Committed to connecting the world

Meeting results concerning Recommendations

Actions taken on Recommendations at 19 April 2012 Meeting of Study Group 5
(Geneva, 11-19 April 2012)

1. Recommendations consented for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation A.8)

1.1 Revised Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. No. Title Question
K.28 Parameters of thyristor-based surge protective devices for the protection of telecommunication installations Q13 (WP1/5)
K.44​ Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents – Basic Recommendation Q4 (WP1/5)​
K.46​ Protection of telecommunication lines using metallic symmetric conductors against lightning induced surges Q5 (WP1/5)​
K.47​ Protection of telecommunication lines against direct lightning flashes​ Q5 (WP1/5)​

1.2 New Recommendations

ITU-T Rec. No. Provisional number Title Question
K.89 K.injury Protection of persons inside a structure using telecommunication services provided by metallic conductors against lightning - Risk management Q11 (WP1/5)
K.90 K.mag Evaluation techniques and working procedures for compliance with limits to power-frequency (DC, 50 Hz, and 60 Hz) electromagnetic field exposure of network operator personnel Q11 (WP1/5)
K.91 Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields Q3 (WP2/5)
K.92 K.henv Conducted and radiated electromagnetic environment in home networking Q8 (WP2/5)
K.93 K.im_bb Immunity of home network devices to electromagnetic disturbances Q8 (WP2/5)
K.deg Mutual-disturbance test method for performance degradation evaluation of converged terminal devices Q16 (WP2/5)
L.1200 L.specDC Specification of DC power feeding system interface Q19 (WP3/5)
L.1310 L.M&M Energy efficiency metrics & measurement for telecom equipment Q17 (WP3/5)

2. Agreed informative texts

Title Question
Handbook Guide on the use of the overvoltage resistibility recommendations Q4 (WP1/5)