Committed to connecting the world

Executive summary of the Study Group 5 meeting (Geneva, 11 – 19 April 2012)

1. Statistics

Participants: 142 (last meeting 138) from 36 (last meeting 31) countries
Contributions: 94 (last meeting: 81)
TDs (not counting the revisions): 204 (last meeting 182)
Incoming liaison statements: 33 (last meeting 26)
Outgoing liaison statements: 20 (last meeting 11)

2. Rapporteurs/ Liaison Rapporteurs/ Other roles

Mr. Kris Carpentier (Technicolor, Belgium) was nominated as a new Associate Rapporteur of Question 4/5.
Mr. Tetsuya Tominaga (NTT Japan) was nominated as the Liaison Rapporteur to IEC SC77C.
Mr. Osamu Namikawa (Hitachi, Japan) was nominated as the Liaison Rapporteur to ECMA.
Mr. Yong-Woon Kim (Korea) was nominated as the Liaison Rapporteur to ISO/IEC JTC1.
Mr. Guy-Michel Kouakou (Côte d’Ivoire) was nominated Mentor as requested by TSAG.

3. Main discussions and results

As this meeting was the last one in the current study period, the main focus was – beside the finalization of several new and revised Recommendations – the preparation of the study Questions to be proposed to WTSA-12 for the next study period. All questions were revised, several questions were merged and a new question was also elaborated.
The summary of the results related to the wording of each question is given in the table below:


Question Number Question title Status
A/5​ Resistibility and safety in telecommunications​ Continuation of Questions 4/5 and 11/5​
B/5​ Lightning protection and earthing of telecommunication systems​ Continuation of Questions 5/5 and 6/5​
C/5​ Interference to telecommunication networks due to power systems and electrified railway systems​ Continuation of Question 9/5​
D/5​ Copper cables, networks and fibre-optic connection hardware for broadband access​ Continuation of Question 10/5​
E/5​ Protective components and assemblies​ Continuation of Question 13/5​
F/5​ EMC issues arising from the convergence of IT and communication equipment​ Continuation of Questions 1/5 and 2/5​
G/5​ Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to radio systems and mobile equipment​ Continuation of Question 3/5​
H/5​ EMC issues in Home Networks​ Continuations of Question 8/5 and 2/5​
I/5​ Generic and product family EMC recommendations for telecommunications equipment​ Continuation of Question 12/5​
J/5​ Security of telecommunication and information systems concerning the electromagnetic environment​ Continuation of Question 15/5​
K/5​ EMC requirements for the Information Society​ Continuation of Question 16/5​
L/5​ Guides and terminology on environment and climate change​ Continuation of Question 14/5​
M/5​ Energy Efficiency for the ICT sector and Harmonization of Environmental Standards​ Continuation of Question 17/5​
N/5​ Methodologies for the assessment of environmental impacts of ICT​ Continuation of Question 18/5​
O/5​ Power feeding systems​ Continuation of Question 19/5​
P/5​ Environmental impact reduction including e-waste​ Continuation of Question 21/5​
R/5​ Setting up a low cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries​ Continuation of Question 22/5​
S/5​ Using ICTs to enable countries to adapt to climate change​ Continuation of Question 23/5​
T/5​ Leveraging and enhancing the ICT Environmental sustainability​ New Question​



3.1 Question 14/5 – Guides and Terminology on environment and climate changes
This Question, under the responsibility of the SG Plenary, maintains the guide on the use of SG5 publications and the terminology used in SG5.
Under this Question the SG Editing Group was established in 2008 and its membership was revised during this meeting.

Coordinator: Mr. Michael Maytum (IEEE)
Mr. Ahmed Zeddam (FT-Orange)
Mr. Phil Pay (Australia)
Mr. Mitsuo Hattori (NTT)
Mr. György Varju (Hungary)
Mr. Dave Faulkner (UK)
Mr. Franz Zichy (USA)
The Rapporteur of this Question drew the attention of all Rapporteurs/Editors to the problem of referencing materials in Recommendations and to the use of the “Author's guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations” at


3.2 Working Party 1/5 – Damage prevention and safety
Under Question 4/5 a new revision of Recommendation K.44 “Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents – Basic Recommendation” was discussed along with the final version of the resistibility guide (Guide on the use of the overvoltage resistibility recommendations). This Guide assists test laboratories in implementing the correct tests for ITU-T K.20, K.21, and K.45 compliance testing. Revised Recommendation K.44 was consented and the Guide was approved.

In Question 5/5 very good progress was made in the finalization of the revision of Recommendations K.46 “Protection of telecommunication lines using metallic symmetric conductors against lightning induced surges” and K.47 “Protection of telecommunication lines against direct lightning flashes". These revised Recommendations received consent. It was also agreed that as soon as Recommendation K.47 was approved, that Recommendation K.25 will be proposed for deletion as its contents are mainly obsolete and the remaining parts are incorporated into the revised K.47. The new draft of Recommendation K.dbs containing the lightning protection requirements for distributed base stations was presented and hopefully it will be ready for consent at the next meeting of SG5.
In Question 11/5 the new Recommendation K.89 (K.injury) “Protection of persons inside a structure using telecommunication services provided by metallic conductors against lightning - Risk management” was presented and received consent. This Recommendation gives the methodology for evaluating the need to protect users of telecommunication equipment in structures and that of building occupants related to the telecommunications installation, based on risk assessment. Also new Recommendation K.90 (K.mag) “Evaluation techniques and working procedures for compliance with limits to power-frequency (DC, 50 Hz, and 60 Hz) electromagnetic field exposure of network operator personnel” was presented and received consent. This Recommendation provides techniques and procedures for determining the need for any precautions at the work site.

In Question 13/5 revised Recommendation K.28 “Parameters of thyristor-based surge protective devices for the protection of telecommunication installations” was presented and received consent. Good progress was achieved in the preparation of new Recommendation K.applspd, which will give guidance on the application of surge protective components.

3.3 Working Party 2/5 – Electromagnetic field: emission, immunity and human exposure
A lot of contributions were submitted for Question 3/5 studying human exposure to electromagnetic fields. Most of them are related to the new draft Recommendation K.91 ( “Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields”. The Recommendation was consented during the closing Plenary.

In Question 8/5 two new Recommendations were prepared and received consent. Recommendation K.92 (K.henv) “Conducted and radiated electromagnetic environment in home networking”, describes the home networking electromagnetic environment, gives the specification of disturbance characteristics and levels, as well as provides guidance on how to evaluate the EM-environment in home networking. Recommendation K.93 (K.im_bb) “Immunity of home network devices to electromagnetic disturbances” gives a new additional immunity test method for broadband services, especially for devices that are sensitive to broadband interferences to ensure normal operation of home networking devices. Good progress was made on draft new Recommendation K.mhn “Techniques to mitigate interference between radio devices and cable or equipment connected to wired broadband networks and TV networks”.

In Question 16/5 new Recommendation K.94 (K.deg) “Mutual-disturbance test method for performance degradation evaluation of converged terminal devices”, which analyses the EMC disturbance between different modules in converged terminal devices and defines a conducted test method was also consented during the closing Plenary.

3.4 Working Party 3/5 – ICT and climate change
Question 17/5 completed new Recommendation L.1310 (L.M&M) “Energy efficiency metrics & measurement for telecom equipment” and submitted it for consent to the Plenary. This Recommendation specifies energy efficiency metrics test procedures, methodologies and measurement profiles required to assess the energy efficiency of telecommunication equipment. Good progress was also made on the draft of L.m&m_infra “Energy efficiency measures Metrics and measurement for telecommunication infrastructure power and cooling systems”.

Question 18/5 progressed several methodology recommendations and new drafts were presented for L.methodology_ICT in cities and L.methodology_projects.

Question 19/5 completed new Recommendation L.1200 (L.specDC) “Specification of DC power feeding system interface”, which specifies the direct current (DC) interface between the power feeding system and ICT equipment connected to it. The Recommendation was consented. Good progress was also made on L.architecture which specifies configurations of DC power feeding systems in consideration of reliability, safety, and management.

In Question 21/5 it was agreed that, considering the difference between powering solutions for ICT equipment for stationary and for portable use, L.adapter phase 2 would be split into two parts, one for fixed CPS and one for portable devices. Considerable work was done on a draft of L.CPS_stationary during the meeting which is planned to be proposed for consent during the WP3 interim meeting in October 2012.

3.5 Home Network Special group
The goal of this special group consisting of many questions from Working parties 1 and 2 was to prepare a new Recommendation on the requirements for lightning protection of Home Network equipment. The new Recommendation K.85 (K.hnwr) was consented during the last meeting and approved by AAP process. As the Home Network Special Group achieved its goal, it was agreed to disband this group and the study question on Home Networks will take responsibility for the upkeep and review of Recommendation K.85. 

4. Results in terms of Recommendations
SG5 consented 4 revised and 8 new Recommendations as shown in the following table, and agreed to propose one Recommendation (K.25) for deletion.


Revised Recommendations

Rec# Title Question(WP)
K.28​ Parameters of thyristor-based surge protective devices for the protection of telecommunication installations​ ​Q13(WP1)
K.44​ Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents – Basic Recommendation​ Q4(WP1)​
K.46​ Protection of telecommunication lines using metallic symmetric conductors against lightning induced surges​ Q5(WP1)​
K.47​ Protection of telecommunication lines against direct lightning flashes​ Q5(WP1)​


New Recommendations

Rec# Acronym Title Question
K.89​ ​K.injury Protection of persons inside a structure using telecommunication services provided by metallic conductors against lightning - Risk management​ Q11(WP1)​
K.90​ K.mag​ Evaluation techniques and working procedures for compliance with limits to power-frequency (DC, 50 Hz, and 60 Hz) electromagnetic field exposure of network operator personnel​ Q11(WP1)​
K.91​​ Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields​ Q3(WP2)​
K.92​ K.henv​ Conducted and radiated electromagnetic environment in home networking​ Q8(WP2)​
K.93​ K.im_bb​ Immunity of home network devices to electromagnetic disturbances​ Q8(WP2)​
K.94​ K.deg​ Mutual-disturbance test method for performance degradation evaluation of converged terminal devices​ Q16(WP2)​
L.1200​ L.specDC​ Specification of DC power feeding system interface​ Q19(WP3)​
L.1310​ L.M&M​ Energy efficiency metrics & measurement for telecom equipment​ Q17(WP3)​


Informative material: Guide on the use of the overvoltage resistibility recommendations

5 Reports of the Regional Groups
Study Group 5 has two active Regional Groups: Regional Group for Africa (RG-AFR) and Regional Group for the Americas and the Caribbean (RG-LAC). The chairmen of both group gave a short overview of their activity. RG-AFR will have its next meeting in July, G-LAC is working mainly by correspondence.

6 Technical session on EMF
A Technical session on EMF – measurements, calculations and monitoring was held on 16 April 2012 during the meeting of Study Group 5.
The Technical session was organized by Fryderyk Lewicki, Rapporteur for Question 3/5.
The agenda of the Technical Session was the following:


Rec# Title Question(WP)
1​ ​Introduction Fryderyk Lewicki, Rapporteur for Question 3/5​
2​ Maintenance & Harmonization of IEC62232, IEC TC106 – MT3 Update​ Mike Wood, Wireless Network Engineering, Telstra Operations, Australia​
3​ Compliance Assessment Standards Update​ Jafar Keshvari, Nokia Corporation​
4​ WattGuard - a high accurate, easy to use software for 3D Calculation of Exposition of Amateur Radio Stations​ Mario Pauli, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany​
5​ Evaluation of Human Exposure Levels around Radio Base Stations in Korea​ Byung Chan Kim, ETRI, Korea (Republic of)​
6​ Power supply lines. Calculation of the electric and magnetic field strength (ITU-T Rec. K.mag)​ Fryderyk Lewicki, Telekomunikacja Polska, Poland​
7​ Summary and discussion​


7 Information and training session on ITU Methodologies
An Information and Training Session on ITU Methodologies for Assessing the Environmental Impact of ICT was held on 12 April 2012 (CET) in parallel with ITU-T Study Group 5.
The main purpose of this Information and Training Session was to provide an overview of:

Recommendation ITU-T L.1400 (“Overview and general principles of methodologies for assessing the environmental impact of ICT”);
Recommendation ITU-T L.1410 (“Methodology for environmental impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) goods, networks and services”);
Recommendation ITU-T L.1420 (“Methodology for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions impact assessment of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in organizations”).

The programme and presentations can be found at: 

8 Next meetings
The first meeting of SG5 in the new study period will be held in Geneva probably from 29 January to 7 February 2013.
Interim meetings are not planned for Questions of WP1/5 and WP2/5.
Working Party 3/5 plan to hold an interim meeting in October 2012 in order to complete the remaining work for the study period and to consent new recommendations.
Several of the WP3 Questions will also organize e-meeting to accelerate their work.