Committed to connecting the world

In memoriam - Al Morton

It is with great sadness that ITU mourns the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Alfred Morton, on 9 June 2023.  

Al first joined ITU-T Study Group 12 (then titled “End-to-end transmission performance of networks and terminals") as a delegate of AT&T in April 1997. 

As Rapporteur for Question 17/12 on “Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologies", a position he has carried out since January 2005, Al chaired his last meeting on 24 May 2023.

Al's leadership and contributions to standards in ITU-T, IETF and other standards bodies supported benchmarking methodologies and performance metrics used daily in maintaining and improving Internet access for users worldwide.

Al loved making and enjoying music with friends and family on the New Jersey Shore, in Chicago, and on his travels.

Whether as Acting SG12 Chairman, SG12 Vice-Chairman, Working Party Chairman, Rapporteur, Editor or Delegate – Al Morton's friendship, leadership, expertise, and dedication to international standards will be sorely missed.

​“Al will be remembered and missed by his SG12 family for his kindness, support, and friendship. ​I always looked up to Al not only for his technical knowledge but for his willingness to give advice and guidance, always with a smile on his face. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to know him and learn from him."  

T​ania Villa Trapala, SG12 Chairperson (since March 2022) (Mexico)

Quality of Service (QoS) Man Al Morton, you denied the ITU-T Study Group 12 the opportunity to celebrate you alive as you have done for others in their farewell. You played the guitar, sang and pulled off surprises during such farewells. Your demise is a big shake as you have been a pillar for internet network performance and virtualization: your iconic friendly personality, quality acumen, dedication to duty and professionalism was outstanding. When Question 17 was the last question to be reported during Plenaries, it was always the moment to wait for, as you kept us interested with insights and humour. You supported my leadership as ITU-T SG 12 Chair and all others, which I appreciate forever. Al, you will sourly be missed. Rest Well.

Kwame Baah-Acheamfuor, SG12 Chairman (2013-2022) (Ghana)

Everyone that knew Al knew him as a hard-working, no-nonsense, but good-humored, individual contributor and leader. We all benefited by his presence, both inside and outside of the meeting room. Personally I was very fortunate to have shared many years with Al in the same company division, and working by his side in external forums--especially Study Group 12. But most of all, Al was my friend. I will always cherish my memory of him."  

Charles A. Dvorak, SG12 Chairman (2009-2012) (United States)

Al was a very pleasant and competent expert. I remember his bright smile when we had the  opportunity to meet each other. In addition to his great expertise he was always taking care of all the opinions and contributions from other members of the questions/comittees/Groups…he was chairing. Farewell Al."  

- Jean-Yves Monfort, SG12 Chairman (1997-2008) (France)