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Executive summary of the SG13 meeting

Executive summary of the SG13 meeting of
29 April 2016,
Geneva, Switzerland

The paperless SG13 meeting held in Geneva, considered 165 TDs. 87 delegates participated in the meeting.

Main meeting results

   Recommendation approved (Resolution 1 - TAP) 

ITU-T Rec. No.


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  COM 13 - R35


Mechanisms for the network elements with support of Deep Packet Inspection

 See TSB Circular 223 (dated 23 May 2016) 
                                                           Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.


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Y.2085 (formerly Y.dsnsr) 12/13 TD 260 (PLEN/13) New Distributed Service Networking Service Routing
Y.2617 (formerly Y.PTDN-QoS) 13/13 TD 257 (PLEN/13)      New      QoS guaranteed mechanisms and performance model for Public packet Telecommunication Data Network (PTDN)”
Y.3504 (formerly Y.DaaS-arch) 17/13 ​TD 263 (PLEN/13) ​New Functional Architecture for Desktop as a Service
Y.3501 17/13 ​TD 262 (PLEN/13) ​Revised Cloud computing - Framework and high-level requirements

Supplement agreed to (Recommendation A.13) 

ITU-T Doc. No.


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Supplement 35 to Recommendation ITU-T Y.3033 (formerly Y.supFNDAN)


TD 258 (PLEN/13)


Data-aware networking – scenarios and use cases


Technical Report agreed to   

ITU-T Doc. No.


Base text



Technical report


TD 267 (PLEN/13)


Trust provisioning for future ICT infrastructures and services

Important decisions (aside from Recommendations approvals)

Revised Terms of Reference for the SG13RG-AFR
The meeting reviewed the good progress to date and continuation in the next study period of the SG13 regional group for Africa with the revised Terms of Reference as appears in TD 255 (PLEN/13). This document has also a set of new priorities for the region that now includes the 5G, big data and trust. The new priorities as well as revised Terms of Reference were agreed by the meeting.

Questionnaires on cloud computing
At its April rapporteur group meeting Q5/13 reviewed the current status of the cloud computing questionnaires and corresponding liaison statement received from ITU-D and agreed to ask SG13 to dispatch these questionnaires. Texts of both questionnaires may be found in TD 284 (GEN/13).
As a result, the two questionnaires "Questionnaire for Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) on Cloud Computing Scenarios in Developing Countries" and "Questionnaire for Cloud Service Customers (CSCs) on Cloud Computing Scenarios in Developing Countries" were disseminated shortly after the meeting via Circular letters 221 and 222 inviting the replies from developing countries before the next meeting of SG13.

Correspondence Group on Trust
Correspondence group on Trust (CG-Trust), according to the extended mandate given to it at the last SG13 meeting (December 2015), accomplished its work and delivered the technical report "Trust provisioning for future ICT infrastructures and services". This document elaborates the trust concept in ICT, gives definition of the trust in the context of telecommunication environment and sets up the priorities for the standardization activities in this domain.
The technical report, TD 267 (PLEN/13), was agreed by the SG13 for publication. The correspondence group was closed leaving the further standardization efforts to be performed in SG13, Q16/13. CG final report to its parent SG may be found in TD 268 (PLEN/13).

The meeting agreed to nominate Mr Emil Kowalczyk (Orange Polska, Poland) as a new co-rapporteur from SG13 for JRG-CCM to replace Mr Mark Jeffrey (Microsoft, USA), who has to step down from this activity.

Coordination activities
Joint Rapporteur Group on Cloud Computing Management (JRG-CCM) had its regular meeting alongside the SG13 meeting. The report of this activity is found in TD565 (WP2/13). It was briefly presented and agreed by the meeting. The group progressed and planned for consent at the next SG13 and SG2 meetings the draft new Recommendation Y.e2ecslm-req “E2E Cloud Service Lifecycle Management Requirements”.

JCA-SDN had its regular meeting during the SG13. In particular, it considered the continuation of its activated in the next study period. Report is found in JCA-SDN documentation path as doc O-015.

FG IMT-2020
reported its progress to date in TD 256 Rev.1 (PLEN/13). This progress report was agreed by the meeting.

SG13 Ad-hocs
The ad-hoc on the future of the SG13 and its potential Questions (Ad-hoc NSP) continued its work alongside the April rapporteur group meetings. Report of these ad-hoc sessions may be found in TD 261 (PLEN/13). It has the revised Questions' texts to the extent they were developed, reviewed and agreed at April sessions of the NSP Ad-hoc.
SG13 agreed to set up an Ad-hoc to deal with restructuring proposal from TSAG (TD 250 (PLEN/13)).
Terms of Reference: address the guidance from TSAG and prepare the response from SG13 perspective
Modalities of operation: by correspondence and physically at June – July SG13 meeting
Timing: 2 May – 1 July 2016
Convener: Mr Alojz Hudobivnik, WP3/13 Vice-Chairman
Output: response from the SG13
Dedicated mailing list is available for self-subscription.

New work items
SG13 reviewed the proposals for the new work and agreed on initiation of the draft new Recommendations/Supplement as follows:

Q Title Form of output Target date Reference
Q1/13Y.farms, The framework and application model for risk mitigation service based on networksDraft Rec.2017-12TD 452 (WP1/13) and TD 264 (PLEN/13)
Q7/13Y.bDPI-Mec, Mechanism of deep packet inspection applied in network big data contextDraft Rec.2018-12TD 544 (WP 2/13) and
TD 264 (PLEN/13)
Q7/13Y.bDDN-req, Requirement of big data-driven networkingDraft Rec.2018-12TD 545 (WP2/13)
and TD 264 (PLEN/13)
Q7/13Y.Sup-bDDN-usecase, Supplement for use cases and application scenarios of big data driven networkingSupplement2018-07TD 546 (WP2/13) and
TD 264 (PLEN/13)
Q12/13Y. NSOM, network slicing orchestration and managementDraft Rec.2018-06TD 439 (WP3/13) and
TD 264 (PLEN/13)
Q12/13Y. UMCDN, Unified Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) management in distributed networkingDraft Rec.2017-12TD 438 (WP3/13) and
TD 264 (PLEN/13)
Q14/13Y.3MO, Requirements and Architectural Framework of Multi-layer, Multi-Domain, Multi-Technology Orchestration for SDNDraft Rec.2017-12TD 446 (WP3/13) and
TD 264 (PLEN/13)
Q17/13Y.cccm-reqts, Cloud Computing – Requirements for Containers and Micro-servicesDraft Rec.2018-2QTD 559 (WP2/13) and
TD 264 (PLEN/13)
Q17/13Y.dsf-reqts, Requirements and capabilities for Data Storage FederationDraft Rec.2018-2QTD 557 (WP2/13) and
TD 264 (PLEN/13)

The decision on the new work item Y.ccpm-reqts on physical machine from Q17/13 (“Cloud computing-Functional requirements of physical machine”, TD 264 (PLEN/13, Annex 9)) was differed to the next SG13 meeting.

Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG)
SG13 reviewed and agreed the report of the last SG13RG-AFR meeting, TD 266 (PLEN/13). In addition, TD 265 (PLEN/13) reports the outcomes and lessons leant from the 4th SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa, held in Accra, Ghana, 14 - 15 March 2016. The next meeting of the SG13 Regional Group for Africa will take place in Egypt in
March – April 2017 under kind invitation of National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Egypt (NTRA). As custom the two-day workshop will be convened in association with this regional group meeting.

SG13 will convene the 5th regional workshop in association with the next meeting of the SG13RG-AFR. Working title is ITU-T Standardization Work on Future Networks: Towards a Better Future for Africa. Report of the workshop steering committee about the preparations to date may be found in TD 269 (PLEN/13). Mrs Rim Belhassine-Cherif, SG13 Vice-Chairperson, was appointed the head of the workshop steering committee.

The second phase of the workshop on Trust "Future Trust and Knowledge Infrastructure, Phase II" was confirmed to be held on 1 July 2016 during the SG13 meeting in
June - July 2016. The status of the preparations is reported in TD 302 (GEN/13).

A newslog story about the publication of the technical report "Trust provisioning for future ICT infrastructures and services" and importance for the frame of these studies was agreed to be developed and disseminated.

Future activities
Three interim meetings were requested by rapporteurs and authorized by the SG13. These include the JRG-CCM activities in May and June-July 2016.

Next meeting of Study Group 13 will take place on 27 June – 8 July 2016, in Geneva.

Future meeting of Study Group 13 is tentatively planned for February 2017 in Geneva. It will be the first Study Group meeting in the next study period.

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