Committed to connecting the world

Meeting results concerning Recommendations

Actions taken on Recommendations at 16 April 2010 Meeting of Study Group 5
(Buenos Aires, 12-16 April 2010)

1. Recommendations consented for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation A.8)

1.1 Revised Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. No. Title Question
L.19 Multi-pair copper network cable supporting shared multiple services such as POTS, ISDN and xDSL 10/5
K.12 Characteristics of gas discharge tubes for the protection of telecommunications installations 13/5

1.2 New Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. No. Provisional number Title Question
K.82 K.ocp Characteristics and ratings of solid-state, self restoring overcurrent protectors for the protection of telecommunications installations 13/5