Committed to connecting the world

Question 2

​​Routing and interworking plan for current and future networks

(Continuation of Question 2/2)


With the rapid evolution of network technologies and the emerging Numbering, Naming, Addressing, and Identification (NNAI) requirements of future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services future including NGN, IP-based networks or IoT/M2M, it is increasingly important to ensure that current networks can route and interwork in all relevant aspects with networks based on current alternative technologies and take into account ongoing and future developments.
In addition to that, the increasing assignment of global NNAI resources for future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services require careful study and analysis of the requirements needed to ensure end-to-end routing and interworking within and between different types of telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services.
Such developments include, but are not limited to, Internet of Things (for example, M2M) and the increased usage of Over-the-Top (OTT) applications, and these developments will have to be studied in order to ensure end-to-end routing and interworking within and between different types of current and future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services. Operational aspects relating to the interconnection and interoperability of different types of networks and their usage of global NNAI resources for those type of applications will also be studied.
The study will, based on and following up from Question 1/2's role in the creation and maintenance of criteria for assignment and usage of global NNAI resources, focus on how such global NNAI resources are routed and interworked. The motivation for the study is to ensure seamless end-to-end routing and interworking within and between current and future networks, including all relevant principles ensuring the in-life management of global NNAI resources (for example, number portability and carrier migration) as well as overall governance of the operational processes involved.


The Question will deal with the issues detailed under Tasks below.​


Tasks include, but are not limited to:

1)  Maintenance of existing ITU-T E-series Recommendations

Rationale: It is essential to provide required evolution in existing Recommendations (ITU-T E.170 – E.179; E.350 – E.399; E.164
Supplement 2).
This task will ensure that these Recommendations are updated to reflect the current circumstances of the global telecommunications industry and regulatory environment as well as taking into account the requirements of future architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services including NGN, IP-based networks or IoT/M2M. This builds upon the activity of the study group during the past study period that saw an increased amount of applications for and designations of global NNAI resources for future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services that require an equal study from a routing, interworking, number portability and carrier migration perspective to ensure that the principles and operational aspects for an end-to-end seamless service are followed through.

2)  Routing for current and future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services

Rationale: Current networks are increasingly engaging and interworking with future and different types of future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services. At the same time, network applications and technologies are being widely extended to include voice, data, video, multimedia, and other services integrated that require routing between themselves or with existing networks. There are also the requirements of future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services emerging that are potentially impacting NNAI and should be considered.
This task will extend the work on the relevant or future ITU-T E-Series Recommendations to identify and recommend the update of existing or the development of future routing principles and operational aspects to study the requirements of future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services including NGN, IP-based networks or IoT/M2M as well as cloud computing within current and future networks. The task will further analyse whether or not supplementary services and features in current networks can exist and interwork in future networks.
This task will further consider networks where topologies are in motion rather than fixed. It is expected that the change in perspective will lead to future routing architectures, protocols, and methods.

3)  Routing congestion control

Rationale: State-dependent routing methods that flood link-state and topology information throughout the network are subject to overload and congestive collapse.
This task will study and provide suggestions and/or best practices for routing congestion control methods and will develop Recommendations to address these issues.

4)  Availability of routing information

Rationale: It was noted that the lack of information on the overall call routes from the originating entity up to the terminating entity may be a contributing factor of misuse (ref. Resolution 61 (Rev. Dubai, 2012), "Countering and combating misappropriation and misuse of international telecommunication numbering resources").
This task will investigate how to make the routing information available for calls based on global NNAI resources, noting that there may be national issues impacting this (for example, requirements for onward routing following number portability), to the terminating operator to assist in identifying possible instances of fraud, misuse, and security related issues. The task will further study the availability of routing information of global NNAI resources assigned to and in use by providers with a view of proposing solutions to ensure effective end-to-end seamless routing.

5)  Interworking

Rationale: The emergence and increased usage of future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services including NGN, IP-based networks or IoT/M2M requires the interworking between current networks and current alternative as well as future networks.
This task will study and review the impact of convergence of current networks with future networks and as the requirements of future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services including NGN, IP-based networks or IoT/M2M on interworking emerge.

6)  Number Portability and Carrier migration

Rationale: With the emergence of future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services including NGN, IP-based networks or IoT/M2M utilizing global NNAI resources, it is essential to look as well at the principles and operational capabilities to continue to provide guidelines on number portability and how such guidelines could be considered in relation to carrier migration (i.e., the bulk transfer of global NNAI resources from one provider to another in a business to business to consumer environment).
This task will review and consider the existing supplement to Recommendation ITU-T E.164 on number portability with a view of evolving the principles and operational aspects of number portability to consider the requirements of future telecommunication/ICT architectures, capabilities, technologies, applications and services including NGN, current and future IP-based networks or IoT/M2M in the context of carrier migration.
The task will also study and review the principles and requirements of infrastructure ENUM for international IMS interworking and carrier migration.
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG2 work programme (
Recommendations and Supplements under responsibility of this Question: ITU-T E.170 – E.179; E.350 – E.399; E.164 Supplement 2.
Text under development: E.164 Supplement 2.


WSIS Action Lines

– C2.

Sustainable Development Goals

– 9.


– N/A


–  All Questions dealing with the definition and characteristics of telecommunication services for which routing technologies will be utilized, and to also include Questions focusing on a) numbering and addressing plans (e.g., Q1/2); b) network management and performance (e.g., Q6/2).

Study Groups

–  ITU-T SG3
–  ITU-T SG11
–  ITU-T SG13
–  ITU-T SG15
–  ITU-T SG16
–  ITU-T SG17
–  ITU-T SG20
–  ITU-T JCA-IoT and SC&C
–  ITU-T FG NET-2030

Standardization bodies
–  N/A

Other groups
–  Broadband Forum
–  Relevant international forums/organizations.