Committed to connecting the world

Question 23/16

​​​Digital culture-related systems and services

 ​(Continuation of Question 23/16)


The application of ICT technology in the field of culture can effectively maintain the cultural diversity, and support the exchange and sharing of cultures around countries in the world. Recent catastrophic events in the cultural sphere have made the need for such applications more urgent.

Digital culture is the general term of products and services which aim at maintaining cultural diversity and improving the effectiveness of cultural communication. Digital culture-related systems and services refer to a structure set of capabilities intended to support culture related applications with the advanced digital multimedia technologies.

Digital culture mainly includes cultural resource digitization and cultural content expression.

Culture resource digitalization uses digital technologies to support collection, classification and storage of culture resources which include tangible and intangible cultural heritage, culture relics, artworks, museum collections and other culture related resources. Although a series of standards related to cultural resources have been developed by relevant organizations, important gaps exist and the applicability level of these standards in digital culture-related systems and services still need to be improved​.

Culture content expression uses multimedia technologies to support the creation, dissemination and representation of digital culture products such as animation, game, reading, music etc. Digital gallery, digital museum and digital cultural space in community are typical applications which represent digital culture content on general or dedicate terminals with advanced multimedia technologies.

With the rapid development of technology, the next generation mobile communications, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, internet of things (IoT) and virtual reality have also been introduced into digital culture-related systems and services. These technologies bring various type of culture experience and multimodal interaction applications, but they also increase the systematic complexity and interoperability difficulty at the same time, so normative definition, requirements, and architecture are needed for digital culture-related systems and services.

Study Group 16, as the lead study group for multimedia coding, systems and applications, will coordinate the technical standardization of multimedia systems and services for digital culture-related applications in ITU‑T. This Q​uestion will develop corresponding Recommendations and other deliverables, drawing on the best possible expertise, which may reside in other Questions, ITU-T Study Groups and other standards committees​.

Study items
Study items to be considered include, but not limited to:

Tasks include, but are not limited to:

An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG16 work programme




Study Groups

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