaborate the definition of trust in ICT environment and work on the technical report towards trust for future standardization. Correspondence group ToR are captured in TD 185 (PLEN/13). Convener is Mr Gyu Myoung Lee, Q16/13 rapporteur. It will be using the mailing list

Initial ideas on development of future trust ICT infrastructure are gathered in the living list by Q16/13.

Coordination activities 
Joint Rapporteur Group on Cloud Computing Management (JRG-CCM) comprising of Qs 5/2, 7/2 and 19/13 had its regular meeting alongside the SG13 meeting, report of this activity is found in TD394 (WP2/13). The guidance for the operation of the group as agreed at the SG2 meeting (18 - 27 March 2015) and presented in TD337 (WP2/13) were agreed also by SG13.

As a first step to establish communication with SDN open source communities (OpenDaylight, ONOS and Ryu) an LS was agreed to reach these groups inviting them to the next physical activity of Q14/13 and exploring the grounds to form a cooperative relationship with this community to work on SDN functional architecture.  

JCA-Cloud was closed as exhausted its mandate. Cloud computing roadmap project was entrusted for maintenance to Q17/13.

Ad-hoc activities
SG13 ad-hoc on review of its current activities was also taken to close as fulfilling its function and reaching the end of its lifetime. The main findings and proposed ways forward, as discovered by ah-hoc, are captured in TD 190 (PLEN/13). Among those, suggestion to try a new format for convening the SG meeting with opening plenary in the middle, Monday of the second week of the meeting. SG13 management team was encouraged to follow the other proposals from the ad-hoc group. 

As part of WTSA-12 Action plan implementation programme, SG13 permanent Ad-hoc on implementation of WTSA-12 Resolution 38 (Coordination among the three ITU Sectors for activities relating to International Mobile Telecommunications) convened its meeting and adopted the next revision to the IMT roadmap document, TD239 Rev.1 (GEN/13).

Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG)
BSG topic appeared on the agenda of the SG13 meeting in association with the activities of its Regional Group for Africa. The report of the third physical meeting of the latter was agreed (TD153 (PLEN/13)). Also, the meeting followed the brief overview of the workshop on ITU-T standardization challenges for developing countries held back to back with the third meeting of the SG13RG-AFR in Zambia in February 2015 (Workshop report is in TD156 (PLEN/13)). Besides that SG13RG-AFR had 4 consultation meetings during the April SG13 meeting.

The next meeting of the SG13 Regional Group for Africa will take place in Banjul, Gambia (place TBC) in February – March 2016.

Fourth SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on Future Networks for a better future for Africa: IMT-2020, IoT and Cloud Computing will be held as the two-days activity (February – March 2016) in Banjul, Gambia (place TBC) back to back with the 4th meeting of SG13RG-AFR.  

Tentatively agreed to convene the second phase of the workshop on Future Trust and Knowledge Infrastructure sometime in the future.

Information sessions
Three information sessions on 5G by different experts in the field were given during the SG13 April meeting and those were extremely well received. Presentations are available in TD 237 (GEN/13) and its two Addendums.

A regular newcomers’ information session was given on the second day of the meeting, 21 April, convened by the SG13 Chairman and SG13 Mentor (material is in TD 256 (GEN/13) and its Addendum 1).

Agreed that the next meeting of the SG13 will start with Questions meetings, opening plenary will be convened on the Monday of the second week of the meeting, i.e., in the middle of the SG meeting. This applies to December 2015 SG13 meeting.

A piece of promotion material to appear on the SG13 homepage aiming to attract attention, interest and contributions to the new work. Details to be figured out with TSB EWM team.

Future activities
An important number of interim activities were agreed to, this includes 17 SG13 Questions that will meet as Rapporteur Groups in Geneva on 13 – 23 July 2015.

The Working Parties 1/13, 2/13 and 3/13 will convene a meeting each at the end of the co-located rapporteur groups meeting in July 2015, in Geneva, in order to give consent to the following draft Recommendations, agree on the new work items and future plans:
WP 1/13:
− Y.NGNe-VCN-Reqts, Requirements of VCN (Virtualization of Control Network-entities) for NGN evolution, Q2/13
Y.EHM-cap-framework, Capability framework for e-health monitoring services, Q2/13

WP 2/13:
Y.MM-MD, Mobility management framework for communications between users with multiple terminal devices, Q9/13
Y.BigData-Reqts, Requirements and capabilities for cloud computing based big data, Q17/13

WP 3/13:
Y.sfem-WoO, Service framework of Web of Objects for energy efficiency management, Q11/13
Y.meg, Framework of micro energy grid, Q11/13
Y.SAME-Req, Requirements of Soft network Architecture for MobilE (SAME), Q14/13

Next meeting of Study Group 13 will take place from 30 November to 11 December 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.