Committed to connecting the world

Question 27

Vehicular multimedia communications, systems, networks, and applications​

(Continuation of Question 27/16)

Vehicle data collected by in-vehicle sensors and other electronic devices through in-vehicle networks are critical to intelligent transportation system (ITS) services and applications, and it will enable new business models from related industries (e.g. insurance, car-sharing, etc.), including emergency telecommunications.

With the rapid development of intelligent and connected vehicles, as well as autonomous driving technologies, the future of information and entertainment (infotainment) in the vehicle will drastically change with respect to the traditional infotainment (radio-based), which characterized the vehicles of our generation. While research is progressing towards a vision that foresees a vehicle becoming a third living space after home and office, and its embedded screen becoming the fourth way to accessing infotainment after TV, PC monitor and mobile phone devices, the need to study vehicular multimedia systems and technologies arises.

Study Group 16 established a Focus Group on Vehicular Multimedia (FG-VM) in 2018 and it pioneered research in the area of vehicular multimedia. This Question plans to build from the work of FG-VM and embrace international standardization in this field.

In addition, given the importance and urgency to preserve our environment from climate change and enhance road safety, ITU-T SG16 recognizes the role of ITS services and applications, which have the potential to improve traffic management, reduce congestion and related carbon emissions, as well as reduce vehicle accidents improving road safety. To this end, ITU-T SG16 established the Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous and Assisted Driving (FG-AI4AD) in 2019 and this Question will monitor developments by FG-AI4AD in view to analyse their findings and related international standardization needed.

Vehicle gateways are intended to provide and support telecommunication both within the car and outside it (vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure). In this context, vehicle gateways have a significant role to support ubiquitous connectivity in heterogeneous environments. Therefore, global standards for vehicle gateways should also be developed to support global seamless ITS services and applications, and to allow plug-and-play operation in any vehicle for any consumer device.

The Question will defer the study of relevant QoS and QoE aspects of vehicular multimedia systems to ITU-T SG12.
The Question will consult ITU-T SG17 when discussing security aspects of vehicular multimedia systems and ITU-T SG20 when discussing smart city aspects of vehicular multimedia systems.

Study items
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
Tasks include but are not limited to: An up-to-date status of work under this Question is found in the SG16 work programme


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