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Executive Summary

​​​​Executive summary of the WP1/11, WP2/11 and WP3/11 meetings (Geneva, 26 June 2019)

Working Party 1/11 (Signalling requirements and protocols for emerging telecommunications networks), Working Party 2/11 (Control and management protocols for IMT-2020) and Working Party 3/11 (Conformance and interoperability testing, combating counterfeit ICT and mobile device theft) meetings were held in Geneva on 26 June 2019. The meetings were attended by 27 delegates from 5 countries. The meetings were preceded by SG11 Rapporteur group meetings of Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13 and 14/11. Questions 9, 12 and 15/11 held e-meetings only. Along with face-to-face meetings, most sessions from various Questions were supported by remote participation capabilities.

1     Consented Recommendations (ITU-T A.8)

WP1/11 consented 1 Recommendation:
- Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3741 (Q.SD-WAN) "Signalling requirements for SD-WAN services" (SG11-TD47/WP1)
WP2/11 consented 1 Recommendation:
- Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5021 (Q.CE-APIMP) “Protocol for managing capability exposure APIs in IMT-2020 network"
WP3/11 consented 1 Recommendation:
- Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4043 (Q.vs-iop-reqts) “Interoperability testing requirements of virtual switch" (SG11-TD32-R1/WP3)

2     Supplements, Handbooks, Technical Papers, Guidelines and Corrigenda
2.1  Supplements

WP1/11 agreed the Supplement below:

Question Title TD reference
Q.Suppl.70 "Signalling requirements for IMS and GSM/UMTS network supporting multi-device emergency telecommunications service" SG11-TD33/WP1

2.2     Guidelines
No Guidelines were approved at this meeting.
2.3     Handbooks
No Handbooks were approved at this meeting.
2.4     Technical Papers
No Technical Papers were approved at this meeting
2.5      Corrigenda
No Corrigenda were approved at this meeting.

3      Reports of Rapporteurs meetings (Geneva, 17-26 June 2019)

WP1/11, WP2/11 and WP3/11 approved the following reports of the Rapporteur group meetings:​​

4     Reports of WP1/11, WP2/11 and WP3/11

The reports of the WP2/11 and WP3/11 will be made available on R-series, as follows:

5     Highlights of WP1/11, WP2/11 and WP3/11 meetings

WP1/11 finalized text and finally consented one new draft ITU-T Recommendation ITU-T Q.3741 (ex. Q.SD-WAN) “Signalling Requirements for SD-WAN service". It specifies signalling requirements for SD-WAN service launched by service providers. The signalling is to support the automated provision and management of the enterprise SD-WAN service.
Note: SD-WAN is an ecosystem of hardware, software, and services that enable service providers to launch Software-Defined WAN service for enterprises. It provides high quality WAN performance, reliability, and security in various ways.
WP1/11 agreed one new Supplement 70 to ITU-T Q-series Recommendations (ex. Q.suppl.Multi_Device_ETS) “Signalling requirements for IMS and GSM/UMTS network supporting multi-device emergency telecommunications service".
WP1/11 agreed to initiate a new work item of a technical report for improvement of SS7 security based on the draft technical report presented at the Q2/11 meeting. The goals for this work item are to promote the standardization on security mechanisms for existing (e.g. Legacy, 2G) and future networks, to research on the measures which could reduce the implementation cost of SS7 security in 2G networks, to provide concrete material for education to telecom and financial services regulators on SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for DFS, and to mitigate the use of the SS7 vulnerabilities for financial fraud.
Following this outcome, it was proposed to organize a brainstorming session on SS7 security (Workshop) during the next SG11 meeting (22 October 2019, Sessions 3&4). The announcement will follow and the details of the event will be circulated through the mailing lists of SG11 accordingly.
The WP1/11 agreed with the updated text of the ongoing work items which were considered during Rapporteur group meetings (Geneva, 17-26 June 2019), as follows:

WP1/11 decided to start the new work items, as follows:

The Work programme of WP1/11 was updated accordingly.
Two LSs were agreed. They will be sent to ITU-T SGs and external organizations to inform them on achieved progress, as follows:

WP1/11 approved the reports of the interim Rapporteur meetings of Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5/11 accordingly.
During the WP1/11 meeting, it was highlighted that most of the Questions started the reconsideration of the ToR for the next Study Period. Therefore, all SG11 members were encouraged to provide relevant proposals to the next SG11 meeting (Geneva,16-25 October 2019).

WP2/11 finalized text and finally consented one new draft ITU-T Recommendation ITU-T Q.5021 “Protocol for managing capability exposure APIs in IMT-2020 network". It includes signalling architecture, API management functions, signalling flows and their message format, and definition for management APIs. It also describes gap analysis and use cases for API management. This protocol can be used by network operators and third parties to manage capability exposure APIs.
The WP2/11 agreed with the updated text of the ongoing work items which were considered during Rapporteur group meetings (Geneva, 17-26 June 2019), as follows:

Following this result, as a continuation of these activities, WP2/11 decided to start new work items, as follows:

The Work programme of the WP2/11 was updated accordingly.
One LS was agreed as a reply on LS which came from ETSI, as follows:

WP2/11 appointed Ms Tangqing LIU (China Mobile, China) as a new Associate Rapporteur for Q6/11.
WP2/11 approved the reports of the interim Rapporteur meetings of Q6, 7, 8/11 accordingly.
During the WP2/11 meeting, it was highlighted that most of the Questions started the reconsideration of the ToR for the next Study Period. Therefore, all SG11 members were encouraged to provide relevant proposals to the next SG11 meeting (Geneva, 16-25 October 2019).

WP3/11 finalized text and finally consented one new draft ITU-T Recommendation ITU-T Q.4043 “Interoperability testing requirements of virtual switch" which introduces the overview of vswitch and interoperability testing of vswitch, which includes but is not limited to the definition, characteristics, general capabilities of vswitch as well as the overview of interoperability testing of vswitch.
The WP3/11 agreed with the updated text of the ongoing work items which were considered during Rapporteur group meetings of Q10, 13 and 14/11 (Geneva, 17-26 June 2019), as follows:

The Chairman of WP3/11 introduced a contribution to propose a test methodology for IP reachability (SG11-TD41/WP3). This contribution was addressed to Q9/11, Q10/11 and Q12/11. During interim Rapporteur Q12/11 e-meeting, which takes place in parallel with SG11 RGM, Q12/11 agreed to consider this proposal for the future revision of one of their on-going work items.
Due to other commitments, the Rapporteur of Q14/11 Mr Nan CHEN (China Telecom, China) would step down. Mr Chen was thanked for his work with ITU-T SG11. Mr Xiaowu He (China Telecom, China) was appointed by WP3/11 as a new Rapporteur of Q14/11.
WP3/11 approved the reports of the interim Rapporteur meetings of Q10, 13, 14/11 accordingly. It was noted that the reports of the Q9, Q12 and Q15/11 e-meetings will be considered at the SG11 meeting (Geneva, 16-25 October 2019).
During the WP3/11 meeting, it was highlighted that most of the Questions started the reconsideration of theToR for the next Study Period. Therefore, all SG11 members were encouraged to provide relevant proposals to the next SG11 meeting (Geneva, 16-25 October 2019).​

6     Outgoing Liaison Statements

The following table shows the list of outgoing liaison statements.

#​ Document Questions WP To For Title
1 SG11-TD39/WP1Q2/11WP1/11GSMA, 3GPP, ITU FIGI SIT WGInformationLS/o on SG11 activities related to improvement of the SS7 security including for digital financial services
2 SG11-TD48/WP1Q4/11WP1/11JCA-IMT2020; SG13InformationLS/o on recent SDN-related developments in Q4/11 of SG11: consented new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3741
3 SG11-TD66-R1/WP2Q6/11WP2/11ETSI NFV ISG, 3GPP SA5InformationLS/o/r on ITU-T Q.5020 completion (reply to ETSI NFV ISG)
7     Approved new work items

The following table shows the new approved work items.

No. Q. Work item (Draft Recs) Status Title Editor Timing Ref.
11/11Q.LiteIMS-SANewSignalling architecture of Lite IMS for IMT-2020 advanced network ​Jianyin Zhang, 
Huan Deng,
Muyin Liu,
Nanxiang Shi,


2021-06 SG11-TD29/WP1
22/11TR-SS7-DFSNewSS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactionsAssaf Klinger, assaf@vaulto.co2019-10 SG11-TD31/WP1
36/11Q.INS-PMNewProtocol for managing intelligent network slicing with AI-assisted analysis in IMT-2020 network ​Tangqing LIU
Chao LIU, Dan XU
Shin-Gak KANG
2021/Q1 SG11-TD67-R1/WP2
48/11X.HP2P-ArchNewHybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: Functional architecture ​Wook HYUN,
Shin-Gak KANG,


2021/Q2 SG11-TD61/WP2
8     Future meetings and next Study Group 11 meeting
8.1  Rapporteur groups

Two Interim Rapporteurs' groups meetings will be held before the next meeting of SG11, Geneva, 16-25 October 2019.

Question Date Place / Host Terms of reference Contact
Q7/114-6 September 2019e-meeting (via Q7/11 mailing list) ​- Progress ongoing work items of Q7/11;
- Update Q.MEA-SRA for preparing consent;
- Discuss ToR of Q7/11 for next study period;
- Discuss new work item proposals;
- Establish future work plans.
Q7/11 Rapporteur
Jongmin LEE (
Kwihoon KIM


Q8/112-6 September 2019 ​e-meeting
(via Q8/11 mailing list)
​- Progress ongoing work items of Q8/11. Documents with high priority are: X.mp2p-ocmp, X.mp2p-srds, X.mp2p-ldmp;
- Discuss new work item proposals;
- Review and handle relevant LSs;
- Establish future work plans.
​Q8/11 Rapporteur
Juyoung PARK

8.2        Next SG11 meeting

The next SG11 meeting is scheduled to take place in Geneva, 16-25 October 2019.
The objectives for the meeting are highlighted below:

Question/WP Obj​ectives Contact
WP1/11 - Progress on-going work items under Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5
- Consent draft Q.VoLTE-SAO-req, , Q.BNG-CFS
- Determine Q.DEN_IMS
- Review the work program and modify the Action Plan
- But not limited to.​
Q1/11 ​- To progress ongoing signalling architecture studies such as Q.NGNe-O-SA and Q.LiteIMS-SA.
- To send the work item Q.DEN_IMS to be determined.
- To consider any new work item realated to signalling architecture aspects.
- To review the new ToR of Q1/11 for the next study period.
- But not limited to.
Q2/11 ​- Prepare Q.VoLTE-SAO-req for consent;
- Progress ongoing work items;
- Prepare TR-SS7-DFS for agreement;
- Discuss the future of Q2/11 in the next study period;
- Consider any possible new work items.
Q3/11 ​- Progress ongoing work items, Q.ETN-DS and Q.suppl.ETS_Multi_Access;
- Consider any other new work items;
- Discuss the work plan of Q3/11 for next study period;
- But not limited to.
Q4/11 ​- Progress the on-going work items under study in Q4/11;
- Discuss new work item introduced by contributions
- Review the work program and modify the Action Plan;
- Discuss the work plan of Q4 for next study period;
- But not limited to.
Q5/11 ​- Progress ongoing work programme
- Create new work items according to received contributions and meeting discussions, if any
- Prepare Q.BNG-CFS for consent
- Discuss the work plan of Q5 for next study period;
- Other business
WP2/11- Approve all outcomes of Q6/11, Q7/11, Q8/11 meetings
- Consent draft Q.MEA-SRA
- Collaboration on WP2/11 related issues with other groups
- Preparation to the next study period
Q6/11- P​rogress all Q6/11 on-going work items
- Discuss new work proposals
- Collaboration on Q6/11 related issues with other groups
- But not limited to
Q7/11- Progress all Q7/11 on-going work items
- Prepare draft Q.MEA-SRA for Consent
- Discuss new work proposals
- Collaboration on Q7/11 related issues with other groups
- But not limited to
Q8/11- Progress all Q8/11 on-going work items
- Discuss new work proposals
- Collaboration on Q8/11 related issues with other groups
- But not limited to
WP3/11- Consent Q.3961(Q9/11), Q.SP-RT-NP(Q9/11), Q.SDN-OFT (Q10/11), Q.4013.1 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part1 (Q11/11), Q.4013.2 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part2 (Q11/11), Q.39_FW_Test_ID_IoT (Q12/11), Q.FW_IoT/Test (Q12/11), Q.BNGP (Q13/11), Q.SQM (Q13/11), Q.FW_CSM (Q15/11), TR-BP_CF (Q15/11-)
- Approve Guideline-TEST_UE/MS (Q10/11)
- Approve meeting report of Qs
​- Approve Out-going liaisons
- Approve new WIs
- Discussion of ToR of WP3/11 Questions for the next Study Period
Q9/11​- Discuss progress on existing work items and proposals for consent, if any;
- Discuss iLSs and prepare oLSs;
- Consider proposal to start new work items.
Q10/11- Finalize Guideline-TEST_UE/MS and Y.SDN-OFT for approval
- Discuss contributions addressed to improve ongoing work items;
- Discuss iLSs and prepare oLSs;
- ​Consider proposal to start new work items.
Q11/11- Progress of the draft Recommendation Q.TI-TEST;
- Consent the draft Recommendation Q.4013.2 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part2;
- Consent the draft Recommendation  Q.4013.1 v.1_SI_IBCF_TS_Part1;
- Consider new work items.
- Progress on ongoing work items;
- Consent work items Q.39_FW_Test_ID_IoT and Q.FW_IoT/Test;
- Open new work items.
- Progress ongoing work items
- Consider other new work items
- Prepare draft Q.BNGP and Q.SQM for consent
- Progress Q.vbng-iop-reqts
- Discuss new work item introduced by contributions
- Review the work program
- ​But are not limited to.
- ​To consent the Q.FW_CSM.
​- To advance the other work-items based on contribution to be received.
- To advance on the discussion on the combat of counterfeit and stole ICT, based on contributions to be received.
9     Liaison officers and Rapporteurs

The list of Rapporteurs was updated:

No changes were made to the list of liaison officers.
The list of Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs can be found at:
The list of liaison officers can be found at: