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SG13 Executive Summary of the July 2014 Meeting

Executive summary of the SG 13 meeting of 7 – 18 July 2014

Geneva, Switzerland

The paperless SG13 meeting held in Geneva, attracted 204 contributions and 160 delegates. In total the participation goes to 171 (live + remote participants). Unless specified by the meeting convener every session during these two weeks meeting was supported by remote participation facilities.
Opening remarks were given by Mr Malcolm Johnson, TSB Director, who also called meeting to observe a moment of silent in the memory of Julian Minard, regular US delegate to SG13 meetings.

Recommendations approved (Resolution 1 - TAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.
Base text
Y.1271 3TD 119 (PLEN/13) Revised Framework(s) on network requirements and capabilities to support emergency telecommunications over evolving circuit-switched and   packet-switched networks


​7​TD 115 Rev.1 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Framework for Deep Packet Inspection


​8​TD 110 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Support for OpenID in next generation networks
See TSB Circular 110 (dated 24 July 2014)

Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.
Base text
3TD 126 (PLEN/13) New Functional Architecture for Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE)
​12​TD 138 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Multimedia telephony over Distributed Service Networking
​13​TD 132 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Interworking mechanisms in public packet telecom data network (PTDN)
​14​TD 131 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Requirements for applying formal methods to software-defined networking
​Y.3022 ​16​C501 Rev. 1 ​Revised ​Measuring energy in networks
​16​TD 123 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Socio-economic Assessment of Future Networks by Tussle Analysis
​17​TD 107 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Cloud computing - Overview and Vocabulary (common text with ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC38/WG3)
​18​TD 108 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Cloud computing - Reference architecture (common text with ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC38/WG3)
​18​TD 128 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Cloud computing - Functional requirements of Network as a Service
​18​TD 125 (PLEN/13) ​New ​Cloud Computing - Functional requirements of Infrastructure as a Service

Supplement agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Rec. No.
Base text
Suppl 66 to Q-1740-series
5TD 127 (PLEN/13) NewScenarios and requirements in terms of services and deployments for IMT and IMS in developing countries

Important decisions (apart of Recommendations)

  • The two collaborative teams with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38/WG3 CT-CCRA and CT-CCVOCAB were closed as accomplishing their mandates (given by SG13 in June 2012).
  • Revised Q5/13 “Applying IMS, IMT and other new technologies in developing country mobile telecom networks” text to extend its scope to new emerging technologies in telecommunications.
  • Evaluating the outputs of the ITU workshop on Big Data (report in TD190/GEN), Q17/13 agreed to initiate roadmap for big data standardization in ITU-T including standards landscape for big data, feasibility studies on big data standardization, and identification/prioritization of technical areas. To this end, the contributions are invited to the next Q17/13 rapporteur group meeting in November 2014.

Coordination activities

  • Together with SG2, SG13 established the Joint Rapporteur Group on Cloud Computing Management (JRG-CCM) comprising of Qs 5/2, 7/2 and 19/13 with ToR in TD223/WP2. Group is supposed to develop the common understating of cloud computing management standardization and develop Recommendations in this area. Inaugural meeting of JRG-CCM took place during the SG13 meeting and proved to be a successful start with repository of 5 ongoing draft Recommendations (JRG-CCM first meeting report is in TD269 Rev.1 /WP2).
  • SG13 Q6/13 and Q4/11 had joint meeting to align the studies on Y.VNC and Q.CSO, two dependent Recs developed in parallel in SGs 13 and 11.
  • Q4/11, Q6/11 (SG11) and Q2/13, Q14/13 (SG13) joined the meeting of SDN related Questions across SGs 11 and 13. As previously agreed, such joint session is a regular attribute of each SG13 meeting.
  • As lead SG on SDN, SG13 took part in the meeting of JCA-SDN on 11 July 2014.
  • SG13 Questions active in IoT domain were confirmed to be Qs 2/13, 3/13 and 11/13. Those will join next IoT GSI event.

Ad-hocs activities

  • Triggered by a Contribution from Switzerland C498, SG13 opening plenary established the Ad-hoc to review the current SG13 activities lead by Mr Leo Lehmann, SG13 Vice-Chairman. The ad-hoc was authorized to convene its activities as face-to-face meetings and electronically until end of April 2015 and report to the next SG13 meeting (20 April – 1 May 2015, Geneva) on its findings. At the reported meeting, Ad-hoc was held twice, results reported in TD124/PLEN that has initial collection of delegates’ feedback on the current SG13 method of operation as well as some non-agreed items for further consideration. Next meeting is fixed for late September – early October 2014 as e-meeting.
  • Permanent SG13 Ad-hoc on implementation of WTSA-12 Resolution 38 ( Coordination among the three ITU Sectors for activities relating to International Mobile Telecommunications ) led by Konstantin Trofimov (Russia), met once during the reported SG13 meeting (report in TD118/PLEN) and produced the initial version of the mobile communications roadmap to cover the IMT and mobile communication studies in three sectors of ITU (TD212/GEN).

Human assets

  • The opening plenary was convened by the SG13 Vice-Chairman, Mr Leo Lehmann, as Acting Chairman in absence of Mr Chaesub Lee, SG13 Chairman.
  • Nominated a new SG13RG-AFR Vice-Chairman, Mrs Rim Belhassine-Cherif (Tunisia Telecom) to replace the SG13RG-AFR Vice-Chairman, Mr Ahmed Raghy (Egypt) who was not able to perform his duties (this is further to the decision of the RG e-meeting of 21 May 2014, meeting report is on RG SharePoint). Mrs Belhassine-Cherif will take Mr Raghy’s role as a curator for WP1/13 activities applicable to SG13RG-AFR.
  • Nominated a new Associate rapporteur for Q2/13 Mr Su Xiao (China Telecom) instead of Ms Qian Wang (China Telecom)
  • Nominated as Acting Rapporteur for Q9/13 Mr Jongmin Lee (ST Telecom, Korea) who chaired the Q9/13 meeting on 14 July
  • Nominated new Co-Rapporteur for Q15/13, Mr Ved Kafle (NICT, Japan) to replace Mr Daisuke Matsubara (Hitachi, Japan)
  • Nominated new Rapporteur for Q18/13, Mr Dong Wang (ZTE, China) to replace Mingdong Li (ZTE, China)
  • Nominated new Associate Rapporteur for Q18/13, Mr Olivier Le Grand (Orange, France) to replace Ms Orit Levin (Microsoft, USA).
  • Nominated Rapporteur for JRG-CCM from SG13 side, Mr Mark Jeffrey (Microsoft, USA)
  • Nominated a new SG13 Mentor Mr Marco Carugi (China Unicom) to replace Mr Naotaka Morita (NTT, Japan)
  • Nominated as the SG13 representative to JCA-SDN Mr Seung-Ik Lee (ETRI, Republic of Korea)
  • Nominated as SG13 representative to Experts group (led by SG2) on International Numbering Resources (INR) Mr Cao Jiguang (China)

Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG)

BSG topic appeared on the agenda of the SG13 meeting in association with the activities of its Regional Group for Africa. The report of the second physical meeting of the latter was agreed (TD114/PLEN). Also, the meeting followed the brief overview of the workshop on future networks held back to back with the second meeting of the SG13RG-AFR in Tunisia in April 2014 (Workshop report is in TD112/PLEN). Besides these SG13RG-AFR had a number of electronic meetings that resulted in developing a new SG13RG-AFR structure (as in TD113/PLEN) that was further approved by the SG13.

The next meeting of the SG13 Regional Group for Africa will take place in Livingstone, Zambia, end of February 2015 (hosted by ZICTA, Zambia).

SG13 agreed to hold three workshops as follows:

  • Cloud Computing workshop, 14 November 2014, Geneva, alongside SG13 rapporteur group activities, proposed in WP2/13 report (TD135/PLEN)
  • Third SG13 regional workshop for Africa on hot topics for standardization in SG13, 23 – 24 February 2015, Livingstone, Zambia, together with SG13RG-AFR meeting under the kind invitation on of ZICTA, Zambia (objectives are in TD121/PLEN).
  • "Future Trust and Knowledge ICT Infrastructure" workshop during SG13 meeting April 2015, Geneva, objectives are in TD120/PLEN. It will be a one day activity.


  • Some decisions on the mature Recommendations were taken at the opening Plenary of the SG13 July meeting. That was, in particular, to give consent to two common text with ISO further to the decision of the previous SG13 meeting.
  • Common interest sessions – a joint session on a dedicated topic for study that lays on a demarcation line between the Questions and involves the interests of one or more Questions. Sessions were used to present the contributions of similar nature, develop a common understating of the study to be performed and to avoid a potential overlap among Questions activities on a very early stages of the Recommendation development. Common interest session were devoted to IoT, Big Data and SDN and virtualization, reports in TDs 219 and 216/GEN.

Future activities
An important number of interim activities were agreed to, this includes 17 SG13 Questions that will meet as Rapporteur Groups in Geneva on 10 – 21 November 2014.

The Working Parties 1/13 and 3/13 will convene a meeting each on Friday, 21 November 2014, in Geneva, in order to give consent to the following draft Recommendations, agree on the new work items and future plans:

WP 1/13:

  • Y.ufn, Overview of Ubiquitous Plant Farming based on networks
  • Y.IoT-funct-framework, IoT functional framework and capabilities
  • Y.Iot-DD-reqts, Requirements for IoT devices and for operation of IoT applications during disaster
  • Y.NICE-awareness-arch, the Awareness Functional Architecture of Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE)
  • Q.1741.9, IMT-2000 references to Release 11 of GSM evolved UMTS core network

WP 3/13:

  • Y.HEMS-arch, Requirements and architecture of home energy management system and home network services

Next meeting of Study Group 13 will take place from 20 April to 1 May 2015, in Geneva.