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Scheduled Rapporteur Meetings for SG 12 Questions (February 2011 – October 2011)

Some meeting dates and venues were not finalized at the time of the Study Group 12 meeting, and they will be confirmed at a later stage. The meetings noted as "planned" were pre-approved by SG 12 and will be confirmed once sufficient number of participants and contributions is ensured.

Question Date Place Host Objectives Remarks
5/12​ 5 July 2011​ Conf. call​ To progress with the development of new Recommendation P.TBN “Artificial noise-fields in laboratory conditions”​ Confirmed​
5/12​ 15 September 2011​ Helsinki, Finland​ Nokia​ To prepare updated draft of new Recommendation P.TBN “Artificial noise-fields in laboratory conditions”​ Confirmed​
6/12​ 13-14 September 2011​ Helsinki, Finland​ Nokia​ To prepare revised versions of Recs. P.501 and P.502 based on input documents on the use of the new test signals expected at this meeting​ Confirmed
7/12​ 15-16 March 2011 ​ Geneva, ITU Headquarters (T103)​ ITU​
  • review the results of Tests for G.711.1-SWB/G.722-SWB Characterisation Phase II (from music and mixed content mono case, mono noisy reverberant speech case).
  • review the progress on P.MULTI, P.ASPD,
  • any other issues for which input contributions will be provided.​
7/12​ 20-22 June 2011​ Geneva, ITU Headquarters (G1)​ ITU​
  • review the results of Tests for G.711.1-SWB / G.722-SWB Layered stereo; this will require to anticipate the end of testing and delivery of raw data by 10 June 2011, instead of 17 June 2011 as proposed by Q10/16
  • (eventually) review the results of Tests for G.720.1 used with G.729.1
  • review the progress on P.MULTI and P.ASPD,
  • any other issues for which input contributions will be provided.
9/12​ 20-22 June 2011​ Geneva, ITU Headquarters (G3)​ ITU​
  • P.863 ‘POLQA’ characterization phase
  • Results obtained so far for P.863
  • Detection of uncovered areas and scheduling corresponding tasks
  • P.ONRA Requirement specification
  • P.AMD subjective test method (in conjunction with Q7/12)​
14/12 (in conjunction with Q17)​ 27-29 September 2011 Berlin, Germany​ DT​

To progress on

  • P.NAMS (Non-intrusive parametric model for the assessment of performance of multimedia streaming)
  • P.NBAMS (Non-intrusive bit-stream model for the assessment of performance of multimedia streaming)​
17/12 (in conjunction with Q14)​ 27-29 September 2011 Berlin, Germany DT​ To progress with all remaining work items in the Work programme​ Confirmed

All planned meetings will only take place if justified by a sufficient number of input documents.